Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rush Limbaugh: Female-heavy lineup at DNC proves Democrats ?party of death and taxes? [AUDIO]

Rush Limbaugh noted during his Thursday broadcast that the Democratic Party has planned?an agenda filled?with female speakers for its upcoming national convention, and explained?that it appears the party will turn the event into ?a celebration of abortion? and contraception.

The Democrats? move comes in the wake of embattled Missouri Republican Rep. Todd Akin?s ill-advised remarks about abortion and ?legitimate rape.? (RELATED: Akin and McCaskill in dead heat amid ?legitimate rape? outrage)

?The Democrats are actually going to turn their convention into a celebration of abortion,? Limbaugh said. ?They think that they?re on to something so powerful and so big here. They think the social issues are death for the Republicans and they think that this is a godsend.?

?And it?s going to be woman after woman after woman, and it?s going to be, ?Abortion, abortion, abortion! Contraception, contraception, contracep ? !? It is going to be the Democrat Party?s 30-year-old playbook every night at their convention.? (RELATED:?RNC chairman dismisses Sandra Fluke?s impact on Obama campaign trail)

And in a play on the saying ?nothing is certain but death and taxes,? Limbaugh called this theme out of the Democrats proof that they have become ?the party of death and taxes,? since the party has also been aggressively pursuing 10 years of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?s tax returns.

?So this, as far as I?m concerned ? if they follow through with this ? will officially make them the party of death and taxes. I mean, they?re trotting every woman they can find out,? Limbaugh continued. ?And then Barbara Boxer, saying that Todd Akin is just a symptom of the disease that is the Republican Party ? that his comments are typical of a mind-set that pervades and perverts the entire Republican Party? We?ll see. But if you wanted proof that they are the party of death and taxes, this is it: They?re turn[ing] their whole convention over to this. Should be interesting.?

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