Thursday, February 14, 2013

Top 10 Audio Podcasts For Online Entrepreneurs | Pocket Changed

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When I used to have a commute to work I filled my 30-minute drive with podcasts. First they were purely for entertaining me and I listened to podcasts about film, comedy, or video games.

But then I realized I could be using that hour to learn.?I could hear success stories of how other entrepreneurs had gotten started, what strategies have worked for them, and what mistakes I should avoid.

Podcasts were a huge encouragement to me and I actually started to look forward to my commute!

Since I just re-launched the Cubicle Renegade Podcast?I wanted to share what audio podcasts I currently listen to so you have some great people to learn from in between my episodes. :)

Here are my ten favorite audio podcasts (in no particular order) that are always on my iPhone.?(Note: click on the title or artwork to be taken to their iTunes feed.)

smart passive income Podcast - Pocket ChangedPat?s podcast was one of the very first ?business? podcasts that I listened to back in 2010 and where I first heard of Corbett Barr (who I now work full-time with). I mean, who knows what I?d be doing these days without ever meeting Corbett.

There are over 50 great episodes in his archives, about half of which are success story interviews and the other half are solo sessions.?Pat also just switched his publishing schedule to weekly too so you?ll be getting a ton of great advice each week. Many of the podcasts below also got started either directly or indirectly because of the success Pat has had with his.

I now consider Pat a close friend and am actually doing some video work for his new book as well. Funny how things have changed since listening to that first episode?

Favorite Episode: SPI 47: Maintaining a Balanced Life

The-Accidental-Creative-Podcast---Pocket-ChangedTodd has over 225 episodes of his podcast, but I?ve just started listening to it.

The Accidental Creative is one of the few podcasts I?ve actually re-listened to episodes of.?Todd?s podcast is a shorter show,?but it always leave me thinking.

Even his interviews with people that I?ve heard from many times before are always some of the best. And the topics of recent episodes (distractions, creative inversion, and value creep) have come at just the right time for me.

Favorite Episode: The Nature of Contribution

New-Business-Chris-Ducker-Podcast---Pocket-ChangedChris isn?t new to podcasting, but this specific show is relatively new. Focused directly at entrepreneurs and small business owners, this podcast revolves all around using the different platforms and tools available to grow your business online (like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).

One of the coolest parts of this podcast is that each episode Chris brings on a guest that is an expert at whatever topic they?re discussing.?

After recently spending time in person with Chris at NMX I can vouch that he is one of the most genuine people I know online and nothing he produces is ?fluff?. Check out his new podcast if you want to learn how to take your business to the next level.

Favorite Episode: NBP 7: Understanding & Dominating the ?You Economy?

Online-Marketing-Made-Easy-with-Amy-Porterfield-Podcast---Pocket-ChangedThis podcast is literally brand new (just two episodes live at the time of writing this), but Amy is already delivering great content.?The show focuses mainly on how to use content marketing (a fancy term for blogging) and social media to grow your business online.

Because of how jam-packed each episode is with actionable tips you can tell how much preparation goes into them.?

Amy also adds in fun real-life examples to keep it from being just strictly advice on what to do online.

Favorite Episode: OMME 1: List Building with Social Media


Chris has been around the blogging/internet business scene for a long time. In fact, his book Trust Agents was one of my early influences.

He just recently launched the Human Business Way podcast and there are already a ton of interesting conversations with big name people in the archives.

Most of the topics they talk about are next level focused too since he?s been ?around the game? so long. If you want to hear more discussions about the future of business on the web, this is the podcast to listen to.

Favorite Episode: HBW 17: World Domination and More with Chris Guillebeau


This one isn?t a typical produced podcast with a host and guests. It is just a recording of a special ?startup bootcamp? that Seth hosted for a small group of entrepreneurs in NYC.

But really, any time I can hear Seth speak about business I jump at the chance and this group of podcasts doesn?t disappoint.

They just released the 15th and ?final? episode, but it is definitely still worth checking out all the sessions in the archives.

Favorite Episode: SGSS 12: The Dip

socialmediamarketing-michaelstelzner-Podcast---Pocket-ChangedJust like with his site Social Media Examiner, Michael has put together an incredible podcast.

He brings on guests that are some of the biggest names in their industries and then deep dives into some of the best strategies and tactics for many of the platforms online.

And they don?t just cover what?s working now. They also talk about what used to work, but doesn?t anymore.

Favorite Episode:?Podcasting Renaissance ? Is Podcasting Making a Comeback?


Derek?s no b.s. personality is in full force on his insanely popular internet marketing blog?Social Triggers?and his podcast is no different.

Derek brings on academic experts (many of which you?ve probably never heard of) that specialize in topics such as habits, psychology, and decision making and then brings their theories into online business.

Really interesting stuff. And definitely check out the episode below with Ramit. I listened to it three times and picked up something new each time.

Favorite Episode:?How to Charge 100X More Than Your Competition (with Ramit Sethi)


This podcast is a little different from the others on the list, but is one of my go-to?s.

Instead of focusing only on the tactics and strategies of being an entrepreneur, Michael talks much more about the introspective pieces of doing great and meaningful work. Topics include being a leader, waking early, creating a life plan, finding your strengths, and keeping a journal.

One really cool thing he does each episode is answer questions from listeners via voice mails that they leave. It adds a lot of personality to the show.

Favorite Episode: TIYL 27: How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty

Six-Pixels-of-Separation-Podcast---Pocket-ChangedAnd last but definitely not least is Mitch?s podcast, Six Pixels of Separation, which is about to hit episode 350!

Mitch is my favorite interviewer on this list and has such amazing conversations with his guests.?

You could spend months just?listening through all of the old episodes of SPOS. I can guarantee you?ll be a better artist, entrepreneur, and thinker by doing so.

Favorite Episode: SPOS #319: What Does the Future of Blogging Hold


Phew. That?s all 10.

Note: I?ll be recommending my ten favorite web shows soon too, so if a podcast you like isn?t listed (*cough* Eventual Millionaire or The Rise To The Top *cough*) it might be because they do video too and I?ll feature them in that upcoming post. ;)

Next week on the Cubicle Renegade Podcast?we have an awesome interview that I?m super stoked to share. I sat down with?Barrett Brooks of Living for Monday?to discuss exactly how to land the job you want.

Your turn:?What are your favorite audio podcasts??Let me know in the comments below this post.


P.S. Did you notice we just passed 200 posts here on Pocket Changed? Thank you to everyone for all the support over the past 2+ years.


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