Friday, November 30, 2012

Is your couch giving you cancer?

Many sofas contain flame-retardant chemicals ? some of which have been linked to health problems ? according to a new study

You might want to reconsider your tendency to curl up on your couch after a long, grueling day. A new study?from the journal Environmental Science and Technology found that many sofas contain chemicals linked to cancer, fertility problems, and developmental delays in children, and a lot of these toxins aren't labeled.

A little background: Every year, manufacturers use 3.4 billion pounds of flame-retardant chemicals in furniture and other household items to prevent them from catching fire when exposed to open flame. California requires upholstered furniture to be flame-retardant, and, according to NPR, "most manufacturers find it easier to use the same foam in all their furniture, rather than just use retardants in sofas that are bound for California." But many of these chemicals are dangerous for humans ? they tend to "leach" into the air and bond with dust particles we breathe ? and studies have found that they're not even effective at retarding flames.??

SEE ALSO: Los Angeles adopts Meatless Monday: Should more cities follow suit?

For this study, researchers examined foam samples from couches found in California homes and bought between 1985 and 2010. Among the flame-retardant chemicals that have been used in couches, the most common is Tris phosphate, which was listed by the state of California as a carcinogen in 2011 and was banned from baby clothes in the '70s. PentaBDE, the second most common chemical, was banned in 172 countries and 12 U.S. states after being linked to fertility problems and lower IQ and motor-function problems in children. And then there's Firemaster 550, which has been linked to rapid weight gain and early onset of puberty.

Researchers discovered that 85 percent of the couches they studied contained these flame-retardant chemicals. Sixty-four percent of those couches had no label. "There's no way to find out if [a sofa] does or doesn't" contain flame retardants, says Heather Stapleton, an associate professor of environmental chemistry at Duke University and author of the study. While some of these chemicals have been banned or phased out in recent years (PentaBDE was banned in California in 2004), most people keep their couches for 15 years or more.

The American Chemistry Council says that, although these chemicals are present, the study does not indicate "that the levels of flame retardants found would cause any human health problems." If you want to take precautionary measures, but aren't ready throw out your couch, a co-author of the study suggests regular vacuuming or wet-mopping to help reduce dust levels.

Sources: NPR, CNN, Mother Jones, North County Times

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Finding, Restoring & Finishing Period Wooden Doors | Home ...

There are a multitude of reasons why you might choose to take on the task of not just finding vintage doors but also restoring them to their former glory. Some may say there is a sense of accomplishment in taking something broken down and putting it into use again, others enjoy the challenge or simply being crafty. No matter what your reason we highly encourage the act of being resourceful and honoring age old designs that truly do add character to any home or building.

Door 300x225 Finding, Restoring & Finishing Period Wooden Doors

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Finding the perfect door
When beginning your adventure into the world of restoring vintage furniture, it is important to understand that because items are no longer being produced; you are working with an ever depleting stock. So you may have to get your hands dirty and begin by rummaging through our personal favorites; the scrap yard and or dumpsters. More often than not, one man?s trash will become another man?s treasure, in which case you may just find that perfect cast away door.

Garage sales
If the previous approach strikes you as a bit too extreme, no problem; there are always more civilized settings such as yard sales or garage sales. Most people may not realize the value in their old doors, so keep your poker face and do your best to work a deal.

Antique shops
The most obvious place to run across a period front door would be a second hand shop or if money is not an issue head straight for your local antique shop. These establishments are usually more aware of the beauty and value attached to doors of earlier periods, a fact which is usually reflected in the prices.
It is worth remembering when searching for period furniture on a budget; that an opportunity may arise out of nothing. As with all shrewd shoppers; keep your eyes open, be prepared to ask questions and you just might get lucky.

Restoring and Finishing Your Fabulous Find

Red Door 232x300 Finding, Restoring & Finishing Period Wooden Doors

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Restoration starts with the stripping process, which can also be considered the most difficult part of the project. You want to make sure that you have stripped all of the old paint, wax or residue from the door, followed by a wash using hot water and detergent. After you have cleaned the door set it aside until the wood has had time to completely dry.

Once the door has dried you will need to make any repairs that may be needed. Often the wood may need to be sanded down to create a nice even surface or holes may need to be filled in with putty. If replacing bits of wood, make sure to try and match the species, texture and grain as best you can.

Before finishing your period door; you will want to use a bit of scrap wood to test out your ideas. The last thing you want is to regret your choice of finish, especially when you worked so hard to get it to this stage.
Consider the type of wood you are working with, the natural colourations of the wood and where you will be installing the door when planning your finishing touches. Initial colours are laid down on the door whether you are using paint or a stain, followed by a seal or topcoat which is lightly sanded down between each layer.
Tint or glaze can be applied to ensure the colours are blended evenly and four to six coats of the topcoat will help to protect the wood. When all the layers are on and you are satisfied with the finished product you can rub, wax and buff your door to your desired shine.

Blue Door 200x300 Finding, Restoring & Finishing Period Wooden Doors

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Finding, restoring and finishing period wooden doors is not exactly a straight forward task. It takes a lot of patience and trust in the knowledge that the right door will come along. But sometimes when the vintage stars align, you could be left with a unique and individual item that will demand admiration for the years to come.


This article was brought to you by Yale Exterior Doors. Each Yale front door can be ordered in a number of authentic period styles. Whether you choose a Georgian or Victorian front door you can rely on the security and build quality of Yale.


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A Pleasure Craft Can Be The Recreation Investment ... - Boating Guide

A Pleasure Craft Can Be The Recreation Investment For Almost Anyone
Water sports are enjoyed by almost everyone and there are few experiences that compare to taking a boat out upon a lake for skiing, fishing, or simply enjoying the wind rushing by and the water spray. The pleasure craft is for many people an essential part of the summer?s recreation and enjoyable by the entire family. This type of sporting activity doesn?t require a huge investment as boats can be as large or small as the budget and the purpose dictate.

While a yacht might be nice for open water and desired by many, the largest boat for leisure activities is not always the best suited for the particular sport or purpose. A small boat with a trolling motor is all that many avid fisherman want or need. The quiet motor and low hull allow them to get in close to the shore and fish without frightening their quarry away.

However, no matter the size of the boat or the purpose there are certain boating laws governing the operation of these craft. Most operators are required to have taken boating safety courses and to have a craft operator card. A boating license is required in most states and is a statement that the operator understands the rules and regulations governing the operation of their craft.

The popularity of boating for leisure has increased and with more recreational boats on the waterways it is more important than ever that the operators be competent and conversant with all laws. Different types of boats require different licensing and competencies but the most common is the pleasure craft boat license.

Boat safety is taken very seriously by most boaters and competency licenses help assure that the boater is up to date on the latest in regulations as well as basic safety measures. A competent craft operator should know many basic safety facts. Knowing how many life vests are required in a leisure boat, who has the right of way at any time and how many people their boat can carry are just a few of the obligations of a boat operator.

Boating laws are important to safety and the regulations may vary from closed lakes to sea going vessels. Classes which teach boat safety and give licenses are important so that the pleasure craft operator emerges knowing what rules govern their craft in almost any situation. The license is merely proof they have taken the classes and passed the competency tests.

People can invest many thousands of dollars in their recreation, this is particularly true of boats used for leisure and sports. They feel the investment is well worth it. However, as valuable as the dollars spent on the craft, is the time spent learning the boat laws and acquiring a boating license.

Whether enjoying the waterways inland, or experiencing the thrill of the open water the competent boat operator can assure that both they and their passengers arrive home safely. Pleasure craft provide leisure time opportunities and a sport that can be enjoyed whether they are young or old. It only makes sense to assure that the operator has all the skills and knowledge possible and a license as well.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ex-US Rep. Reynolds latest to seek Jackson's seat

FILE - In this Jan. 9, 1995 file photo, U.S. Rep. Mel Reynolds responds to question in Chicago. Reynolds has scheduled a news conference Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012, in Chicago to announce that he is running to replace Jesse Jackson Jr. in Congress. Jackson resigned last week, citing his ongoing treatment for bipolar disorder. Reynolds resigned from office in 1995 after being convicted of having sexual relations with an underage campaign worker. The Harvard-educated Democrat later also went to prison after being convicted of fraud for concealing debts to obtain bank loans and diverting money intended for voter registration drives into his election campaign. Jackson was first elected to Congress in 1995 in a special election to replace Reynolds. (AP Photo/Fred Jewell, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 9, 1995 file photo, U.S. Rep. Mel Reynolds responds to question in Chicago. Reynolds has scheduled a news conference Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012, in Chicago to announce that he is running to replace Jesse Jackson Jr. in Congress. Jackson resigned last week, citing his ongoing treatment for bipolar disorder. Reynolds resigned from office in 1995 after being convicted of having sexual relations with an underage campaign worker. The Harvard-educated Democrat later also went to prison after being convicted of fraud for concealing debts to obtain bank loans and diverting money intended for voter registration drives into his election campaign. Jackson was first elected to Congress in 1995 in a special election to replace Reynolds. (AP Photo/Fred Jewell, File)

(AP) ? Just a few blocks from a courthouse where he was convicted of fraud and a few miles from another where he was convicted of having sex with a minor, former U.S. Rep. Mel Reynolds announced Wednesday he is running for the congressional seat vacated by Jesse Jackson Jr.

The former congressman is just the latest entry in a race that has unleashed a frenzy of ambition, with politicians from every level seeing their once-in-a-lifetime shot at Washington ? or a chance at redemption. The list runs from a former congresswoman to a former NFL star to a theatric defense attorney who once defended former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Reynolds adds an additional layer of intrigue, startling even by the standards of Chicago ? a city with a healthy reputation for corruption and that recently sent a politician back to the Legislature despite being under federal indictment.

The former congressman, who was released from prison in 2001 after President Bill Clinton commuted his sentence, announced his latest political plans Wednesday at a news conference in Chicago.

"People are human, they make mistakes," said Reynolds, who spoke in front of a sign that read: "REDEMPTION."

Jackson, the son of a civil rights icon, resigned last week, citing his ongoing treatment for bipolar disorder. He also confirmed publically for the first time that he is the subject of a federal probe and is cooperating with investigators.

A Harvard graduate and a Rhodes Scholar, Reynolds unseated U.S. Rep. Gus Savage in 1992, two years after a House ethics committee determined that during an official trip to Africa Savage had made improper sexual advances to a female Peace Corps volunteer.

Like Jackson after him, Reynolds was a rising star in Democratic politics when he was elected. He was considered the "anti-Savage" candidate.

But then Reynolds was convicted in state court in the sex case and sent to prison in 2005. Later, while still behind bars, he was convicted of fraud for concealing debts to obtain bank loans and diverting money intended for voter registration drives into his election campaign.

Despite that background, Reynolds said he thinks he has a good chance at winning. He characterized his legal problems as "mistakes" rather than crimes and predicted they would be forgiven in a district and city that just elected state Rep. Derrick Smith, even though he has been indicted on federal corruption charges.

"People aren't into closing doors on people," he told reporters. "People can give people an opportunity to go forward in their lives," adding that his own career includes a landslide victory after he was indicted on criminal charges.

Political observers aren't so sure, saying that as forgiving as voters can be they will be hard-pressed to forgive someone convicted of such serious charges.

"This district does not have the luxury of providing redemption," said Laura Washington, a political analyst in Chicago.

Among others considering a run is Sam Adam Jr., a verbose defense attorney best known for representing Blagojevich and R&B star R. Kelly. Jackson's brother, Jonathan Jackson, is too.

Former Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Halvorson, who was beaten by Jackson in the primary last spring, says she intends to run, as does state Sen. Napoleon Harris, a former Northwestern University football who played seven years in the NFL.

Former Cook County Board President Todd Stroger, who was sent packing by voters after a tenure marked by corruption allegations, was thinking about making a run. But he opted against it amid reports that about $500,000 had disappeared from his campaign filings. Stroger told a local newspaper it was the result of an accounting error.

The stories of Reynolds and Jackson ? who is being investigated for his ties to Blagojevich and reportedly for allegations that he misused campaign funds ? highlight the city's often embarrassing political history.

Dick Simpson, a former city alderman and political scientist at the University of Illinois at Chicago, found in an analysis that the Chicago region has had more corruption convictions than any other metropolitan region in the country. The re-emergence of politicians like Reynolds only underscores that point, he said.

"That simply tells the nation that, yes, Chicago hasn't changed," Simpson said.

Associated Press


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Adobe updates Photoshop Touch to get cozy on the iPad mini and Nexus 7

Adobe updates Photoshop Touch to get cozy on the iPad mini and Nexus 7

Less than a fortnight has passed since Adobe sent its slate-friendly photo editing app to Amazon's Appstore. Today, the graphics software outfit is rolling out another update of Photoshop Touch that has been optimized for those smaller slates -- particularly the options from Apple and Google. In addition to the tweaks that account for less screen real estate, version 1.4 also touts support for three pressure-sensitive styli (Pogo Connect, Jot Touch and the Jaja stylus), added effects, performance enhancements and the ability to share your creations to both Facebook and Twitter without the need to head elsewhere. A fresh download is available now from iTunes, Google Play and the aforementioned Amazon repository for $10. Consult the full announcement below if you're looking for a few more particulars.

Continue reading Adobe updates Photoshop Touch to get cozy on the iPad mini and Nexus 7

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Source: Google Play, iTunes, Amazon Appstore


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The woman mayor who was kidnapped and murdered by a Mexican drug gang pleaded with her attackers for her young daughter?s life

Maria Santos Gorrostieta, who had already survived two assassination attempts, was driving the child to school when she was ambushed by a car in the city of Morelia. The 36-year-old was hauled from her vehicle and physically assaulted as horrified witnesses watched. They described how she begged for her child to be left alone and then appeared to get into her abductors? car willingly. The little girl was left wailing as her mother was driven away. For the next week, her frantic family waited by the phone for a ransom call that never came. Gorrostieta?s body ? stabbed, burned, battered and bound at wrist and ankle ? would finally be found eight days on dumped by a roadside in San Juan Tararameo, Cuitzeo Township. She left behind her daughter and two sons as well as her second husband Nereo Delgado Patinoran. Hailed as a heroine of the 21st century, her death has prompted much soul-searching in a country ravaged by violence.


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

'Catching Fire' Bromance Confirmed! Josh Hutcherson, Sam Claflin 'A Great Match'

'We totally hit it off,' Hutcherson tells MTV News after Jennifer Lawrence revealed the pair's budding friendship.
By Kara Warner, with reporting by Josh Horowitz

Josh Hutcherson
Photo: MTV News


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NYC nanny pleads not guilty in child deaths

FILE - In this Oct. 27, 2012 file photo, Photographs of the two children allegedly stabbed by their nanny are displayed alongside balloons and stuffed animals at memorial outside the apartment building were they lived in New York. Yoselyn Ortega, the nanny, has pleaded not guilty in the stabbing deaths of the two children. Ortega was arraigned Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012 at a hospital where she has been treated for self-inflicted stab wounds. Six-year-old Lucia Krim and her 2-year-old brother, Leo, were killed Oct. 25 in their Upper West Side apartment. Their mother found them when she came home with the victims' 3-year-old sister. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

FILE - In this Oct. 27, 2012 file photo, Photographs of the two children allegedly stabbed by their nanny are displayed alongside balloons and stuffed animals at memorial outside the apartment building were they lived in New York. Yoselyn Ortega, the nanny, has pleaded not guilty in the stabbing deaths of the two children. Ortega was arraigned Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012 at a hospital where she has been treated for self-inflicted stab wounds. Six-year-old Lucia Krim and her 2-year-old brother, Leo, were killed Oct. 25 in their Upper West Side apartment. Their mother found them when she came home with the victims' 3-year-old sister. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

(AP) ? A nanny accused in the stabbing deaths of two children in her care at their upscale Manhattan home pleaded not guilty Wednesday inside a hospital room where she's been treated for self-inflicted stab wounds.

Yoselyn Ortega ? lying handcuffed in her hospital bed in silence, her right hand trembling ? entered the plea through her defense attorney.

"I ask you to enter a not guilty plea on behalf of my client," said the lawyer, Valerie Van Leer-Greenberg.

Van Leer-Greenberg also told Judge Lewis Bart Stone that her client remains "profoundly, medically impaired and in need of medical attention."

Stone ordered Ortega held without bail while she undergoes psychiatric exam. The judge, like two prosecutors and everyone else crowded into the room, wore a hospital gown.

Ortega, 50, appeared alert but didn't speak during the 10-minute hearing.

She had a tube leading to her throat, but was breathing on her own. She wore a blue hair net. No wounds were visible.

The hospital room was sparse: There were no flowers, photos or other personal items on display.

The unusual bed-side arraignment came as District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. announced an indictment charging Ortega with multiple counts of murder.

"This crime shocked and horrified parents around the city, many of whom entrust their children to the care of others both by necessity and by choice," Vance said in a statement. "My heart goes out to the family of those beautiful young children, and I hope that, with time, this family will heal."

Van Leer-Greenberg left the hospital without speaking to reporters.

Authorities allege that on the evening of Oct. 25, while the children's mother was out with a third child, Ortega repeatedly stabbed 6-year-old Lucia Krim and her 2-year-old brother, Leo.

When their mother, Marina Krim, returned with her 3-year-old daughter, she found their bodies in the bathtub, with Ortega lying on the bathroom floor with stab wounds to her neck. A kitchen knife was nearby.

The children's father, CNBC digital media executive Kevin Krim, had been away on a business trip when the killings occurred.

The couple's apartment building sits in one of the city's most idyllic neighborhoods, a block from Central Park, near the Museum of Natural History and blocks from Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. The neighborhood is home to many affluent families, and seeing children accompanied by nannies is an everyday part of life there.

Some of Ortega's friends and relatives said she appeared to be struggling emotionally and financially recently, but they still couldn't believe she could have committed such a heinous act.

Associated Press


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Target Partners with CNET for Electronics Product Reviews ...

Posted Date:11/11/2012
Target Partners with CNET for Electronics Product Reviews

Target shoppers can now find electronics and technology reviews from CNET, via on-shelf signage and by clicking the Expert Review tab on In the store, customers can scan a QR code to access full product reviews on the website. CNET Editors Picks for Target will feature 25 product reviews rating products on ease of use, style and value.

We know our guests find expert reviews helpful when making purchasing decisions, said Scott Nygaard, Targets vice president of merchandising for electronics in a statement. As the respected industry expert, CNET was a clear choice to provide this expertise to Targets guests.

The reviews, part of a larger partnership between the retailer and the technology news website, became available November 11, in time for holiday shopping.

CNET editors review hundreds of tech products each year, and weve built a reputation as the most trusted and expert tech reviewers, said CNET reviews editor in chief Lindsey Turrentine. Were thrilled to help Target guests enjoy gadget shopping this holiday season.

For related content: Winning the Social Engagement Wars: Target, Macys, Walmart

Target Has the Gift of Giving

Target Supports New Apple Passbook App for Mobile Coupons


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Greek Bankruptcy Averted ? for now |

Greek Bankruptcy Averted ... for now

(Getty Images)

ATHENS, Greece (TheBlaze/AP) ? Greece has avoided imminent bankruptcy after its international creditors finally agreed to give it more money, but the cash-strapped country?s economic distress is likely to drag on for years to come.

After three weeks of negotiations, Greece?s euro partners and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed to release vital loan payments totaling some ?44 billion ($57 billion) and introduce a series of measures designed to reduce the country?s massive debts to a more manageable level within a decade. These include reducing the interest rates Greece has to pay on the loans and a bond buyback program.

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras hailed the agreement in Brussels early Tuesday as a victory that heralds ?a new day for all Greeks,? but the reaction in the markets was a bit more cautious.

Greek Bankruptcy Averted ... for now

Antonis Samaras (Getty Images)

For three years, Greece has been struggling to convince markets as well as its creditors that it can get a grip on its public finances, which spiraled out of control. The country is predicted to enter its sixth year of recession and is weighed down by an unemployment rate of 25 percent.

The so-called troika of the European Central Bank, IMF and the European Commission has twice agreed to bail out Greece, pledging a total of ?240 billion ($310 billion) in rescue loans ? of which the country has received about ?150 billion ($195 billion) so far. In return for its bailout loans, Greece has had to impose several rounds of austerity measures and submit its economy to scrutiny.

Without the bailout money, the country would be staring bankruptcy in the face together with a possible exit from the 17-country eurozone, with potentially chaotic repercussions for the world economy.

Greek Bankruptcy Averted ... for now

(Getty Images)

The meeting agreed to release ?34.4 billion in loans to Greece in December, with the remainder issued in three installments in the first quarter of 2013. The money will be used to help recapitalize Greece?s struggling banking industry and pay back suppliers.

Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras said the deal was ?very important for it keeps Greece in the euro, offers it a significant opportunity to exit the vicious cycle of recession and over-indebtedness, and contributes to its debt reduction.?

But opposition leader Alexis Tsipras, whose Radical Left Coalition wants Greece to scrap its bailout commitments, accused the conservative-led governing coalition of failing to defend the country?s interests.

?The solution does not include a viable program for Greece, therefore it is no solution,? he said. ?(It follows) successive failures of a program that has destroyed our society and meets none of the targets it sets.?

The meeting in Brussels was the third time in the last two weeks that finance ministers from the 17 European Union countries that use the euro had tried to hammer out a deal on the next installment of bailout money for struggling Greece.

Greek Bankruptcy Averted ... for now

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde takes her seat during a briefing at the IMF headquarters April 19, 2012 in Washington, DC. The International Monetary Fund and World Bank are holding their 2012 spring meeting through April 21. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

The main aim of the bailout program is to right Greece?s economy and get it to a point where it can independently raise money on the debt markets once the bailout loans start to run out at the end of 2014. It has been clear for months that the country is far from achieving that goal. Greece?s debt levels are expected to hit 190 percent of its annual economic output next year- some ?346 billion.

Current forecasts have Greece?s debt level at 144 percent of its output by 2020. The IMF had originally said it would only agree to the bailout program if the country?s debt was at 120 percent by then. Tuesday?s meeting reached a compromise between the IMF and the euro ministers where Greece will now have to reach a 124 percent debt load by 2020 and below 110 percent by 2022. The difference between the current forecast and the new 2020 target would involve a cut in Greece?s debt load of some ?40 billion.

The deal still requires the authorization of a number of Parliaments in Europe, including Germany?s, where patience with repeated Greek rescues has been running low.

Greek Bankruptcy Averted ... for now

A demonstrator holds a sign depicting German Chancellor Angela Merkel and three recent Greek prime ministers in Nazi uniforms during a protest against Merkel?s visit to Greece on October 9, 2012 in Athens, Greece. (Photo by Milos Bicanski/Getty Images)

However, Rainer Bruederle, the caucus leader of the Free Democrats, the junior coalition partner, said he expects broad approval this time on Thursday.

?Conditions have been put together which maintain a tough mechanism toward Greece, but still save us from a collapse of the Greek economy possibly having consequences that could pull down the whole of Europe,? he said.

Follow Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) on Twitter


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Senate proposes plan to provide legal status for undocumented young people (Star Tribune)

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Letters: Safeguarding Subways (1 Letter)

To the Editor:

Re ?Holding Back Floodwaters With a Balloon? (Nov. 20): Reading the article, I recognized an idea I?d seen before. United States Patent 940,323, ?Bulkhead for Tunnels and the Like,? was granted to George W. Jackson on Nov. 16, 1909. Mr. Jackson built Chicago?s freight subway and needed a way to protect it from flooding. His patent covers a portable bulkhead with ?a hollow flexible rim which is adapted to be expanded against the inner walls of the tunnel to form a watertight joint.?

Sadly, both the tunnels and Mr. Jackson?s concern with flooding were forgotten by the time of the Chicago flood of 1992. His idea can certainly be applied to modern subway tunnels as well.

Douglas W. Jones

Iowa City


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Did you see that? How could you miss it?

ScienceDaily (Nov. 26, 2012) ? You may have received CPR training some time ago, but would you remember the proper technique in an emergency? Would you know what to do in the event of an earthquake or a fire? A new UCLA psychology study shows that people often do not recall things they have seen -- or at least walked by -- hundreds of times.

For the study, 54 people who work in the same building were asked if they knew the location of the fire extinguisher nearest their office. While many of the participants had worked in their offices for years and had passed the bright red extinguishers several times a day, only 13 out of the 54 -- 24 percent -- knew the location.

When asked to find a fire extinguisher, however, everyone was able to do so within a few seconds; most were surprised they had never noticed them. The researchers found no significant differences between men and women, or between older and younger adults.

"Just because we've seen something many times doesn't mean we remember it or even notice it," said Alan Castel, an associate professor of psychology at UCLA and lead author of the study. "If I asked you to draw the front of a dime or the front of a dollar bill from memory, how well could you do that? You might get some elements right. Do you know who the president is? On the dime, is he facing left or right? Does it say 'In God We Trust' on the front of the dollar or the back? Do you know what else it says? You've seen it so many times, but you probably haven't paid much attention to it."

Castel said that not noticing things isn't necessarily bad, particularly when those things are not important in your daily life. "It might be a good thing not to burden your memory with information that is not relevant to you," he said.

But with safety information, such as knowing where fire extinguishers are or what to do in an emergency, being prepared can, of course, be very useful.

"When you're on an airplane, do you know where the life vest is and what to do in the event of an emergency?" Castel asked. "You've been told many times, but how would you respond under stressful conditions, when there could be smoke and people screaming?"

A few months after being asked the location of the nearest fire extinguisher, the study participants were asked again if they knew where the closest one was. All of them knew.

"We don't notice something if we're attending to something else," Castel said. "Fire extinguishers are bright red and very conspicuous, but we're almost blind to them until they become relevant."

What does this tell us about the importance of training, whether for emergencies or something as common as learning a new computer program?

Castel stresses that making errors during training is useful. As with the fire extinguisher exercise, errors -- or simple oversights -- can teach us that we don't know something well and need to pay more attention in order to remember it.

"It's good if errors happen during training and not during an event where you need the information," he said. "That's part of the learning process."

The study is published in the journal Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

Castel's co-authors are Michael Vendetti, a UCLA psychology graduate student, and Keith Holyoak, a UCLA professor of psychology. The study's participants work in UCLA's psychology building.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Los Angeles. The original article was written by Stuart Wolpert.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jason H. Wong, Matthew S. Peterson. What we remember affects how we see: Spatial working memory steers saccade programming. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2012; DOI: 10.3758/s13414-012-0388-7

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Couple swept to sea in effort to save son, dog

EUREKA, Calif. (AP) ? A couple died and their 16-year-old son went missing after being swept into sea in Northern California while trying to save their dog, authorities said Sunday.

The family was at Big Lagoon, a beach north of Eureka, Saturday afternoon when the dog chased after a thrown stick and got pulled into the ocean by eight to ten foot waves, said Dana Jones, a state Parks and Recreation district superintendent.

Jones said the boy went after the dog, prompting his father to go after them. She said the teenager was able to get out, but when he didn't see his father, he and his mother went into the water looking for him.

"Both were dragged into the ocean," Jones said.

The Times-Standard reports ( the couple's daughter called police.

Jones said a park ranger had to run a half mile to get to the beach because his car wasn't made to handle the terrain. When he arrived, he wasn't able to get to them because of the high surf, she said.

Rescuers eventually retrieved the mother's body and the father's body washed up.

The Coast Guard deployed a helicopter and two motor life boats to search for the teenager, but the aerial search was suspended Saturday evening by thick coastal fog.

A call seeking the status of the Coast Guard's search on Sunday wasn't immediately returned.

The dog got out of the water on its own, Jones said.


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First Person: How I feed my family without a job

Five million Americans are among the long-term unemployed--those without a job for 27 weeks or longer--according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Another 7.3 million are looking for work, while the unemployment rate sits at 7.9 percent. Numbers aside, individual stories illustrate how America is affected. To see how joblessness hits home, Yahoo News asked unemployed workers to share their job-hunting stories. Here's one.

FIRST PERSON | It should be easy for me to find a job working in an office. I have 31 years of experience with more than 15 years as an office manager in the manufacturing and construction industries. I have excellent references and pride myself on my accounting, computer and people skills.

When President Obama took office, the construction industry dried up and manufacturing continued to migrate overseas. Plants and factories halted their multimillion dollar expansions and many have downsized or closed, and I am afraid things will only get worse as Obamacare and the fiscal cliff hangs over the head of everyone and hits small businesses particularly hard.

I have tried to switch industries, putting in close to 100 applications for any type of office work that I can find, including entry-level, when there was an opening. I received only a handful of interviews and was told that the company "cannot afford to pay you what you are worth," even when I practically beg for minimum wage.

I have three adult children. Currently, only one of them is employed and his job has scaled back to where he only works two weeks a month. My youngest son has moved to Georgia to his brother's in his efforts to find decent employment. My 25-year-old daughter is living at home and also unemployed. My daughter and I have turned our focus to saving money rather than job hunting when there are no real jobs to be had.

My husband has been our financial savior. He took the plunge and opened his own business with a partner. Their company specializes in food-grade process piping and the United States still needs to eat. Thus, he has managed to keep everything going for our family by helping the remaining plants maintain their facilities. It is terrifying to hear stories like Hostess shutting down. I cannot help but wonder if other food-process plants may be forced to do the same thing and our last hope of surviving this economy will literally go down the pipes.

My daughter and I help out however we can. Last spring we planted a huge garden and were able to bring in about $55 per week by selling our produce at the local farmer's market. We have 20 head of cattle and I have been working trying to break some horses to try to increase the ranch's income to a breakeven point. By raising our own beef and vegetables, our efforts have slashed our grocery bill by nearly 60 percent and thus we are able to hang on a little longer.

I have been unemployed for four long years in New Mexico and it is depressing to think it will be another four years before I can even hope that jobs will return.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Web Hosting Bend Oregon -

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Web Hosting For E-commerce Websites | Hugo Hosting

A wonderful amount of chances exist nowadays for people engaged in commencing an on-line company. 1 of the very first issues to be deemed is the implementation of e-commerce 1 their web site. For people unfamiliar with the time period, e-commerce is the purchasing and income of goods and companies by means of the Web. If your business calls for that you market a solution or support then it is really crucial that you just take web hosting for e-commerce into account when deciding who your internet hosting organization will eventually be.

When you have developed your internet site, labored out any kinks inside of its operation, and are all set to go dwell on the internet make certain that your e-commerce web internet hosting is structured. Due to the fact the Net is turning out to be ever more more rapidly, and more and a lot more businesses are constructing an on-line existence locating the proper internet web hosting for e-commerce assistance supplier can established you aside from your competition. The overall performance and operation of a web site is critical to offering clients with a satisfactory on the web shopping expertise which hopefully delivers them back again to your web site once more as properly as directing referral site visitors and extra likely customers. If your internet hosting company activities a great deal of downtime you can drop consumers, prospective new buyers, and the income they intended to commit on your website. Security is an additional essential aspect when thinking about the internet hosting company you will have interaction in company with.

Several e-commerce web internet hosting firms supply relatively reasonably priced internet hosting deals as the opposition in this spot turns into primary-stream. The packages provided often occur with trustworthy tech support with 24/seven availability as properly as tools for site owners to get the most out of your online enterprise. With e-commerce web internet hosting, organizations are typically afforded far more server room enabling for the cataloging of products producing it easier for the conclude person, your customer, to find and purchase the item them are fascinated in. Internet internet hosting for e-commerce is quickly becoming viewed as a single of the best hosting solutions these days and its industry will carry on to expand as far more firms engage in carrying out organization on the Net.

Protection is a single of the most essential factor when we are discussing about e-Commerce relevant sites due to the fact if they are not secured the clients information can be accessed by any person and also these websites settle for immediate on the web repayments which is why it should be protected &amp secured. Also its proposed for SSL certificate to guarantee that the customer would be ordered from secured pages by way of which the information goes encrypted and secured.

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  5. The Host Group Launches A Full Featured GoMobi Platform For The Hosting And Development Of Mobile Websites


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends: Straight Men From Scotch Tape Productions Respond (VIDEO)

  • Exit Stage Right

    In 2005, after a brief press conference in Beijing, China, President Bush tried to make a hasty exit from the stage. Unfortunately, he went the wrong way and encountered two huge locked doors. After a few awkward moments of <a href="" target="_hplink">wrestling with the doors</a>, he turned to the assembled reporters and quipped, "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work."

  • The Photo Op That Tanked

    During the 1988 presidential campaign, democratic candidate Michael Dukakis posed for a photo op riding in a tank with a helmet on. While the image was meant to convey strength and courage, Dukakis ended up looking more like a little kid playing war games. The Republicans even used the footage in a TV ad to portray him as soft on defense.

  • I Have a Scream

    In 2004, Howard Dean was an early front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. But after a disappointing third-place finish in the Iowa caucus, Dean addressed his supporters in what he hoped would be a rousing rallying cry. Instead, his "crazy, red-faced rant" (as he himself later described it) quickly became fodder for TV comedians and a video viral sensation. Many say that his campaign ended that night with his "I have a scream" speech.

  • Oops!

    In one of the most cringe-worthy moments in the history of Republican debates, Rick Perry suffered a major brain freeze when asked which three government departments he intended to axe. After naming two, then fumbling helplessly, he admitted he couldn't think of the third department, and summed up the whole episode with a shrug and an "Oops." His campaign ended soon afterwards.

  • "You Know Who I Am"

    When the presidential seal feel off the podium during President Obama's speech at Fortune magazine's Most Powerful Women Summit in 2010, the president quickly covered by saying, "That's all right, all of you know who I am." The line got a lot of laughs, but he got an even bigger laugh when he followed up, "But I'm sure there's somebody back there that's really nervous right now, don't you think?"

  • Love Your Speech

    In 2011, President Obama gave a speech on the budget deficit that Vice President Joe Biden clearly found riveting. Biden appears to doze off for a full 30 seconds before returning from his peaceful slumber.

  • Fool Me Once...

    In 2002, while addressing a crowd in Nashville, Tennessee, George W. Bush had a little trouble with the old aphorism, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

  • I Can See Russia From My House!

    Sarah Palin's disastrous interview with Katie Couric is now legendary. In fact, it was parodied on SNL by Tina Fey without the writers having to change a single word. The sketch was hilarious and Tina Fey's impersonation was flawless. Here, Palin discusses her foreign policy credentials.

  • Watch Your Step!

    It was moments like these that contributed to President Gerald Ford's reputation as something of a klutz. Chevy Chase launched his career parodying Ford's fumbles, and though his stumbles were never really that numerous, the reputation stuck because everybody loves a good stumble.

  • Shooting Quayle

    When it comes to political bloopers and gaffes, some politicians really stand out. Dan Quayle earned a reputation as a blunderer extraordinaire as he fumbled his way through four years as George H. W. Bush's Vice President. He once famously attended an elementary school spelling bee in which 12-year-old William Figueroa correctly spelled the word "potato" on the blackboard. Quayle, however, told the boy that he needed to add an 'e' on the end. It was just one of many blunders. <strong>Correction</strong>: Originally this caption stated that Quayle had been VP for eight years instead of four. We regret the error.

  • Oh, That's Awkward

    After ceremoniously pardoning a turkey in her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, then-governor Sarah Palin spent a full six minutes taking questions from reporters. Unbeknownst to her, several turkeys were being unceremoniously slaughtered directly behind her for the entire duration of <a href="" target="_hplink">the interview</a>.

  • John McCain's Zombie Pose

    Immediately following one of their 2008 presidential debates, Barack Obama and John McCain were exiting the stage when Mccain inexplicably struck what many have referred to as a classic "zombie pose." It was a random moment to be sure, but it provided late-night comedians and PhotoShop geeks with endless amounts of fun.

  • "Who Am I? Why Am I Here?"

    In the 1992 election, independent candidate Ross Perot chose a decorated war hero, Vice Admiral James Stockdale, to be his running mate. Stockdale was one of the most highly decorated officers in the history of the US Navy, but despite his impressive career up until that point, Stockton unfortunately turned up at the Vice Presidential debates woefully underprepared. He was unfamiliar with the TV format, his hearing aid was not turned on, he seemed disoriented and his cringe-worthy performance was seen by millions. He -- and his reputation -- never fully recovered from his opening lines, "Who am I? Why am I here?" Perot and Stockdale went on to receive just 19% of the general vote.

  • Space Case

    In speech about America's participation in the space race, President John F. Kennedy made an uncharacteristic verbal blunder: Instead of saying an upcoming launch would be the largest "payload" in history, he accidentally said it would be the largest "payroll" in history. His recovery was beautiful, and the crowd ate it up.

  • Weinergate

    In a scandal that truly represents the age we now live in, New York Rep. Anthony Weiner famously tweeted a photograph of... er... himself that ultimately derailed his political career. Though the post was quickly deleted, and the denials quickly followed, it was too late. The scandal was a media sensation, with the New York tabloids gleefully trying to outdo one another with headlines filled with puns and jokes.

  • Too Much Information?

    At a 1965 news conference at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, President Lyndon Johnson infamously surprised everyone by suddenly lifting his shirt to reveal the scar from his recent gall bladder surgery and kidney stone removal. The spontaneous incident resulted in snorts of disapproval and embarrassment across the country, as well as several famous cartoons.

  • Source:

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    Friday, November 23, 2012

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    Winners and losers from Gaza fighting

    Ultra-Orthodox Jews of the Bratslav Hasidic sect, that gathered to show support for the forces, dance as they celebrate atop of a tank in southern Israel, close to the Israel Gaza Strip Border, Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012. A cease-fire agreement between Israel and the Gaza Strip's Hamas rulers took effect Wednesday night, bringing an end to eight days of the fiercest fighting in years and possibly signaling a new era of relations between the bitter enemies. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov)

    Ultra-Orthodox Jews of the Bratslav Hasidic sect, that gathered to show support for the forces, dance as they celebrate atop of a tank in southern Israel, close to the Israel Gaza Strip Border, Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012. A cease-fire agreement between Israel and the Gaza Strip's Hamas rulers took effect Wednesday night, bringing an end to eight days of the fiercest fighting in years and possibly signaling a new era of relations between the bitter enemies. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov)

    Palestinian relatives cry during a funeral of Ibrahim Abu Nasr, 61, and his daughter Amira, 19, in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012. The father and his daughter were killed in an Israeli air strike yesterday, Palestinian health officials said. (AP Photo/Hatem Omar)

    Palestinian militants of the Izzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, attend funerals of five Hamas militants in Mugharka village, central Gaza Strip, Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012. Five Hamas militants were killed in an Israeli air strike yesterday, Palestinian health officials said. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)

    JERUSALEM (AP) ? After eight days of the fiercest fighting in years, a cease-fire agreement between Israel and the Gaza Strip's Hamas rulers could usher in a new era of relations between the bitter foes. The renewed quiet on both home fronts raises questions about what those involved gained, and lost, from the fighting and its aftermath.


    Israel secured an agreement to stop the persistent rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel without launching a ground invasion into Gaza or losing the support of its international allies. Netanyahu's bid for re-election in January could be vastly strengthened by the operation and by the killing of Hamas militant leader Ahmed Jabari on the first day of fighting. Netanyahu got the backing of President Barack Obama during the fighting, a significant achievement after their already shaky relationship grew colder when Netanyahu was perceived to favor Republican nominee Mitt Romney during the recent U.S. election. Israel also secured a commitment from the U.S. to help stop weapons smuggling into Gaza.


    The Islamic militant group that rules Gaza gained significant international credibility, with Arab and Turkish diplomats pouring into the Palestinian territory to show support. Though it has been branded a terror group by Israel and the United States, it was treated as an equal partner with Israel during indirect cease-fire talks in Egypt. In those talks, it secured a commitment for the freer movement of people and goods into and out of Gaza. Hamas also proved its ability to fire rockets as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem despite being battered with airstrikes. As the Arab Spring brings Islamists to power across the region, Hamas' influence is on the rise.


    Abbas, who lost control of Gaza to Hamas five years ago, might be the biggest loser. He had no seat in the cease-fire negotiations and was largely sidelined during the crisis. Hamas' ability to stand up to Israel and survive could also diminish Palestinians' patience with their president's so far fruitless efforts to push for a negotiated solution to the conflict with Israel. Abbas' Western-backed government only rules in the West Bank, and his dreams of reconciling the rival Palestinian territories seems more elusive than ever.


    The former Muslim Brotherhood leading figure emerged from his first major international crisis with enhanced prestige and proved his government can mediate between the two sworn enemies, something the United States cannot do because it considers Hamas a terrorist organization and doesn't allow contacts between its members and American officials. Egypt's sponsorship of the cease-fire ensures Morsi a central role in the future of the region.


    While the Obama administration has sought to refocus its foreign policy on Asia, the Gaza fighting forced it to turn back to a conflict it has sought to move past. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's last-minute shuttle diplomacy might have strengthened a U.S.-Egyptian partnership that has been strained in the 21 months since Egyptians toppled autocratic ruler Hosni Mubarak. After a first term characterized by repeated failures in forging Israeli-Palestinian peace, the U.S. role in supporting the cease-fire could signal renewed American engagement in the region. A U.S. commitment to help stop arms smuggling to Gaza may also help repair Obama's strained relationship with Netanyahu.

    Associated Press


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