Monday, January 28, 2013

Design Work Life ? Course Horse Featured Classes: Public Speaking


Whether it comes from a?place of fear or self-doubt, or sim?ply not know?ing how to craft an engag?ing pre?sen?ta?tion, pub?lic speak?ing is a?def?i?nitely a?com?mon chal?lenge. Luckily there?s quite a?few courses out there that can help you hone your skills to get over that?hump:

  • Refining Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills:?Figure out how to be your best when the pressure?s on. The abil?ity to con?nect with oth?ers in an authen?tic way is the key to being a?great speaker???and it car?ries over into the suc?cess of your busi?ness and per?sonal life.?More info.
  • Storytelling Skills: Wow Your Crowd:?The best way to make a?point or inspire action in the work?place is by telling a?com?pelling story. This class is not a?gen?eral overview about why sto?ry?telling in the work?place is impor?tant or how famous busi?nesses have used sto?ry?telling in the past. This is a?nuts and bolts, point-by-point instruc?tional on how you can go about craft?ing and deliv?er?ing sto?ries that will move your lis?ten?ers.?More info.
  • Public Speaking Workshop with Video Feedback:?This three-hour work?shop is lim?ited to 8?atten?dees who will get live expert coach?ing as well as video record?ing and play?back to get clar?ity on exactly where they can strengthen their pre?sen?ta?tion skills. You will leave this work?shop hav?ing had the phys?i?cal expe?ri?ence of being in front of a?group, watch?ing your?self on video and gain valu?able insight into how you can be a?more pow?er?ful com?mu?ni?ca?tor.?More info.
  • Overcome Your Public Speaking Fear:?This class is designed to con?quer your fear in pub?lic speak?ing through an exten?sive step by step activ?i?ties cov?er?ing spe?cific sit?u?a?tions such as for?mal pre?sen?ta?tion, group dis?cus?sion, and busi?ness meet?ing.?More info.


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