Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Seven Early Signs of Pregnancy - Home And Family Blog

For most women, waiting until their period is late to take a pregnancy test feels like an eternity.? Since doctors recommended testing after you?re a few days late, finding out if you?re pregnant can take almost three weeks.? Every woman is different, and some may experience pregnancy signs before others.? While the earliest symptom of pregnancy is often a missed period, there several early signs of pregnancy that a woman may notice before her period is even late.


One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is fatigue, and women may begin to experience fatigue as soon as a week after conception.? It takes extra hormones and a lot of extra energy to grow a baby.? If you find your eyelids are closing well before your normal bedtime, you may very well be pregnant.? Fatigue will continue through your first trimester, and usually begins to subside in the second.

Frequent Urination

When you become pregnant, your body produces more fluids, making your bladder extremely active.? Women in the first trimester usually find themselves up several times a night using the bathroom.? Unfortunately frequent urination will only continue as your pregnancy progresses.? As your baby grows, your bladder will have less room.? A smaller bladder translates to many trips to the bathroom over the next nine months.


While nausea is most common when a woman is at least six weeks pregnant, some women may notice their stomach is queasy even sooner.? Morning sickness can strike any time of day, and will most likely last until your second trimester.? To keep your stomach under control, try carrying crackers in your purse and sipping gingerale when your stomach begins to feel upset.

Swollen and Tender Breasts

As early as one or two weeks post conception a woman may notice her breasts are sore.? She may also notice darkened areolas as well as more pronounced veins in her chest.? Although sore and tender breasts are a symptom of pregnancy, they?re also common when a woman is premenstrual.? As a result, breast tenderness can be misleading for many women hoping to become pregnant.


When a woman becomes pregnant, her ligaments loosen to prepare her body for a growing baby.? If you?re feeling a little sore in your lower back, you may be pregnant.? Backaches are very common during pregnancy, especially as you continue into your second and third trimester.? As your baby grows, your back will ache from carrying around the extra weight in front.


About six to twelve days after a woman becomes pregnant, the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall.? This implantation can cause slight cramping and light bleeding called implantation bleeding.? If a woman notices spotting a few days before her period is due, it may be a sign she is in fact pregnant.

Unusual Food Cravings

While it may not be the pickles and ice cream cravings that are typical of pregnant women, some women find they have strange cravings early on in pregnancy.? Along with cravings may come aversions to certain foods.? Women experience extreme changes in their hormones during pregnancy, which contribute to changes in taste and smell.? If you find yourself sick at the thought of your usual favorite meal, you may be eating for two.

Trying for a baby is exciting, and the road is filled with ups and downs.? You may be positive this is the month, only to get your period days later.? Or you may see the positive pregnancy test, and suddenly feel overwhelmed with fear about becoming a parent.? Whether you become pregnant this month, next month or next year, remember to stay patient.? If you are still having trouble after six months, make an appointment to see your doctor.


About the Author

Rick and Annie help parents navigate through the sometimes frustrating and confusing process of buying a stroller through their expertise and detailed reviews. Read their Britax B Ready reviews. They blog daily at http://babystrollerconsultant.com.

Source: http://www.onlineshoppingindex.org/home-and-family-blog/seven-early-signs-of-pregnancy/

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