Saturday, July 7, 2012

67 sharia finance institutions in your backyard ? Money Jihad

The Gentile: "So much death and so little peace in Islam"

Zodiac harbors doubts...

The Gentile on our Abu Bakr post

Zodiac hasn't heard such stories about Muhammad's companions before

Yet another (about 50 so far) comment requesting zakat on an old post of ours...

Vic Bablove on the great withholding Holder

MJ & Puneet have some questions for Professor Choudhury, if he'd come back to answer...

Prof. Masudul Alam Choudhury defends IBBL

A new Reconquista, the status of Christian Serbs, and Islam as the antithesis of economic opportunity, 1389

Shimky on blacklisting

Jan says the U.S. is the real state sponsor of terrorism

Puneet on Koran giveaways in Germany

Mitchel Kooger on Michigan State

The red/green/green plan to keep us energy dependent, 1389

Act for Australia on the halal tax

Abu Zib on the poster Puneet saw

dajjal and Loral Orow express concerns about halal taxes

Sharmila Banu requests a loan

Betty Smith on Bermuda

Royal Embassy to visit with reader Susan about her information on Saudi-South Africa drug smuggling

Susan wants to alert somebody about a drug smuggling case from South Africa to Saudi Arabia

Update on the Muslim Brotherhood from Bubba Smith

Mohamed supports an Islamic-Canadian charity with historic ties to Hamas, and expects a tax refund from Allah for the support...

Joachim Saal unsurprised by LCB scandal

The return of Jafar

Puneet responds to zargham's claim that "The 'ills' you associated with Muhammad can easily be associated with any religious figure"

zargham returns

MJ: Rewards for Justice update

Puneet responds to zargham with the bigger picture

zargham claims Islamic law has no diyya system

JeffGoneViral reblogs Iraq jizya

ER on the Long Island hawala wrist slap

No receipt, no problem, say Germany's Turkish Muslims

mercadee on ijara contracts

More on cassettes

Puneet confirms jihadi cassettes in India, Germany too

Puneet & the Black Eyed Peas

Puneet: It doesn't seem like the vast majority are "moderate"...

Cynthia weighs in on halal profits for the Muslim Brotherhood

Anony disagrees with the political philosophy of the Enlightenment

Anony returns, insinuates that the Rothschilds caused world poverty

Sani Jadoon: I love the ISI

ER notes that Imran Hosein has "gotten worse"

MJ: Comparing delistings

Muslims commanded to see no evil (among each other)---Puneeet

anony inaccurately suggests that Islam has nothing to do with diyya

anony defends Imran Hosein's anti-Semitism

Puneet on Turkey's WWII labor camps

Pings by Prayer and Action and Democracy Project

Sharia Awareness Action Network links to Islamic economic toilet post

Puneet on Islamic economy

The Counter Jihad Report links to IRW's growth post

Immoderate Islamic charity

Puneet: "Great find"

"qurban," asad khan's latest sock puppet, just can't let it go

Puneet to asad khan

"dawood" sounds just like "asad khan"

"asad khan" defends Taliban financiers

Glen offers piracy/hawala link

Puneet on British money to South Asia

Hannatu wants her Islamic conversion zakat bribe money

Note to Sadie from Sean

Puneet: A generation that paid for its demise

Excellent article, shocking numbers, says DGC editor

Isgaak says something should be done about hajj prices

My, what language! Stevieb says, "Fuck off you zionist traitor"

Sadie weighs in

The U.S. may fund Israel, but it also funds Egypt, Sean

Sean had to pay Libya's jihad tax!

Islam values the People of the Book at 25% a life, Hindus get 12.5%, and others get zip, zilch, 0%, says Puneet

Yea! Puneet: Congratulations and "i am back"

Thanks for the nod, SFW

Act for America pings

Editor, DGC Magazine: IRS can't fix hawala

Ping from SFW

Something in Arabic requesting zakat for prisoners?

The Hair Gospel laments zakat use

tasnia azmeri wants to send zakat

Shariah Finance Watch/Terror Trends points out Imran Hosein's background

"I want to be die for my Islam because i hate all Qafir,i will do anything for my islam," says M.D. Wajidul Haque

ihatemoneylaundering: shall we broaden the definition of PEP?

Why does India even allow IRW to operate within its borders?

Chowdhury's "Prayer for Monetary help in the name of Allah"

Puneet on Hyderabad call girls, Arab johns, and the origins of orphans

Bravo, says AD

ar Rahman: Muslims endorsing jizya should feel ashamed

ar Rahman describes bogus lure of conversion to Islam

Puneet: If U.N. won't define terror...

Note to Joe

Joe says Hamas isn't a terror group

Able-bodied 35-year-old Rahman asks me for $4,000

ihatemoneylaundering points out the profiling component of AML in the U.K.

Balkhi Memorial Foundation solicits sadaqa

Jafar implies that Hashim is the apostle, dismisses evidence that khums funds Hezbollah, and calls tax chart inaccurate without actually reviewing the full chart.

Suraiya Shaik Ali thinks we should analyze Christian charities and claims that Islamic taxes are all forms of "charity". Yeah, how about that great jizya "charity"?

Puneet sheds light on Pranab

Diatribe from Abdullahi

imran wants to bribe infidels to accept Islam

Khurshid asks for money again

Send zakat to my mobile bank number, Khurshid

Masood wants money this Ramadan

-"I have a large poor family." Like that's my fault.

...and by Creeping!

So nice to be pinged (by SFW)

Hass attributes U.S. sanctions against Iran to Israel

Puneet suggests asking Ugandan charity for bank account number

Muslim woman with "monopause" gets swindled, asks Money Jihad for zakat bailout


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