Saturday, July 6, 2013

Japan Expo Reveals Pok?mon X & Y Inspiration Details

kalos pokemon x yThe Japan expo ? taking place in Paris ? has revealed a few more tidbits of information regarding the upcoming Nintendo 3DS Pok?mon games X and Y. Yesterday, we reported that a new Pok?mon under the Ghost/Steel typing named Monorpale ? in French ? had been revealed. But now, more details have arrived straight from director Junichi Masuda in an exclusive video at the expo. You can watch the video here, though if you?re not fluent in French, we?ve wrapped up all the information you need to know in the bullet points below. Both games will be released worldwide on October 12.

  • The theme of the sixth generation was established from the beginning of creation ? Beauty. Plus, Kalos in Ancient Greek also means ?beauty?, so a fitting name all in all.
  • The team wanted the next game to be based on a country that has many tourists, is fashionable and, in terms of culinary, is exquisite and sophisticated in taste; France being the perfect choice.
  • Masuda travelled to France in 2011 and, as inspiration, X & Y?s Lumiose City is based on Paris.
  • The far west part of Kalos sees an area of standing stones ? this idea was inspired by the Neolithic Minir collection located in Carnac.

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