Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Would You Make A Commitment Without A Commitment?


The market is flooded with affordable homes for real cheap. I?m beginning to notice a serious trend. Couples going half on a house. Two people who may have been dating for a while decide to chuck their one bedroom apartment and purchase a home. I don?t knock anyone that wants to be on the road to home ownership, but do you think it?s wise to buy a home with someone you?re just dating exclusively? Folks are taking the whole ?let?s move in together? thing to a whole other level. Do you think it?s wise to make such a huge investment with someone you?re not formally committed?

Let me set the record straight before I have angry mobs emailing me telling me ?You think you know everything? type shit. No! I understand people who aren?t married that decide to buy a house because they actually have a family. That?s fine because the kids need a stable roof over their heads. I get that and understand that. I?m talking about the two people who been dating a year or so, like kicking it with each other and see buying a home together as a good idea. I just think something like that is too major of a commitment for two people that are just dating?especially for a year. What if the relationship ends. You can?t just break away and move about your business. The major issue will be the house. Two people invested in the house and they will both think they?re entitled. So who will leave? One may want to sell and the other doesn?t. These are the types of things you have to think of when going into a major commitment like that. Relationships don?t always last forever. I?m not saying they can?t but I?m a realist and shit happens, just like in a marriage. The only difference is in a marriage that?s about to end you have the middle man *lawyers and judges* that handle your divorce and can easily help you mediate who gets what. In a random relationship, you don?t have a soul?you gotta figure that shit out on your own.

I?m just saying you have to think of the what if?s when it comes to certain things. I will not never buy a house with a man I?m not totally committed. I mean we can say we committed, but I some shit on paper in case shit happens. I am very?how you say in America?.CHEAP. I ain?t going into nothing banking on nobody. The next thing I know I buy a house with a dude, he leaves and I can?t afford the mortgage or something. A bitch will be kicking herself for being so damn stupid. If you do decide to go half on a home with your man make sure that you can afford to live there on your own in case that kneegrow don?t act right and you gotta go your?separate?ways. It?s a sad thing when you buy your dream home and have to give it up because you didn?t think logically about the purchase.


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Source: http://candydiaries.com/would-you-make-a-commitment-without-a-commitment/

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