Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chevy airs Super Bowl ad that Ford wanted pulled (Reuters)

NEW YORK, Feb 5 (TheWrap.com) ? Chevy aired a Super Bowl ad suggesting that its Silverado would survive the Mayan apocalypse and Ford trucks wouldn't -- despite Ford calling for the ad to be pulled.

So far, the world hasn't ended.

Jalopnik reported Sunday that Ford asked Chevy and NBC not to air the ad, in which one Silverado driving survivor asks another what happened to their mutual friend Dave.

"Dave didn't drive the longest-lasting, most dependable truck on the road," he's told. "Dave drove a Ford."

In a letter demanding that the ad be pulled, Ford said the ad made "false and misleading claims regarding the comparative safety and durability of the Silverado" and "unfairly denigrates Ford's pickup trucks."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/enindustry/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120206/media_nm/us_superbowl_chevy

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