Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mickey Mouse Is Watching You

Could Disney's "MagicBands" violate visitors' privacy? Could Disney's "MagicBands" violate visitors' privacy?

Photo by Kent Phillips/Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World Resort.

Imagine you?re a 4-year-old girl. You?re strolling through Disney World when Cinderella?whom you have worshiped from afar for most of your young life?sashays up to you, greets you by name, and wishes you a happy birthday.

If this happened to me when I was a preschooler, it?s possible that I would have literally peed my pants with delight.

Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., however, isn?t nearly as tickled by the prospect of ladies in blonde wigs and sparkly blue dresses knowing little girls? names. The co-chairman of the Bipartisan Congressional Privacy Caucus got his boxers in a bunch last week after reading a New York Times story outlining this nightmare birthday scenario and other personalized services soon to be made possible, thanks to technology. Disney is poised to introduce RFID-enabled wristbands that will collect data about visitors? activities while allowing park and hotel access, offering access to rides without waiting in line, and making souvenir purchases easier.

Markey dashed off a letter to Disney CEO Bob Iger, declaring, ?Although kids should have the chance to meet Mickey Mouse, this memorable meeting should not be manipulated through surreptitious use of a child?s personal information.?

The gentleman from Massachusetts is part of an ever-growing chorus of worrywarts in positions of power who have trouble distinguishing between real invasions of Americans? constitutionally protected right to privacy and consensual data collection by service providers.

U.S. law enforcement agencies made 1.5 million requests for user data from cellphone companies in 2011, virtually always without giving customers any notification before or after the fact. Secret courts authorize wiretaps in intelligence investigations without any real congressional oversight or transparency. Thwarting any of these actions at any level is cause for arrest, fines, and imprisonment.

Those are invasions of privacy. And to his credit, Markey has objected to such practices as well. But here?s the problem: He uses the same language to complain about secret wiretaps and Disney?s RFID wristbands.

Markey?s rhetoric implies that people who buy airline tickets to fly their families to Orlando, shell out for princess-themed hotel rooms, fork over large sums to gain access to an autonomous private domain surveilled from stem to stern by closed circuit cameras, and drop more cash on mouse ears and other assorted gougeables using easily traceable credit cards should not have their encounter within a grown man in a mouse suit sullied by marketers with access to customer data. This situation, he suggests, would be equivalent to those same people being under secret police surveillance in their own homes.

Wrong. Here?s the difference: Every single one of the transactions with Disney described above is voluntary. It would indeed be worthy of congressional inquiry if Disney marketers were running around the country shoveling entire families onto airplanes at gunpoint or threatening them with imprisonment for refusing to disclose their preference for It?s a Small World After All over the Hall of Presidents.

But Markey is worried about the children: ?Do you plan to target advertisements at kids 12 and under?? he demands in his public letter to Disney. ?Does you company plan to market, sell, or otherwise disclose personal information or profiled about its guests to other companies?? he wonders. And ?[i]f a guest chooses not to use MagicBand, what disadvantages, if any, will that guest experience while visiting a Disney park (i.e. longer wait times for attractions, etc.)?


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Drug abuse: Emerging trends and exaggerations

By Rob Curran

News reports from around the globe have recently included both well known and emerging drugs for abuse, and unusual methods to absorb them. Some are implicated in so-called "zombie attacks." EMS responders must be aware of current trends in drug use and abuse so they can provide the best possible care.????

Bath salts
"Bath salts" are synthetic powders sold online and in drug paraphernalia stores under a variety of names, such as "Ivory Wave," "Purple Wave," "Red Dove," "Blue Silk," and? "Zoom."

These products often contain various amphetamine-like chemicals, typically administered orally, by inhalation, or by injection, with the worst outcomes apparently associated with snorting or intravenous administration. They can cause chest pains, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, agitation, hallucinations, extreme paranoia, and suicidal ideation.

These drugs are made in a lab with constantly changing chemicals, with effects similar to combining the intake of amphetamine and cocaine which may last for days. While these substances have gained media notoriety by their supposed implication in bizarre crimes, often no such link exists.

Alcoholism is a significant health problem, especially for the younger population. According to the National Institute for Alcoholism and Alcohol, 5,000 people under age 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings, and more than 190,000 people under age 21 visited an emergency room for alcohol-related injuries in 2008 alone.1

Teens and those into their twenties are more prone to both binge drinking as well as "gimmick" drinking. One of these gimmicks popularized on YouTube is "vodka eyeballing."

In this activity, participants literally close their eyes around a bottle of vodka or a shot glass of vodka and try to "drink" the shot through their eyes. While some alcohol can be absorbed through the cells of the eye, the American Academy of Ophthalmology has warned, "eyeballing" can kill endothelial cells in deeper layers of the cornea. While seen on videos on the Internet and picked up as "news" by papers and websites, the American College of Emergency Physicians reports no evidence of this practice.2

Yet another reported gimmick is alcohol tamponing.? Reportedly, people soak tampons in high-alcohol content spirits and then insert them either into the vagina or rectum. Physiologically, alcohol would easily pass through the vaginal and anal tissues, but would also cause burning pain and potentially damage these delicate tissues. There are no case reports of this occurring, but online news outlets have repeated this as a fad. Both The American College of Emergency Medicine and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecology report no information on this issue.3

Alcohol Without Liquid (AWOL)

AWOL is a process introduced first in Asia and Europe that allows people to take in liquor without actually consuming liquid. The machine is basically a nebulizer, similar to those used to administer albuterol. Possession of an AWOL device is illegal in many states. Vaporized alcohol theoretically enters the bloodstream faster and can have faster effects than traditional counterparts as it has not passed through the liver for primary detoxification. The vaporizers and the practice of vaporizing alcohol have been banned in many states and in sites throughout the world.4

Synthetic marijuana

While marijuana is steadily popular, and illegal, New York State recently took emergency action against "Mr. Nice Guy" ,"K2," "Spice", "Skunk" and "Zohai". The New York State Health Department banned the sale of synthetic marijuana products like those in March 2012.

These products contain dried, shredded plant material and presumably, chemical additives that are responsible for their psychoactive (mind-altering) effects commonly marketed as use for incense, but bought for their marijuana-like effect. Marketing labels often make unverified claims that Spice products contain up to 3.0 grams of a natural psychoactive material taken from a variety of plants.

While Spice products do contain dried plant material, chemical analyses of seized spice mixtures have revealed the presence of synthetic (or designer) cannabinoid compounds. These bind to the same cannabinoid receptors in the body as THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the primary psychoactive component of marijuana.

Evidence supports that these drugs bind to similar receptors as MDMA (Ecstasy) and dopamine. This year's Monitoring the Future survey captured the use of Spice among high school seniors for the first time. According to the results, almost 1 in 9 or 11.4% of high school seniors reported using "Spice" in the past year.5,6

Prescription drugs

Prescription drug abuse in the fastest growing drug problem in the United States. In 2008, more than 36,000 people died from drug overdoses, and most of these deaths were caused by prescription drugs.

Among the legal drugs, the most common drug categories involved were drugs acting on the central nervous system, especially opioid painkillers, and psychotherapeutic drugs, especially sedatives and antidepressants. Almost all prescription drugs involved in overdoses come from prescriptions originally; very few come from pharmacy theft.

Among the most popular drugs of abuse, fueling crime in many areas, are the ultrapotent opiods with names like percs (for Percodan, Percocet); juice (for Dilaudid); oxy, OC, hillbilly heroin (for OxyContin). In addition, Xanax sticks or bars remain abused.7

One in 5 U.S. high school students say they have taken a prescription drug without a doctor's prescription, according to the 2009 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The survey asked if they'd ever taken a prescription drug such as OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, Adderall, Ritalin, or Xanax, without a doctor's prescription.

Prescription drug abuse was most common among 12th grade students (26 percent) and lowest among 9th grade students (15 percent).8,9


As long as humans act upon the nature of taking risks, abusing the use of medications and recreational drugs will continue. This means that EMS providers will have to assess for, and manage the effects of such misuse. Knowing about the current trends will maintain our readiness to respond.


  1. "Alcohol Use and Health." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 28 Oct. 2011. Web. Retrieved Sept. 27, 2012, from? <>.
  2. Statement from the American Academy of Ophthalmology regarding "Vodka Eyeballing". American Academy of Ophthamology, 1 June 2010. Web. Retrieved Sept. 27, 2012 from <>.?Office of Communications, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
  3. "Vodka Tamponing." Message to the author. 6 May 2012. E-mail.
  4. "Machines which dispense shots of oxygen and alcohol have been immobilised." Spain Review. 27 Aug. 2011. Web. Retrieved Sept. 27, 2012, from < index.php/2011/08/27/machines-which-dispense-shots-of-oxygen-and-alcohol-have-been-immobilised/>.
  5. Mogul, Fred. "NY Makes 'Synthetic Marijuana' Illegal." WNYC News. New York Public Radio, 29 Mar. 2012. Web. Retrieved Sept. 27, 2012 from < wnyc-news/2012/mar/29/ny-bans-sale-synthetic-marijuana/>.
  6. "What is the 'Spice' Phenomenon?" Vol. 5.1. Pittsford Alliance for Substance Free Youth Summer 2011: 1-4. Retrieved Sept. 27, 2012 from < Summer2011.pdf>.
  7. Policy Impact: Prescription Painkiller Overdoses. Rept. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nov. 2011. Web. Retrieved Sept. 27, 2012 from < andRecreationalSafety/pdf/PolicyImpact-PrescriptionPainkillerOD.pdf>.
  8. "CDC Newsroom Press Release." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 June 2010. Web. Retrieved Sept. 27, 2012 from < 603.htm>.
  9. "Monitoring the Future Survey, Overview of Findings 2011." National Institute on Drug Abuse, n.d. Web. Retrieved Sept. 27, 2012 from <>.




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Microsoft retools Office for touch screen, Web use

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? Microsoft's retooled version of its Office software is hitting the market as the company tries to extend one of its key franchises beyond personal computers.

Tuesday's debut comes six months after Microsoft previewed the new-look Office, which includes popular word processing, spreadsheets and email programs.

The revamped Office boasts touch controls, just like the redesigned version of the Windows operating system that Microsoft Corp. released three months ago. The company, which is based in Redmond, Wash., is trying to ensure that its products retain their appeal at a time when people increasingly rely on smartphones and tablet computers instead of PCs.

Yet Microsoft still isn't trying to get Office on the largest number of devices possible. Office 2013 doesn't include an option that works on Apple Inc.'s iPhone and iPad or smartphones and tablets running the Android software made by Google Inc. That leaves out the majority of smartphones and tablets sold in the past two years.

The company believes Office 2013 is currently best suited for Windows devices, said Chris Schneider, Microsoft's senior public relations manager for Office. Microsoft is trying to become a bigger player in the mobile market with its own operating system for smartphones and tablets.

Office 2013 is the first overhaul of the software suite in three years.

The bundle of programs has become a staple on desktop and laptop computers, providing a rich vein of revenue for Microsoft.

The company has reaped most of its Office sales from licenses allowing buyers to install the suite of programs on individual machines, a very lucrative strategy. The Microsoft division anchored by Office generates about $24 billion in annual sales, accounting for nearly one-third of Microsoft's total revenue.

Revenue in the Office division fell from the previous year during the three months ending in December, partly because many prospective buyers have been awaiting the latest version.

In one of the biggest changes, Microsoft has tailored Office 2013 so it can be peddled primarily as a program that's used over Internet connections. All information is automatically stored in Microsoft's data centers, allowing for access to the same material on multiple devices. The content also can be stored on the hard drives of devices.

Microsoft is offering Office 2013 in a $100 annual subscription package, called 365 Home Premium, which includes online access on up to five Windows devices or Mac computers. The fee also provides 20 additional gigabytes of storage on Microsoft's SkyDrive to supplement the 7 gigabytes that the company gives away to accountholders for free. Subscribers also will get 60 minutes of free international calls on Microsoft's Skype service for Internet phone calls and video chats.

College students and teachers will be able to buy Office 2013's online product for $80 for four years, which works out to about $1.67 per month.

The online push reflects Microsoft's recognition that people want access to documents and email on whatever Internet-connected device they might have, wherever they may be, whether it's at work, home or a store while running errands.

"The technology needs to be able to move with you," Schneider said.

It's the first time that Microsoft has tried to persuade consumers that a recurring online subscription is the best way to buy and use Office. Microsoft had previously sold online Office subscriptions primarily to small businesses.

Office will still be sold under a one-time licensing fee that allows the software to be installed on a single machine. The fees start at $140.

Microsoft's decision to reshape Office into an online service makes sense, although it may take customers a while to sign up for the subscriptions, said Edward Jones analyst Josh Olson. He suspects major companies that rely on Office probably will be among the last users to make the switch.

"This is a good innovation, but the uptake may be slow to begin because it is so different," Olson said.


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My Joy-Filled Life: Talking to your kids about death, dying, and heaven

"I don't want to die!"

"I don't want to get old!"

These words were recently spoken by my 4-year-old daughter at bedtime.? She was quite upset and had tears welling up in her innocent, big, brown eyes.? Of course I just wanted to scoop her up in my arms and tell her not to worry and tell her that she will never die.? But I would be lying.? I had to address her concerns and not send her to bed full of worry and fear.

Be honest with your children when discussing this topic.? Point your children to the Bible and read scriptures with them that speak the Truth about death, dying, and heaven.? You know your child best; their age and maturity level will help you decide how in depth to go and how detailed to get on the matter.? Of course we will never truly know what death or heaven are like until we experience it; we can only imagine and dream of what it must be like according to God's Word.? So rely on His word and ask Him to guide yours as you face these kinds of questions and statements from your children.

Points to discuss about death and dying -

  • Eventually everyone will die.? This is God's plan for everyone right now.? We all will die because of sin.? When God made Adam and Eve, His plan wasn't for them to die or grow old.? But they disobeyed God and sin entered the world.? With sin, came death.? We are all born sinners, and we all will die.? Some people will die when they are old and their bodies get weak and wear out.? But others can die young from accidents or illnesses.? But if we trust in Christ and ask God to forgive our sins, we will live forever in heaven.?
  • Your body is not the real you.? Your body is a place for your soul here on earth.? Your soul is who you are.? Your earthly body is imperfect and will eventually die.? In heaven, you will be given a new body, a spiritual body that will last forever.?
  • It's okay to be afraid of dying; it's an unknown, and it's final.? But everyone that surrenders their lives to Jesus, lives for Him, trusts in Him, and asks Him to forgive their sins will live eternally in heaven.
  • It's okay to cry and be sad when someone dies, especially if it's someone we love.? It's a sad time for those of us on earth because we will miss that person.? But we can also be happy for that person because they are now living with Jesus in the best place imaginable, heaven.
  • It's okay to not want to die right now.? God has given you a wonderful family and home to enjoy on earth right now.? When it is time for you to go to heaven, you will be so happy once you are there.? You won't be sad, or lonely, or hurt.? There is no sickness, or pain, or sadness there.? And you will be reunited with all your family and friends that also know Jesus, that have died before you.?

Points to discuss about heaven -
  • Imagine heaven as the most exciting and fun place you have ever been; heaven is like that place, only way better.
  • Heaven is a place filled with joy; there is no crying or sadness, no pain or hurt in heaven.
  • All our family and friends that have died before us and that know Jesus will be waiting for us in heaven.
  • We can't really know what to expect in heaven, there may be toys and games there, we might eat and drink there, or maybe not.? We don't really know.? But we do know that no matter what it's like there, God will provide everything that we need.? It will be awesome living in the presence of God.
  • We don't know what we will look like in heaven.? But the Bible says God will give us new, perfect bodies in heaven.??
  • The only way to get to heaven is through Jesus.? If we confess our sins, ask for forgiveness, and surrender our lives to Him, we will go to heaven.
  • We don't know exactly where heaven is.? The best way to describe it is UP.? God looks down from heaven onto earth, and when Jesus went to heaven, he ascended. ?

Helpful scripture references -
  • Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.? No one can come to the Father except through me.? John 14:6
  • All the nations will bring their glory and honor into the city.? Nothing evil will be allowed to enter.? Revelation 21:26-27
  • The Lord God gave him this warning: "You may freely eat any fruit in the garden except fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.? If you eat of its fruit, you will surely die.? Genesis 2:16-17
  • This is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I should raise them to eternal life at the last day.? John 6:39
  • God has reserved a priceless inheritance for his children.? It is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.? 1 Peter 1:4
  • He will take these weak mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same mighty power that he will use to conquer everything, everywhere.? Philippians 3:21
  • Our earthly bodies, which die and decay, will be different when they are resurrected, for they will never die.? 1 Corinthians 15:42
  • Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.? All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me now.? 1 Corinthians 13:12? ? ???
  • From heaven the Lord looks down and sees everyone.? From his throne he watches all those who live on the earth.? Psalm 33: 13-14
  • Jesus said, "Anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life.? He will not be found guilty.? He has crossed over from death to life."? John 5:24?

Children's books about death and heaven -? ?
When I was a kid, I remember being afraid of dying.? I DID NOT want to die.? And I didn't have anyone to tell me otherwise.? I don't want my kids to have that same fear that I did growing up.? When you know Jesus, death is not something you need to fear.? I wish I could've had the same faith back then that my 10-year-old son had when he was four, and I hope and pray that all my other kids will follow in his faith as well.? One day out of the blue, when he was four, he said, "If heaven is such a wonderful place, then I can't wait to die."? Wow, it still gives me goosebumps today!

Sorry for the morbid post, but it's a reality that kids have questions and concerns about death.? Since I recently went through this, and felt unprepared, I thought I would share some tips that might help another parent.


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nonprofit spends big on politics despite IRS limitation - Open Channel

Philip Andrews / Roll Call Photos/Newscom

Bruce Rastetter, CEO of Hawkeye Renewables, reportedly provided some of the seed money for the American Future Fund.

By Michael BeckelThe Center for Public Integrity

Last fall, a cadre of wealthy business executives and conservative groups tried to sell California voters on new campaign finance reforms.

Couched in lofty rhetoric about the importance of cutting off money from special interests to politicians and other regulations favored by reformers, their proposal sought to ban the practice of using payroll deductions for political expenditures ? a popular method of union fundraising.

Once alerted to the true nature of Proposition 32, the unions and political left rose up against it.

An innocuously named nonprofit, the Iowa-based American Future Fund, proved to be one of the biggest backers of the initiative, sinking more than $4 million into the ballot measure that voters ultimately rejected.

As a ?social welfare? organization, the American Future Fund is not required to publicly disclose its donors. But to maintain its tax-exempt status under Sec. 501(c)(4) of the U.S. tax code, influencing elections cannot be its primary purpose.

The American Future Fund?s investment in California was part of a nationwide, political advertising spree in 2012 that exceeded $29 million, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis of state and federal records.

That amount included more than $19 million on efforts designed to oust President Barack Obama, as well as millions more to oppose Democratic candidates for Congress and even two state attorneys general. Now the group is funding ads opposing Obama?s nomination of former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska for defense secretary.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court?s controversial Citizens United decision in 2010, nonprofits such as the American Future Fund have played a more prominent role in electoral contests ? all while giving their supporters the ability to keep their identities hidden. During the 2010 midterm elections, politically active nonprofits outspent super PACs, which exist to fund political advertisements, by a 3-to-2 margin.

The American Future Fund ranked third among ?social welfare? nonprofits in spending in the 2012 federal election, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, trailing only the Karl Rove-affiliated Crossroads GPS and Americans for Prosperity, which is backed by conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.

There are also Democratic-aligned nonprofits, but their spending was well below that of their conservative counterparts. The top left-leaning nonprofit was the League of Conservation Voters, which reported spending about $11 million in the 2012 election opposing or supporting candidates.

The American Future Fund?s spending ?raises some serious questions? and ?evades any form of meaningful disclosure,? said Adam Rappaport, senior counsel with watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

Numerous officials with the American Future Fund did not respond to requests for comment for this story.

Advocating for ?free-market ideas?
The American Future Fund?s mission is to ?educate and advocate for conservative and free-market ideas,? according to its annual filing with the Internal Revenue Service.

Despite asserting that it isn?t primarily focused on elections, the nonprofit?s DNA is decidedly political.

Conservative political operative Nick Ryan, a longtime adviser to former GOP Rep. Jim Nussle of Iowa, founded it in 2007. Over the years, the group has paid Ryan?s firm, Concordia Enterprises, hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for consulting services.

In 2010, the New York Times reported that Iowa businessman Bruce Rastetter provided an unspecified amount of ?seed money? for the organization. Ryan once represented four of Rastetter?s companies as a lobbyist, including Hawkeye Energy Holdings, one of the country?s largest ethanol producers.

The nonprofit?s first president was Nicole Schlinger, the former finance director of Iowa?s Republican Party. Its current president is veteran Republican state Sen. Sandra Greiner, who served for 14 years as the Iowa chairwoman of the pro-business American Legislative Exchange Council.

Ryan and Greiner did not respond to requests for comment.

In 2008, when the American Future Fund was seeking ? and ultimately garnered ? tax-exempt status from the IRS, it pledged to abstain from electoral politics, saying it would spend 70 percent of its time doing work to ?educate the public on policy issues? and 30 percent engaging in efforts to ?influence legislation through grassroots advocacy.?

When asked on its application if the group had any plans to spend money to ?influence the selection, nomination, election or appointment? of anyone seeking public office, it answered ?no.? It also vowed to stay out of the presidential race.

When the IRS subsequently inquired why the group?s advertisements ?appear to be more partisan than nonpartisan,? the group?s attorney, Karen Blackistone, wrote that the efforts were ?strictly issued-based and nonpartisan.?

The group takes a position on issues and encourages the public to contact their representative, she wrote in a 2008 response to the IRS.

?AFF?s advertisements have never commented on a candidate?s character, qualifications or fitness for office,? she stated.

Big money tied to post office box
The American Future Fund has raised more than $60 million, with spikes in contributions coming in election years.

Much of that money has come from another conservative ?social welfare? nonprofit that doesn?t disclose its donors by name ? the Arizona-based Center to Protect Patient Rights.

The nonprofit has no website and lists its address as a post office box in Phoenix. It was launched in 2009 by Republican operative Sean Noble, who has extensive ties to the vast political network underwritten by the Koch brothers.

Noble, a former chief of staff for former Rep. John Shadegg, R-Ariz., did not respond to requests for comment for this story.

For three years running, Noble?s organization has reported making substantial grants to the American Future Fund for ?general support,? according to IRS filings. The nonprofit contributed more than $14 million to the American Future Fund between 2009 and 2011, or 51 percent of funds the group raised over the three-year period.

The Center to Protect Patient Rights has also given millions of dollars to a network of conservative groups, including the Koch-backed nonprofit Americans for Prosperity, as was first reported by the Center for Responsive Politics.

In addition to Noble, there is another Koch connection.

In 2008, Trent Sebits, the former manager of public and government affairs for the Kochs? Wichita-based refining giant, Koch Industries, registered with the state of Kansas to lobby on behalf of the American Future Fund and Americans for Prosperity. Sebits did not respond to a request for comment.

The American Justice Partnership, another ?social welfare? nonprofit, gave $50,000 to the American Future Fund in 2011 and $2.4 million in 2010, according to IRS filings. The group supports free enterprise and is often at odds with trial lawyers.

Dan Pero, its president, said in an emailed statement that the organization supported the American Future Fund to help ?promote free enterprise and improve the fairness and predictability of the legal environment.?

Like super PACs, ?social welfare? nonprofits are allowed to accept unlimited donations from individuals, corporations, unions and other organizations. The only funders whose names they are required to publicly disclose are those that make contributions earmarked for political purposes.

That?s as it should be, according to attorney Dan Backer, who is not affiliated the American Future Fund but does work with other conservative groups.

?A nonprofit makes its decisions by a board or other management structure, which is distinct from its donors,? Backer said.

Increasingly political
In 2010, the American Future Fund became far more politically active, reporting $8.6 million in political expenditures as well as millions more for ?media services,? ?telecommunications? and ?mail service/production.? It told the Federal Election Commission that it spent $9.1 million on political advertisements.

Marcus Owens, former chief of the IRS?s nonprofits division, said it is ?difficult to conjure up a situation where a particular expenditure would be reportable to the FEC but would not constitute political campaign intervention under tax law.?

Nevertheless, Owens said the organization could make a ?straight-faced argument? that its orientation had simply changed over time to become more overtly political.

Of the $25 million that the American Future Fund reported spending to the FEC last year, more than 90 percent fueled ads that urged voters to support or reject candidates.

The group also sought the FEC?s advice on whether mentioning the White House or ?the administration? in negative ads ahead of Election Day would be seen as referring to a ?clearly identified candidate for federal office.?

Such a designation would have required the group to disclose information about its donors. (The commission deadlocked, 3-3, in a vote along party lines.)

In addition to the presidential race, the American Future Fund spent money in 20 congressional elections in 2012, including California?s 26th Congressional District, where it spent $500,000 attacking Democrat Julia Brownley, who, as a state legislator, had authored legislation to bolster disclosure for political advertisements.

She won anyway, but told the Center for Public Integrity that she is ?deeply concerned? about the activities of non-disclosing groups in the wake of Citizens United and hopes to ?take immediate action? to strengthen federal disclosure laws.

The American Future Fund also spent more than $542,000 to aid West Virginia Republican Patrick Morrisey in his successful quest to win the race for attorney general, records indicate, and more than $620,000 in a failed effort to sink Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster, a Democrat.

Complaints about the American Future Fund?s political activities have followed it since its creation.

In 2008, the Democratic Party in Minnesota contended that the group needed to register as a political committee after paying for ads that praised then-U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn. The FEC disagreed.

Two years later, in October 2010, consumer group Public Citizen and two other organizations alleged that the American Future Fund?s ?huge expenditures? to aid candidates in the midterm election should have triggered requirements that the group register as a political committee and disclose its donors. That complaint is still being considered by the FEC, which often takes years to fully resolve such matters.

CREW, the watchdog organization, filed a complaint against the American Future Fund with the IRS in February 2011 that challenged whether its primary purpose was something other than influencing elections. The group has dismissed the complaint as ?baseless? and contends that CREW ?only targets government officials and organizations who have a differing or conservative point of view.?

Proposition 32

California?s campaign finance rules require major donors to groups that pay for political advertisements to be named in actual ads.

Thus, when a political committee called the California Future Fund for Free Markets aired ads praising Proposition 32, each advertisement included the disclaimer ?with major funding by the American Future Fund.?

One ad criticized lawmakers for making ?deals cut in shadows and back rooms? as dramatic music played in the background. Yet the donors to the American Future Fund itself largely remain in the shadows.

The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit independent investigative news outlet.? To read more of its stories on this topic go to ?

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Boy Scouts close to ending ban on gays

NBC's Pete Williams reports on the major policy shift being considered by the Boy Scouts of America.

By Pete Williams, Justice Correspondent, NBC News

The Boy Scouts of America, one of the nation?s largest private youth organizations, is actively considering an end to its decades-long policy of banning gay scouts or scout leaders, according to scouting officials and outsiders familiar with internal discussions.

If adopted by the organization?s board of directors, it would represent a profound change on an issue that has been highly controversial -- one that even went to the US Supreme Court. The new policy, now under discussion, would eliminate the ban from the national organization?s rules, leaving local sponsoring organizations free to decide for themselves whether to admit gay scouts.

?The chartered organizations that oversee and deliver scouting would accept membership and select leaders consistent with their organization?s mission, principles or religious beliefs,? according to Deron Smith, a spokesman for the Boy Scouts? national organization.

Individual sponsors and parents ?would be able to choose a local unit which best meets the needs of their families,? Smith said.

The discussion of a potential change in policy is nearing its final stages, according to outside scouting supporters. If approved, the change could be announced as early as next week, after the BSA's national board holds a regularly scheduled meeting.

Only seven months ago, the Boy Scouts affirmed a policy of banning gay members, after a nearly two-year examination of the issue by a committee of volunteers convened by national leaders of the Boy Scouts of America, known as the BSA.

In a statement last July affirming the ban, its national executive board called it ?the best policy for the organization.?

But since then, a scouting official said, local chapters have been urging a reconsideration. "We're a grassroots organization. This is a response to what's happening at the local level," the official said.

Two corporate CEOs on BSA?s national board, Randall Stephenson of AT&T and James Turley of Ernst & Young, have also said they would work to end the ban. Stephenson is next in line to be the BSA?s national chairman. During the 2012 presidential campaign, both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney said the BSA should admit gay scouts and scout leaders.

Jennifer Tyrrell, who was ousted as a den mother for her son's Cub Scout troop because of her sexual orientation, is fighting back. Tyrrell talks to msnbc's Thomas Roberts about her petition to change the Boy Scouts of America's long-standing policy on banning gays and lesbians.

About 50 local United Way groups and several corporations and charities have concluded that the ban violates their non-discrimination requirements and have ceased providing financial aid to the Boy Scouts. An official of The Human Rights Campaign, an advocate for gay rights, said HRC planned to downgrade its non-discrimination ratings for corporations that continue to give the BSA financial support.

?It?s an extremely complex issue,? said one Boy Scouts of America official, who explained that other organizations have threatened to withdraw their financial support if the BSA drops the ban.

While the national scouting organization sets broad policies, more than 290 local councils nationwide govern the day-to-day conduct of the more than 116,000 local organizations. Individual scouting troops are sponsored by religious and civic organizations that represent a diversity of views on the issue of allowing gay scouts and leaders.

?The beliefs of the sponsoring organizations are highly diverse,? the official said.

The policy change now under discussion ?would allow the religious, civic or educational organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting to determine how to address this issue,? said the BSA's Smith.

?The Boy Scouts would not, under any circumstances, dictate a position to units, members or parents. Under this proposed policy, the BSA would not require any chartered organization to act in ways inconsistent with that organization?s mission, principles or religious beliefs,? he said.

In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that the Boy Scouts had a First Amendment right of free expression when it came to the organization?s belief that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with values stated in the scout oath, requiring scouts to be ?morally straight.?

The Scouts have won similar legal battles, with courts finding that the BSA?s right of free association permits it, as a private organization, to reject those it believes do not conform to is values.?

Eagle Scouts return badges to protest policy banning gays?
Gay mom upset after dismissal by Boy Scouts?



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Design Work Life ? Course Horse Featured Classes: Public Speaking


Whether it comes from a?place of fear or self-doubt, or sim?ply not know?ing how to craft an engag?ing pre?sen?ta?tion, pub?lic speak?ing is a?def?i?nitely a?com?mon chal?lenge. Luckily there?s quite a?few courses out there that can help you hone your skills to get over that?hump:

  • Refining Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills:?Figure out how to be your best when the pressure?s on. The abil?ity to con?nect with oth?ers in an authen?tic way is the key to being a?great speaker???and it car?ries over into the suc?cess of your busi?ness and per?sonal life.?More info.
  • Storytelling Skills: Wow Your Crowd:?The best way to make a?point or inspire action in the work?place is by telling a?com?pelling story. This class is not a?gen?eral overview about why sto?ry?telling in the work?place is impor?tant or how famous busi?nesses have used sto?ry?telling in the past. This is a?nuts and bolts, point-by-point instruc?tional on how you can go about craft?ing and deliv?er?ing sto?ries that will move your lis?ten?ers.?More info.
  • Public Speaking Workshop with Video Feedback:?This three-hour work?shop is lim?ited to 8?atten?dees who will get live expert coach?ing as well as video record?ing and play?back to get clar?ity on exactly where they can strengthen their pre?sen?ta?tion skills. You will leave this work?shop hav?ing had the phys?i?cal expe?ri?ence of being in front of a?group, watch?ing your?self on video and gain valu?able insight into how you can be a?more pow?er?ful com?mu?ni?ca?tor.?More info.
  • Overcome Your Public Speaking Fear:?This class is designed to con?quer your fear in pub?lic speak?ing through an exten?sive step by step activ?i?ties cov?er?ing spe?cific sit?u?a?tions such as for?mal pre?sen?ta?tion, group dis?cus?sion, and busi?ness meet?ing.?More info.


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Green Blog: Is There a Green Side to the Super Bowl?

The Super Bowl is known for unpredictable half-time shows, fabulous TV commercials and, of course, football. But how about energy savings?

Opower, an energy consulting firm, compared the electricity use of 145,000 American households during last year?s Super Bowl with consumption on other winter Sundays when the weather was similar. Power use was down by as much as 7.7 percent, depending on the region of the country. And in the West, where the game ended early in the evening, electricity consumption was depressed until bedtime.

The precise reasons are hard to identify, but apparently the increased sources of use ? running a big-screen TV, opening and closing the refrigerator ? were outweighed by other changes in routine, like not running the clothes dryer or the vacuum cleaner.

?With so many people glued to the couch during the game, fewer households are using electricity for cooking, cleaning or anything else other than watching the tube,? wrote Barry Fischer, who edits Opower?s blog. And viewers tend to gather in front of just one screen, something he refers to as TV pooling.

Sometimes the watchers are from several households, so one family may fire up a big-screen TV while other houses are empty, he pointed out.

In some ways, the notion evokes Earth Hour, if without the noble intent. During Earth Hour, an event scheduled this year on March 23 at 8:30, households are encouraged to turn off nonessential lights.)

The energy savings over the three and a half hours of the football broadcast could be worth upwards of $3.1 million, the company said. However, some of the energy use could simply be shifted to another time ? like the laundry chore ? and the study does not attempt to calculate whether extra gasoline was burned, or extra natural gas was used to bake all those chicken wings.

Using smart meters, the study measured the consumption of 91,355 households in the West and 54, 574 in the East. The lowest usage was at halftime, and the average drop at halftime was 5 percent, OPower said.

While traditional meters give utilities 12 monthly readings, smart meters usually take readings every 15 minutes, yielding 35,000 data points a year, Mr. Fisher said. Optimally, the data is used not to track Super Bowl patterns, of course, but to find strategies for encouraging energy conservation during peak demand times, when electricity is costly.


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hackers claim attack on Justice Department website

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hackers sympathetic to the late computer prodigy Aaron Swartz claimed on Saturday to have infiltrated the website of the U.S. Justice Department's Sentencing Commission, and said they planned to release government data.

The Sentencing Commission site, , was shut down early Saturday.

Identifying themselves as Anonymous, a loosely organized group of unknown provenance associated with a range of recent online actions, the hackers voiced outrage over Swartz' suicide on January 11.

In a video posted online, the hackers criticized the government's prosecution of Swartz, who had been facing trial on charges that he used the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's computer networks to steal more than 4 million articles from JSTOR, an online archive and journal distribution service.

Swartz had faced a maximum sentence of 31 years in prison and fines of up to $1 million.

The FBI is investigating the attack, according to Richard McFeely, of the bureau's Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch.

"We were aware as soon as it happened and are handling it as a criminal investigation," McFeely said in an emailed statement. "We are always concerned when someone illegally accesses another person's or government agency's network."

(Reporting by Deborah Zabarenko; Editing by Vicki Allen)


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How The Medical Equipment Tax May Change Healthcare Forever ...

In order to pay for the Nation?s new healthcare program, the IRS hopes to raise $30 billion and they don?t plan on having a bake sale to get the cash. Under the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (P.L. 111-152) a 2.3% excise tax will be levied on medical equipment starting January 1st, 2013. Amid growing fears that the tax will have far reaching and negative impacts on the healthcare system, both Democrats and Republicans are coming together in hopes of repealing the excise tax.

Known as the Medical Device Tax, its aim is to generate revenues to help pay for the addition of health care benefits to millions of new Obamacare recipients. But how could a seemingly innocuous 2.3% tax hike on manufacturers of medical equipment have any impact on the citizen at large? At least they aren?t increasing my taxes you might think, right? Like a Trojan horse, this tax is being ushered into our cities but once inside the proverbial gates, it could destroy many of the innovative companies that develop and build the machines which make modern medicine possible, lead to job losses and an increase in health care costs, according to John A. Sparks from the Washington Times.1

We take for granted the wondrous, beeping, chirping and dripping, life-saving machines that fill our hospital room floors and stand vigil at our bedsides when we are sick. We have come to expect that scanning MRI, Ultra Sound and X-Ray devices will help our doctors see into our bodies, diagnose, and treat our medical conditions. As my boss likes to quote from the Pearson, Sabin, Emanuel book, ?No Margin ? No Mission?, the Medical Device Tax slices over half of the margin, or profit, from the companies hard at work, creating and manufacturing the equipment that make American modern medicine possible.

The attentive reader might ask how could a measly 2.3% tax confiscate over half of a business?s profits? First, this tax is imposed on revenue, not profit, like most commerce taxes. To understand, if a business develops and makes an MRI machine that generates $1 million in its first year of sales, but has only seen an actual profit, after all business expenses, of $40,000 the company would be taxed on that $40,000. The government would take its share of the profits. However, this tax is levied on revenue, not profits. Instead of taking a percentage of the $40,000 profit, the government will take 2.3% off the $1 million in revenue or $23,000. That?s 58% ? more than half the company?s profits ? if they even have profits. It may take years for the revenue from a new device to generate a profit but the company is required to pay out 2.3% on revenue, regardless, ensuring many companies could be forced to close their doors.

Foreseeing the negative impact, the tax will have on the financial future of the medical technology industry, investment in health care technology companies has already begun to retreat, reaching anemic levels. Elizabeth McDonald, noted business journalist explains that capital funding for the medical equipment industry during the third quarter of 2012 reached the lowest it has been in almost a decade.1 According to a Price Waterhouse Coopers paper published August 2011 a broad coalition of medical technology companies and leading associations consisting of over 400 companies, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other investment firms all believe the new tax will lead to job losses, reduction in research and development and burdensome administration. The tax will ?harm patient care and thwart innovation and job creation at a time when we can least afford it, ? said Mark Leahey, President and CEO of the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA).2 Bruce Josten, Executive Vice President for Government Affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce echoes Leahey?s statement saying that, ?Allowing the medical device excise tax to take effect would undermine patient care, stifle innovation in medical technology, and further damage our economy.?3

The Medical Equipment Tax has US manufacturers of medical products scrambling to raise prices, eliminate jobs and revise their business strategies. Congress wants you to think the tax won?t affect the general consumer since it?s not imposed directly on you. Remember, ?No Margin ? No Mission? and without profits, the medical device industry will languish,? irreparably damaging healthcare on the whole.? Although it?s aim was to raise money to pay for Obamacare, the Medical Device Tax may hobble the health care system it is intended to fund.

How do you think the Medical Device Tax will impact you and your healthcare?

Craig Hood is Executive Vice President of Scrip Companies and Founder of Allegro Medical (, the leading online supplier of medical equipment and home health care supplies.

1The Washington Times ? ?Obamacare tax on medical devices hurts jobs and health?

2Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA) ? ?Broad Coalition Urges Congressional Leaders to Repeal Medical Device Tax?, July 18, 2011

3Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) ? Medtechfocus, ?Med tech companies further debate over US competitiveness, raise question about impact of excise tax on innovation?, August 16, 2011


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French, Mali forces head toward Timbuktu

AAA??Jan. 27, 2013?3:55 AM ET
French, Mali forces head toward Timbuktu

In this image taken during an official visit organized by the Malian army to the town of Konna, some 680 kilometers (430 miles) north of Mali's capital Bamako, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, a Malian army armored vehicle used by islamist rebels stands charred. One wing of Mali's Ansar Dine rebel group has split off to create its own movement, saying that they want to negotiate a solution to the crisis in Mali, in a declaration that indicates at least some of the members of the al-Qaida linked group are searching for a way out of the extremist movement in the wake of French air strikes. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

In this image taken during an official visit organized by the Malian army to the town of Konna, some 680 kilometers (430 miles) north of Mali's capital Bamako, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, a Malian army armored vehicle used by islamist rebels stands charred. One wing of Mali's Ansar Dine rebel group has split off to create its own movement, saying that they want to negotiate a solution to the crisis in Mali, in a declaration that indicates at least some of the members of the al-Qaida linked group are searching for a way out of the extremist movement in the wake of French air strikes. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

In this image taken during an official visit organized by the Malian army to the town of Konna, some 680 kilometers (430 miles) north of Mali's capital Bamako, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, a videographer films Malian soldiers walking through the rubbles of a former army based leveled during fighting with islamist rebels. One wing of Mali's Ansar Dine rebel group has split off to create its own movement, saying that they want to negotiate a solution to the crisis in Mali, in a declaration that indicates at least some of the members of the al-Qaida linked group are searching for a way out of the extremist movement in the wake of French air strikes. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

in this image taken during an official visit organized by the Malian army to the town of Konna, some 680 kilometers (430 miles) north of Mali's capital Bamako Saturday , Jan. 26, 2013, an ammunition belt lays on the ground of a destroyed base used by Islamist rebels. One wing of Mali's Ansar Dine rebel group has split off to create its own movement, saying that they want to negotiate a solution to the crisis in Mali, in a declaration that indicates at least some of the members of the al-Qaida-linked group are searching for a way out of the extremist movement in the wake of French airstrikes. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

In this image taken during an official visit organized by the Malian army to the town of Konna, some 680 kilometers (430 miles) north of Mali's capital Bamako, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, a charred flack jacket lays on the ground of a destroyed base used by islamist rebels. One wing of Mali's Ansar Dine rebel group has split off to create its own movement, saying that they want to negotiate a solution to the crisis in Mali, in a declaration that indicates at least some of the members of the al-Qaida linked group are searching for a way out of the extremist movement in the wake of French air strikes. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

In this image taken during an official visit organized by the Malian army to the town of Konna, some 680 kilometers (430 miles) north of Mali's capital Bamako, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, a jacket lays on the ground of a destroyed base used by islamist rebels. One wing of Mali's Ansar Dine rebel group has split off to create its own movement, saying that they want to negotiate a solution to the crisis in Mali, in a declaration that indicates at least some of the members of the al-Qaida linked group are searching for a way out of the extremist movement in the wake of French air strikes. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

(AP) ? A Malian military spokesman says French and Malian troops are patrolling the critically important city of Gao in northern Mali.

Lt. Col. Diarran Kone, a spokesman for Mali's defense minister, said Sunday that the forces have maintained their hold over a key bridge as well as the airport.

The French military announced on Saturday that Gao had been liberated from radical Islamist rule, though other officials said the fight was still in progress late Saturday.

The taking of Gao's airport marked the biggest advance yet in the effort to retake the north. The Islamists also have controlled the towns of Timbuktu and Kidal since last April.

French and Malian forces were also advancing toward Timbuktu on Sunday.

Associated Press
People, Places and Companies: Mali


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Politicians warn against more defence cuts - The Local

Government politicians have expressed concerns about reports that Germany's Defence Ministry could have to shoulder the biggest burden in upcoming budget cuts.

Various members of Germany's governing centre-right coalition of Christian Democrats and Free Democrats (CDU-FDP) reacted against a report in the S?ddeutsche Zeitung newspaper on Friday that the country's defence budget would have to be cut by ?2 billion for the 2014 budget, which is currently being negotiated.

"I consider the cuts on the order of ?2 billion in the defence budget as hardly possible," FDP defence spokeswoman Elke Hoff. "The budget is already very tight."

"If a future government agrees to offer support for further international missions, like the recent one in Mali, then it's clear that such operations cost money that will come out of the defence budget," she added.

Norbert Barthle, chief budget expert for the CDU, said, "I've got no time for overhasty detail-debates." At the moment it was just about getting the cornerstones of next year's budget, he added.

It was reported earlier this week that Finance Minister Wolfgang Sch?uble would be looking to save ?6 billion in the 2014 budget, and that all the ministries would have to make sacrifices.

The various ministries are due to meet on January 31st to present their cut suggestions. The German government also revealed this week that it had plans to buy armed Predator drones.

The Local/DPA/bk


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Weekly Personal Finance Blog RoundUp ? 1/25/2013 | Debt RoundUp


Happy Friday, fellow debt wranglers! ?I don?t know about you, but it has been a long week this week. ?I have been sleeping?sporadically (if you have a child, you know what I am talking about) and it is starting to affect my thought processes. ?I am usually one that people come to in order to solve problems at work. ?This is a job that I love, but lately, I feel that I have been slipping. ?Something that should take me a few moments to figure out is now taking me hours. ?I know that it is just due to the extreme lack of sleep, but it irritates me. ? On top of that, my wife told me today that she read in a couple of books that babies go through a crazy crying spell when they are about 6 weeks old. ?My son is turning one month old this Sunday, so I hope this is just not true. ?I don?t think I can take anymore crying!

On other news, Debt RoundUp is doing well. ?Traffic has remained steady with small, but incremental increases in traffic. ?I have been a little slow getting things done this week and I want to apologize to anyone that has asked me for something. ?I plan on catching up this weekend, but who knows.

My regular readers may have noticed that we have a new advertiser. ?Innovative Debt Solutions is a debt consolidation company that helps out many people with getting their debt under control. ?If you know someone in debt or in debt yourself, they offer free quotes for your consolidation. ?You can get to their site either from the link above or by using their banner in the sidebar. ?Let them know that Debt Roundup sent you!

Website of the Week

Weekly Personal Finance Blog RoundUp ? 1/25/2013 round up 2 Frugal Rules

John over at Frugal Rules has done a fantastic job with his blog in such a short amount of time. ?If you have gone to any of the personal finance blogs on my blog list, then you have probably seen either a guest post from John or a great/insightful comment. ?This man is extremely active in the personal finance community and he continues to provide extremely useful information. ?If you have not checked out Frugal Rules, then I would highly recommend it.



There are still some days left to win some serious cash. ?I am co-hosting two giveaways that are giving you cash just for entering to win. ?You just have to follow some great bloggers on twitter or facebook. ?Is there an easier way to win $1000? or $100? ?I don?t think so!

$1000 Cash Giveaway

$100 Cash Giveaway

Search Term of the Week

This week?s term is actually money related, so that is nice. ?I have actually had a hard time finding crazy terms the past two weeks. ?My search terms are getting very targeted, so that is a good thing.

?where did the money go? ? If you have to ask Google where your money went, then you seriously need to create a budget. ?Stop searching Google and go open a spreadsheet. ?Seriously?..

Weekly Top 12

There were a good amount of comments and emails about my Top 12 list last week. ?Many of you enjoyed it and thought it was much better than listing a ton of articles to read. ?I think I am going to keep this format from week to week. ?I hope you enjoy and make sure to take some time to visit and read of these great articles. These people put a lot of time and effort into writing quality stuff. ?These are in no particular order.

I realize that I added an extra, but Jana from Daily Money Shot?s post made me think of a few times when people laughed at my dreams. ?What gives people the right to laugh at your dreams? ?They are yours, right?

I hope everyone enjoyed this week?s roundup and have a fantastic weekend. ?I will see you back here next week.

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About the Author: Grayson

I am an average Joe, who built up over $50,000 worth of credit card debt and had to learn how to break it back down. It took 4 years of learning budgets, secrets, and many other personal finance tricks in order to cut the debt to $0. Now, I push to teach others the tips and tricks in order to live a debt free lifestyle. There are many ways to get out of debt, but the first step is to stop spending more than you make. Once you create a budget, it will be time to get frugal. Feeling Social? Connect with me on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.


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Azarenka wins back-to-back Australian titles

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) ? Victoria Azarenka won her second consecutive Australian Open title, beating Li Na 4-6, 6-4, 6-3 in a final that included a break for fireworks, two medical timeouts and a nasty fall to the court by Li.

The Chinese star first tumbled to the court after twisting her left ankle in the fifth game of the second set and had it taped.

On the first point after a 10-minute pause in the third set while fireworks boomed overhead from nearby Australia Day celebrations, Li fell over again and slammed the back of her head on the court. The 2011 French Open champion was treated and had another timeout before being allowed to resume the match.

Azarenka, who broke down in tears and sobbed into her towel when the match ended, won five of the next six games to claim her second major title and retain the No. 1 ranking.

"Unfortunately, you have to go through some rough patches to achieve great things. That's what makes it so special for me," she said. "I went through that, and I'm still able to kiss that beautiful trophy."

Serena Williams, who lost in the quarterfinals, will become the new No. 2 in the rankings.

Americans Mike and Bob Bryan won their record 13th Grand Slam doubles title, defeating the Dutch team of Robin Haase and Igor Sijsling 6-3, 6-4. They had been tied with the Australian greats John Newcombe and Tony Roche with 12 major titles.

The women's 2-hour, 40-minute match featured 16 service breaks, with Li losing her service nine times.

On a crisp Saturday night, Azarenka won the coin toss and elected to receive, a ploy that seemed to work when a nervous Li was broken to start the match. After a double fault on the first point, Li's forehand long gave Azarenka the early lead.

When she first injured her ankle, Li was trailing 3-1 in the second set. When she came back, she won three of the next four games to tie it 4-4, but Azarenka broke back and then held her serve.

Azarenka broke in the opening game of the final set, just two games before the match was suspended for the fireworks, a planned stoppage of play that both players were notified about before the match.

While Azarenka jogged around and practiced her serving motion during the 10-minute fireworks break, Li sat on her courtside chair for most of the stoppage.

It was on the first point that she again fell to the court.

Li said she went "totally black" for two seconds after her head hit the court, and when a medical official asked her to follow her finger, "I started laughing, thinking 'This is a tennis court, not like a hospital.'"

Li said the tournament doctor saw her after the match and checked out her head and neck.

"I should be OK,' Li said.

From the outset, the capacity crowd at Rod Laver Arena was firmly behind Li, cheering loudly when she was introduced. Meanwhile, Azarenka's errors were applauded, and one spectator even mocked the loud hooting sound she makes when she hits a shot.

The chill from the crowd was a remnant of Azarenka's semifinal win over American teenager Sloane Stephens, when Azarenka was criticized for taking a questionable 10-minute medical timeout near the end of the match. She was accused of taking the time out to compose herself after she'd wasted five match points while serving for the match against Stephens. Azarenka said she needed the time out because a rib injury was making it difficult for her to breathe and she had a knee injury.

In the second set Saturday, a few fans heckled Azarenka. One man yelled, "Take a deep breath, Vicky."

By the end of the match, she appeared to have won some of the fans back. Azarenka's friend, rapper Redfoo, yelled down to her from the player box "You deserve it," and she later blew kisses to the crowd. Someone else in the crowd shouted "Victoria, we love you."

Azarekna appeared to quickly forgive the crowd, saying during the trophy presentations that she wanted to thank the fans for their support.

"I will always keep very special memories of this court and it will be in my heart forever," she said, pausing several times to find the right words. "Of course, I (almost) forgot to say congratulations to Li Na, she's had a terrific start to the year ... hope to see you in many, many more finals."

Later, Azarenka said she expected a "way worse" reception from the crowd.

"You just have to go out there and try to play tennis in the end of the day," she said. "The things what happened in the past, I did the best thing I could to explain, to do everything I could, and it was left behind me already."

Azarenka and Li had met twice before in Grand Slam tournaments, with Li winning both times ? in the fourth round of the 2011 Australian Open and quarterfinals at the French Open. Li lost the 2011 Australian Open final to Kim Clijsters but won her first Grand Slam title at Roland Garros a few months later, beating Francesca Schiavone.

But after failing to advance past the fourth round at any major in 2012, Li hired Carlos Rodriguez, Justine Henin's former coach. The hard training he's put her through in the past four months appears to be paying dividends.

Li won a WTA tournament in China before travelling to Australia, where she advanced to the semifinals at the Sydney International.

In the men's final on Sunday, Novak Djokovic will attempt to win his third consecutive Australian Open against U.S. Open champion Andy Murray. Djokovic has had the benefit of an extra day off after an easy three-set win over David Ferrer on Thursday night, while Murray needed a tough five-setter to defeat Roger Federer.

Murray has predicted a tough match with long rallies against Djokovic, the player he beat in the final at Flushing Meadows in September.

"I'm ready for the pain," he said. "I hope it's a painful match, that will mean it will be a good one."

The Bryan brothers have six Australian Open doubles titles to go along with four at the U.S. Open, two at Wimbledon and one at the French Open.

In the other final Sunday to end the year's first Grand Slam, the unseeded pairs of Jarmila Gajdosova and Matthew Ebden of Australia and the Czech Republic's Lucie Hradecka and Frantisek Cermak play for the mixed doubles championship.


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Kentwood boasts record sales of $1.72 billion - Inside Real Estate ...

Peter Niederman

Peter Niederman

Article Highlights:

  • Kentwood has a record year in sales volume in 2012.
  • Sales of $1.7 billion are $600 million higher than in 2011.
  • Average sale price tops $500,000.

Realtors at Kentwood Real sold a record $1.72 billion in properties in 2012, making it one of the best-performing real estate companies for its size in the nation.

The 170 real estate brokers closed on 3,272 properties with an average price of $525,219. Kentwood Real Estate has three offices staffed by a total of approximately 170 real estate brokers.

The company?s performance ranks it among the top producing real estate companies in the nation.

The sales volume of $1,718,516,376, was almost $600 million more than the company posted for 2011.

Previously, the Denver Business Journal had reported that the top three real estate companies for volume in metro Denver for 2011, had 187 to 820 more agents than Kentwood.

Kentwood?s brokers averaged 19.4 real estate transactions each for 2012, which is three times the national average. The company?s average sales volume for 2012 was four times the national average.

Kentwood?s average sales volume per agent for 2012 was $10.1 million.

During the previous five years, Kentwood Real Estate was ranked among the top three real estate firms in America in total average sales volume per agent, according to Real Trends and the National Association of Realtors Kentwood was number one in average agent sales volume in 2009. The latest Real Trends Top 500 brokerage list is scheduled for distribution this April

Real Trends is a leading real estate consulting and communications company based in Denver, and the NAR is the national trade association representing licensed real estate brokers in the U.S.

?We had a remarkable year in 2012 and the performance is a testament to the hard work, knowledge, and experience of our veteran brokers,? said Peter Niederman, Chief Executive Officer of Kentwood Real Estate. ?While we represent all price ranges throughout the metro Denver area, we were particularly strong in the luxury segment of the market with a total of 296 sales with an average price of nearly $1.7 million, or almost a half-billion dollars in sales volume.?

The Denver Multiple Listing Service reported that transactions for the general market were up 17.5 percent in 2012, with sales volume up 28.6 percent for the year. Kentwood Real Estate recorded a 38.6 percent increase in transactions for 2012 and a 55.5 percent increase in total sales volume.

Kentwood Real Estate?s market share for 2012 was number one in the metro Denver area at 10.8 percent, with the company?s closest competitor at 6.47 percent, according to the Denver Multiple Listing Service?s report on the eight core Denver area submarkets.

The figures represent all price points in the heart of the metro Denver area, which means Kentwood Real Estate sells more real estate than any other company in the region, according to the company.

In Kentwood Real Estate?s state-of-the-company meeting on Tuesday, Niederman told the company?s management team about leading the Denver area market in 2012.

?You could see the sense of pride displayed by everyone at the meeting,? said Niederman. ?Our accomplishments are a direct result of our culture, and we are dedicated to protecting our brand and moving forward at an even higher level in the future.?

Kentwood Real Estate is composed of the Kentwood Co. in the Denver Tech Center, the Kentwood Co. at Cherry Creek, and Kentwood City Properties in downtown Denver. For more information, visit Kentwood Real Estate online at

Have a story idea or real estate tip? Contact John Rebchook at is sponsored by Universal Lending, Land Title Guarantee and 8z Real Estate. To read more articles by John Rebchook, subscribe to the Colorado Real Estate Journal














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