Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Independent selection panel to oversee Racing Board Appointments ...

A three person independent panel will oversee the selection of new harness, greyhound and thoroughbred racing boards for Queensland, as the Newman Government continues to deliver upon its election commitment to rejuvenate the racing industry.

Racing Minister Steve Dickson said he was pleased to announce the appointment of former Governor Major General Peter Arnison, AC CVO, former Queensland Supreme Court Judge the Honourable William Carter QC and former Queensland Police Commissioner Jim O?Sullivan AC to conduct the board recruitment process.

?These three men of impeccable standing will take on the vitally important role of selecting those who will lead the Queensland racing into a bright new future,? Mr Dickson said.

?Their recommendations will give Queensland?s 30,000 strong racing industry a leadership team with the experience to take the racing industry forward after years of mismanagement and underperformance.?

Mr Dickson said previously, the appointment of Directors to the Board of Racing Queensland was shrouded in mystery and open to claims of cronyism and jobs for the boys.

?In stark contrast to the past, we have designed a board appointment process that is both transparent and at arm?s length from government,? he said.

Mr Dickson said the three code-specific Boards would comprise three persons each, with their chairs to also sit on the Queensland All Codes Racing Industry Board (QACRIB) alongside two additional members.

?This structure ensures that QACRIB, the body tasked with dealing with industry wide issues, will derive and retain its legitimacy and authority by virtue of the fact that it is truly representative of the sector itself,? he said.

Mr Dickson said the nomination process for positions in the new structure had seen people representing all three codes from across the state apply. Initial shortlisting is currently being undertaken by an independent executive recruitment firm.

Applicants were required to show they have skills and experience in: business or financial management; law; leadership; marketing; or the thoroughbred, harness or greyhound racing industry (as relevant).

In addition, nominees were also required to demonstrate support from industry participants.

The selection panel will make its final recommendations to the Minister, with the new structure to be in place by 31 March 2013.

Minister for National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing
The Honourable Steven Dickson
12 January 2013

Permanent Link: Independent selection panel to oversee Racing Board Appointments
Publish Date: 14 Jan 13

Queensland Government, Office of Racing :
Level 4, 33 Charlotte Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, Queensland Wide
Phone: 07 3234 1400
Fax: 07 3234 1411

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Source: http://www.mysunshinecoast.com.au/articles/article-display/independent-selection-panel-to-oversee-racing-board-appointments,28342

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