Saturday, November 17, 2012

Will Calculating How Much I Owe Help Me Start to Pay Off My Credit Card Debt?

Well for some people I am sure it does. But for many, many others it creates two big barriers to any positive action towards reducing those credit card debts.

The first issue is actually doing the calculation. You are deep in debt. You do not want to face how much you owe. This is the dreaded thing in your life. With all those negative feelings towards your debts are you really going to pick up a pen and paper, rummage around for those bills, and sit down and make the calculation? Often the answer is, not if you can possibly find something "better" or "more important" to do - I'm sure darning those socks was a crucial, "must do now" activity!

You're mind knows facing these credit card debts causes you stress. It wants to protect you. Avoid facing them and hopefully the stress will go away - yes, your mind is not always logical!

O.K. So let's say you are in a position where you really have to face those credit card debts. You've plucked up the courage, and you have calculated all you owe - congratulations! Often what happens now is that you find you owe even more than you thought you did - that exercise really did deliver the shock value! Has that shock made you determined to do something about it and pay off those credit card debts? With some people it will, but with many it just puts you from despair to absolute despair!

What has happened here? Your subconscious mind has been protecting you from the stress of your credit card debt by avoiding it. You have then, against its will, decided to face it. Your subconscious mind is now convinced it was doing the right thing by avoiding these debts as you are now not just stressed, but completely besides yourself with worry. All the feelings you are having are negative. The action of calculating how much you owe has resulted in negativity (unless you have managed to implant in your mind that the action itself is a positive step towards reducing your debt, and made this feeling stronger than the shock of the total you have calculated).

So what is our natural reaction to negativity? If you are anything like me I will first try burying my head in the sand and hope it will go away. If that doesn't work, then a shopping spree can often take your mind off it. And if you still haven't got over it then a trip to the pub to obliterate it completely can be very effective! We do not operate efficiently in a negative frame of mind.

So what's the alternative? Is there an alternative? Yes, there is. The key is to approach your debts in a neutral way - positive is very difficult when dealing with credit card debt! If you can approach your credit card debt in a neutral way, with a mindset which is not focussing on the negativity of it (not even facing how much you owe!), and you can take actions which are positive, whilst not requiring you to face any of the negativity or change your lifestyle, then gradually your mind will realise this is nothing to fear. As the actions create results your mindset will turn from negativity towards your credit card debts to positivity.

The biggest beauty is, once your mind has turned from negative to positive it is now working with you to reduce these debts, not fighting to protect you from them. Once this happens your results will soar, and best of all, you will feel great. You will have had none of the pain of facing how much you owe before you were ready to, and you will have big gains in reducing those credit card debts faster than you thought possible.

"How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt" shows you a very simple system to achieve a positive mindset towards your debts. Give it a go, and start smiling about your debts:). Available on Amazon, or go to


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