Thursday, February 28, 2013

Environmental Concerns Reach Fever Pitch over Plan to Link Red Sea to Dead Sea

Controversies linger over the drinking water project's impact, which could result in hard-to-manage algal blooms or gypsum crystals in the Dead Sea

The Levant from space shuttle Columbia A planned pipeline would deliver water from the Red Sea (center below) to the inland Dead Sea (center) to stem its rapid disappearance. Image: NASA

An ambitious plan to build a pipeline to carry water from the Red Sea to the shrinking Dead Sea lurched forward this month, after the World Bank held hearings to gather public comments on the proposal. But environmentalists charge that alternative plans to save the Dead Sea would be cheaper, more flexible and would have less impact on the region?s ecosystems.

If the project proceeds, a 180-kilometer buried pipeline will carry up to 2 billion cubic meters (m3) of sea water per year from the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea through Jordanian territory to the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea is world's lowest inland area. Proposals have been put forward to set up the pipeline so that the downward flow of the water goes through a hydroelectric plant that would in turn power a desalination plant, providing up to 850 million m3 of fresh water per year to the parched region. Brine from the desalination plant would be discharged into the already-saline Dead Sea, replenishing water that is evaporating from the lake at a rate of more than 1 meter per year.

The estimated cost of the project would be at least US$10 billion, of which about $2 billion would be for facilities that would pump the desalinated water from the Dead Sea towards Amman ? a distance of 200 kilometers, and a difference in altitude of 1,000 meters.

Public discourse
The World Bank in the past two weeks held public forums on the proposal in six cities across the three regions affected by the plan: Amman and Aqaba in Jordan; Eilat and Jerusalem in Israel; and Ramallah and Jericho in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The meetings came after the publication last year of three major reports ? a feasibility study, an environmental and social assessment and a study of alternatives to the controversial project.

Alex McPhail, team leader for the World Bank's Red Sea?Dead Sea study program, presented the three reports at the cacophonous Jerusalem hearing. McPhail said that the environmental and social assessment, led by the Environmental Resources Management, an international consultancy, indicates that ?all potential major environmental and social impacts can be mitigated to acceptable levels? ? with one notable exception.

Studies indicate that if more than 400 million m3 of sea water is added to the Dead Sea, the body of water could be afflicted with algal blooms or the formation of gypsum crystals, with effects that could be difficult to predict. But that amount of water or more is needed to stabilize or raise the level of the Dead Sea.

The environmental outcome of mixing Red Sea water into the Dead Sea is one of the project?s biggest stumbling blocks, according to the conduit?s biggest opponent, Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), which is headquartered in Amman.

Ways to water
FoEME favors exploring alternative ways of getting drinking water to the region and saving the Dead Sea. These include increasing water recycling and conservation by Israel and Jordan; importing water from Turkey; and desalinating sea water on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea or at Aqaba, then discharging the brine into the Dead Sea and pumping the fresh water directly to Amman.

Pumping desalinated Mediterranean sea water across Israel to Amman ?almost certainly would be cheaper? than pumping it across Jordanian territory, says David Meehan, team leader for the feasibility study. ?But my perception is that it would be hugely unpopular in Jordan. Basically Israel would control the tap on the water supply to Amman.?


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Bradley Manning pleads not guilty to aiding the enemy

Patrick Semansky / AP file

Army Pfc. Bradley Manning steps out of a security vehicle as he is escorted into a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md., on Nov. 29, 2012, for a pretrial hearing.

By Jim Miklazewski and Courtney Kube, NBC News

FORT MEADE, Md. ? U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning pleaded not guilty Thursday to a charge of aiding the enemy, but pleaded guilty to some of the lesser charges against him related to the unauthorized released of hundreds of thousands of classified government documents to the WikiLeaks website.

At a pre-trial hearing, Manning also was expected to ask Col. Denise Lind, the military judge hearing his case, to allow him to read a statement explaining his motive in releasing the documents.?

Manning, a 25-year-old former Army intelligence analyst, is facing 22 criminal charges and could face a life sentence if convicted of the most serious charges.

In addition to the charge of aiding the enemy, Manning pleaded not guilty to 16 counts alleging theft of U.S documents or videos -- including allegations that he stole the list of all of the emails and phone numbers of U.S. military and personnel in Iraq at the time -- unauthorized access of that information and downloading unauthorized software onto government computers.

The charges to which he sought to plead guilty were among the least-serious -- such as intentionally causing intelligence information to be published on the Internet, improper handling of classified information and nine of 16 counts of conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline.

Manning was attempting to enter what the government calls a "naked plea" -- meaning there is no agreement between the government and the defense that would limit the sentence. If Lind determines Manning's pleas were made knowingly and voluntarily, she can accept the pleas on Thursday, but not before engaging Manning in a dialogue about each of them to make sure he fully understands the implications of his decisions.

Specifically, Manning acknowledged that he had unauthorized possession of information, that he willfully communicated it and that he communicated it to an unauthorized person. However, he only acknowledged that for nine specific files or pieces of information, including:?

  • Combat engagement video of a helicopter gunship;
  • Two Army intelligence agency memos;
  • Certain records of the combined information data network exchange Iraq (which tracks all significant acts and patrol reports);
  • Combined information data network exchange Afghanistan records;
  • Some SOUTHCOM files dealing with Guantanamo Bay;
  • An investigation into an incident in a village in Farah, Afghanistan;?
  • Some Department of State cables.

Each of the nine files carry a maximum sentence of two years (along with dishonorable discharge), meaning Manning could face a maximum of 18 years in prison if the judge accepts his plea to those charges. He will plead not guilty to stealing the the global address list (all of the emails and phone numbers of US military and personnel in Iraq at the time) and six other files.

If the judge determines Manning's pleas were made knowingly and voluntarily, she can accept the pleas Thursday, but not before the two will have a long dialogue about each of them to make sure Manning fully understands the implications of his decisions.

Related story: WikiLeaks case: Bradley Manning seeks first public statement on motive

Manning?s defense also was going to request that he be permitted to read a statement stating that in releasing the documents, he considered himself a "whistleblower" and he did so with "no malicious intent" or the intent to do "any harm to anyone."? The government contends the release of the documents put some lives at risks, including the names of Afghans who were working with the U.S. military and intelligence.

Manning?s court martial is set to begin June 3.

Jim Miklazewski is NBC News? Chief Pentagon Correspondent and Courtney Kube is NBC News? National Security Producer. ?



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By Suzanne York.? Original posted at

During that 15 minute coffee break you took this morning, somewhere across the ocean an elephant was killed.? It is estimated that every 15 minutes an elephant is slaughtered, about 40,000 annually.

It makes you wonder how much longer wild elephants will roam the earth.? Because at this rate, with high global demand for ivory and high levels of poverty for people that live near these creatures, they won?t be around for much longer.

The New York Times recently ran an op-ed by Carl Safina of the Blue Ocean Institute called ?Blood Ivory? that highlighted the forces at play.? Certainly consumption and poverty are drivers, but Safina pointed out how international policy has failed elephants.? A loop-hole of sorts in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES ? an international agreement that regulates the trade of endangered plants and wildlife), allows for one-time sales of ivory stockpiles, resulting in skyrocketing demand for ivory.? Ironically, a CITES ban on ivory in 1990 was successful in increasing elephant populations, yet this same multilateral environmental agreement is now feeding demand for ivory.

The graph below is from the just released United Nations Environment Programme Year Book 2013, which noted that ?2011 was the worst year on record for ivory seizures? for elephants and rhinos.

African Elephant, Loxodonta africana - up close and personal in Mapungubwe

It is undeniably a bleak situation, yet there are some solutions ? beyond ending the CITES loop-hole ? that can begin to address and hopefully change the situation for the better, for both people and elephants.? Two solutions are empowering women and recognizing rights of nature.

Solution: Empowering Women

Addressing the needs of women can benefit communities and the environment.? Women are on the frontlines of coping with the effects of environmental degradation. In most countries around the world they are the main providers of food, water, and other resources for their families. When women are empowered, they can better support their families and adapt to environmental impacts, including climate change.

A woman?s decision on when and whether to have a child and her access to reproductive care, as well as education, are key components of a healthy and sustainable society.

In Tanzania, for example, family planning use has increased among married women since the early 1990s, yet it is still relatively low in the country, rising from 10 percent in the early 1990s to 34 percent in 2010, according to Population Reference Bureau.

Part of empowering women is addressing inequity.? Tanzania currently has 46 million people, estimated to increase to 82 million people by 2050. Most poachers are driven by grinding poverty, in a country where nearly 70 percent of the Tanzanians live on less than $1.25 per day. When people?s basic needs are met, they choose to invest in their families and communities.

Tanzanian woman

Empowering Tanzanian women and families with reproductive rights, healthcare, education and sustainable and secure livelihoods can and will improve the situation and enable them to overcome challenges.

Of course, poachers tend to be men, and males with little education or few job prospects need to find ways to survive and feed their families.? Men need to be invested in and empowered too, to overcome poverty and a lack of quality jobs, and to have the right to an education.? Ultimately it comes down to empowering all people.

Solution: Rights of Nature

Earth does not exist for our species alone. Elephants and species all over the world are at grave risk due to human development and demand. The planet is undergoing its sixth mass extinction. Despite global conservation efforts, more species are lost every day. Worse, some like elephants and rhinos, are poached only for their tusks and left to die.

Given this situation, there is a growing movement around recognizing rights of nature that acknowledges that nature in all its life forms has the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles. This is another solution for protecting elephants. Under this thinking, nature is not viewed as property and something to be exploited by humans.

There is precedent. Ecuador has included rights of nature in its state constitution, recognizing the legal right of ecosystems to exist. Bolivia has passed a law of Mother Earth, mandating nature legal rights, specifically the rights to life, regeneration, biodiversity, water, clean air, balance, and restoration. Rights of nature has been upheld in Ecuadorian court.

Considering Tanzania again, which still has a somewhat viable elephant population, recognizing rights of nature could be one way to protect remaining numbers.? The country recently rescinded a proposal to sell a stock-pile of ivory under the CITES loophole.? If rights of nature laws were in place, then selling ivory could be found illegal.

Natural laws should be constructed to be in balance with the needs of local people; as stated above, even poachers need education and sustainable economic alternatives.? Currently though, neither elephants/nature, nor people, are winners in this terrible situation.

Ensuring a Brighter Future

Not to be overlooked is the role of consumption.? Educating and empowering women and girls, promoting economic and sustainable livelihoods for local populations, and pulling people out of poverty must be top priorities.? But if there are no consumers for a product, or if there is a ban, then the market theoretically disappears, as happened with the earlier CITES ban.? A ban on ivory trading must be reinstated across the board, no exceptions.? And consumer education must also be made a priority.? Buyers of ivory need to fully comprehend ? and care ? about the true costs of ivory.

It is estimated that Africa has lost close to 90 percent of its elephants in the last fifty years.? There is still a small window of opportunity to change this picture and protect elephants and the people who share the land with them.? This is not negotiable; this is how a civilized society should function.? The global community knows what to do ? fully implement a ban on ivory, invest in people?s rights and livelihoods, and protect and respect nature.

(Elephant photo credit: Derek Keats,

(Tanzanian woman photo credit: NewsHour,

Suzanne York is a senior writer with the Institute for Population Studies.

Women?s empowerment and rights of nature are just two of many issue areas on where you can find people, groups and organizations focusing on the issues that matter.

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Tags: elephants, endangered species, human rights, poverty, rights of nature, women's empowerment


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Boeing, battery maker at odds over 787 fix - report

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Boeing Co and the Japanese company that makes lithium-ion batteries for Boeing's 787 Dreamliner disagree about what should be included in a package of measures aimed at getting the airliner back in the air, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing government and industry officials.

Battery maker GS Yuasa Corp believes the fix for the battery should include a voltage regulator that could stop electricity from entering the battery, the Journal said.

Boeing proposed its fix to the FAA on Friday, but on Thursday, Yuasa told the agency that its laboratory tests indicated a power surge outside the battery, or other external problem, started the failures on two batteries, according to the newspaper.

The FAA confirmed the meeting with Yuasa, but did not give any details.

A Yuasa spokesman declined to comment. Boeing spokesman Marc Birtel said that the investigation has not showed that overcharging was a factor and that the 787 had quadruple-redundant protection against overcharging in any case.

"Our proposal includes multiple layers of protection covering the known potential probable causes of the events," Birtel said by email.

He did not respond directly to the comments about Yuasa, although he added that Boeing was coordinating with key suppliers.

No comment was immediately available from Securaplane, the company that makes the charger for the battery.

(Reporting By Jim Wolf, Andrea Shalal-Esa, Mari Saito and Peter Henderson; Editing by M.D. Golan and Andre Grenon)


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

AP Newsbreak: Drop in Taliban attacks incorrect

A security official stands guard the scene of a suicide car bomb attack which killed and injured several people at the National Directorate of Security in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

A security official stands guard the scene of a suicide car bomb attack which killed and injured several people at the National Directorate of Security in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

A U.S. soldier, right, photographs the scene where an insurgent was shot to death near an Afghan intelligence office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

A security official stands guard at the scene of a suicide car bomb attack which killed and injured several people at the National Directorate of Security in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

(AP) ? The U.S.-led military command in Afghanistan incorrectly reported a decline last year in Taliban attacks and is preparing to publish corrected numbers that could undercut its narrative of a Taliban in steep decline.

After finding what they called clerical errors, military officials in Kabul said Tuesday that a 7 percent drop in "enemy initiated attacks" for the period from January through December 2012 reported last month will be corrected to show no change in the number of attacks during that span.

The 7 percent figure had been included in a report posted on the coalition's website until it was removed recently without explanation. After The Associated Press inquired about the missing report, coalition officials said they were correcting the data and would re-publish the report.

"During a quality control check, ISAF recently became aware that some data was incorrectly entered into the database that is used for tracking security-related incidents across Afghanistan," said Jamie Graybeal, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition known officially as the International Security Assistance Force, or ISAF.

Graybeal said a subsequent audit determined that portions of the data from unilateral Afghan military operations were "not properly reflected" in the trends ISAF had reported in its monthly updates on security and violence.

"After including this unilateral ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) data into our database, we have determined that there was no change in the total number of EIAs (enemy initiated attacks) from 2011 to 2012," Graybeal said.

"This was a record-keeping error that we recognized and have now corrected," he added.

The coalition defines enemy initiated attacks as attacks by small arms, mortars, rockets and improvised explosive devices, or IEDs. But it does not include IEDs that are found and cleared before they explode.

Trends in Taliban attacks are one yardstick used by ISAF to measure war progress. Others include the state of security in populated areas, the number of coalition and Afghan casualties, the degree to which civilians can move about freely, and the performance of Afghan security forces.

Graybeal said that even though the number of 2012 Taliban attacks was unchanged from 2011, "our assessment of the fundamentals of campaign progress has not changed. The enemy is increasingly separated from the population and the ANSF are currently in the lead for the vast majority of partnered operations."

Associated Press


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SpaceX tests rocket for space station launch

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket completed a two-second ignition of its first stage while being held down onto its Florida launch pad on Monday, in preparation for Friday's launch to the International Space Station. This view of the test was taken by a remote video camera, which makes it difficult to see the flare of the rocket.

By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News

SpaceX said it completed a successful test of the engines on its Falcon 9 rocket on Monday, in preparation for Friday's planned cargo launch to the International Space Station.

The California-based rocket company's unmanned Dragon capsule is due to deliver about 1,200 pounds (550 kilograms) of supplies to the space station and bring back 2,300 pounds (1,050 kilograms) of cargo, including scientific samples and space station hardware.

Monday's static-fire test was aimed at checking the performance of the Falcon 9 first stage's nine engines before they're called upon to loft the second stage and the Dragon capsule toward orbit on Friday. The rocket was held down onto its launch pad at Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida for the engine firing, which came at the end of a dress rehearsal for Friday's countdown.

"SpaceX engineers ran through all countdown processes as though it were launch day," the company said in a statement issued after the 1:30 p.m. ET firing. "All nine engines fired at full power for two seconds, while the Falcon 9 was held down to the pad. SpaceX will now conduct a thorough review of all data and continue preparations for Friday's targeted launch."

In a Twitter update, SpaceX's billionaire founder, Elon Musk, reported that the static-fire test looked good: "Engines generated 433 tons of thrust, parameters nominal."

SpaceX said the first opportunity for launch will come at 10:10 a.m. ET on Friday. This is the third Dragon to be sent to the space station, and the second flight under the terms of a $1.6 billion, 12-flight cargo resupply contract with NASA.

Another company, Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corp., has a separate $1.9 billion contract to deliver supplies to the space station but has not yet begun flying its Antares rocket and Cygnus cargo capsule. On Friday, Orbital completed a successful static-fire test of Antares' engines in preparation for the rocket's first flight, which is expected to take place later this year.

NASA's contracts with SpaceX and Orbital are meant to help fill the gap left by the retirement of the space shuttle fleet in 2011. Russian, European and Japanese unmanned spacecraft are also used to send supplies to the space station, but Russia's Soyuz capsule is the only spacecraft currently cleared to transport astronauts to and from orbit. NASA is providing more than $1 billion to SpaceX, the Boeing Co. and Sierra Nevada Corp. to support the development of new crew-capable spacecraft for low Earth orbit.

More about SpaceX's mission:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

House GOP?s VAWA proposal nixes LGBT, American Indian protections

Supporters of the Violence Against Women Act rally in Washington, DC.  (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Supporters of the Violence Against Women Act rally in Washington, DC. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

After effectively stonewalling the once bipartisan Violence Against Women Act in the last Congress, House Republicans are at it again.

On Friday, the GOP countered a Senate version of VAWA that passed through the upper chamber with bipartisan support last week with their own less inclusive bill that continues to block protections for LGBT domestic violence victims, American Indians, and undocumented immigrants.

Coverage for gay and lesbian domestic violence victims is never mentioned in the bill. The House version essentially makes it harder for illegal immigrants who were abused to reach legal status, and makes it easier for non-American Indians who are charged with abusing American Indian women on tribal land to get their cases excused from tribal courts. It says it will expand assistance to ?adult and youth victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.? You can read the entire text of the bill here and its official section-by-section summary text here.

The House bill was written to ?protect all women from acts of violence and help law enforcement prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law,? Eric Cantor spokeswoman Megan Whittemore, who helped craft the bill, told TPM.

The Senate bill passed last week with bipartisan support in a vote of 78-22. Every Republican and Democratic woman in the Senate voted in favor of its passage.

VAWA was first passed in 1994 but expired at the beginning of this year. Vice President Joe Biden, then the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, helped author the original legislation. The bill provides funding to aid and counsel victims of domestic violence while implementing stronger penalties for their abusers. Some of its components included maintaining that a woman?s past sexual history cannot be used against her in a trial of her abuser and that women?shouldn?t?be forced to pay for their own protection or rape exam.

One of the authors of the Senate bill, Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy,?issued a strong statement condemning the House version, saying, ?This is simply unacceptable and it further demonstrates that Republicans in the House have not heard the message sent by the American people and reflected in the Senate?s overwhelming vote earlier this month to pass the bipartisan Leahy-Crapo bill.?

Other prominent senators were also quick to blast the bill. ?It?s not a compromise, it?s an unfortunate effort to exclude specific groups of women from receiving basic protections under the law. And we cannot allow that to happen,? said VAWA advocate Patty Murray, D-Wash., in a statement. ?House Republican leadership just doesn?t get it.?

President Obama recently pleaded with Congress to pass the Violence Against Women Act in his State of the Union address, saying, ?We know our economy is stronger when our wives, mothers, and daughters can live their lives free from discrimination in the workplace, and free from the fear of domestic violence. Today, the Senate passed the Violence Against Women Act that Joe Biden originally wrote almost 20 years ago. I urge the House to do the same.?

Seventeen Republican representatives recently signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor, expressing support for a bipartisan solution to the legislation.

The Senate version includes $659 million in assistance over five years, a number actually down 17% from the last time the bill was reauthorized in 2005.

In her ?Open Letter? Saturday, MSNBC?s Melissa Harris-Perry addressed Republican Rep. John Duncan of Tennessee, who was recently quoted as saying, ?Like most men, I?m more opposed to violence against women than even violence against men because most men can handle it a little better than a lot of women can.?

Harris-Perry responded:

?Is it that lesbians and gay men can just a take punch better than straight women? Or maybe you?ve decided that Native American women are particularly good at handling intimate violence because you and the other House Republicans still refuse to support a bill that gives tribal authorities the ability to prosecute those who commit acts of violence on tribal lands. Maybe your refusal to reauthorize VAWA is actually based on a belief that when some people are abused it?s just not a big deal because they can handle it.?

The House version of the bill is scheduled to come up in the Rules Committee this Tuesday.


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Oklahoma City built an arena and the NBA came

by David Alan, 13News

Posted on February 21, 2013 at 10:11 AM

Updated Thursday, Feb 21 at 10:12 AM

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - In just five short seasons, the Thunder has taken Oklahoma City by storm. They?re the talk of the town. The team has some of the best players in the league with an NBA crown within its grasp again this year.

?We?re so excited to have an NBA team here,? said one fan.

A Thunder ticket is one of the toughest tickets in town. The team easily sells out every game. There are 14,000 season ticket holders and 3,000 people on the waiting list.

Oklahoma City?s road to the NBA began 20 years ago when voters agreed to a penny-on-a-dollar sales tax increase to fund a host of projects to try and revitalize a destitute downtown. No project would prove more critical to the city?s success than what was an $89 million bare bones arena.

?We built an arena whose only tenant was a Double-A hockey team,? said state Senator David Holt, who wrote a book on how the Oklahoma City became a big league city. ?We didn?t really know what would happen and whether we would get this big time payoff that we have.?

That?s the $350 million question right now in Virginia Beach. Is there a big time pay off out there? If the city now builds a bare bones arena, will the NBA eventually come?

?If we had an arena today, I believe we?d have an NBA team today,? Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms said. Oklahoma City not only had an arena to attract the NBA, it was deep in discussions with the league about a team when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005.

?No community has ever had an NBA team on a trial basis and I doubt it will ever happen again,? Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett said.

Cornett, a former sportscaster, knew the New Orleans Hornets needed an arena, fast. The NBA knew Oklahoma City would do whatever it took to host the team. The team temporarily relocated and became the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets.

In its two years in Oklahoma City, the Hornets drew huge crowds. There was strong support from the business community. The trial run showed the NBA that Oklahoma City was a big league city.

?I think what we showed though is there?s a large market for NBA entertainment in these medium-sized markets like Oklahoma City and like Virginia Beach,? Cornett said.

Then In 2008, Oklahoma City?s bare bones arena deal paid off yet again. Local investors bought the Seattle Supersonics. When arena upgrades were rejected by voters in Seattle, the team moved to Oklahoma City.

?It?s added so much spirit to Oklahoma City,? a fan told us.

Voters also agreed to $120 million in upgrades to what?s now the Chesapeake Energy Arena, the home of the Thunder.

?About half of Americans live in a metro with professional sports. The other half that don?t are often made to feel out of the loop. And now we are in that loop,? Holt said.



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Saturday, February 23, 2013

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Looking for $550 which is the cheapest on the Nation by at least $50, and this one is GSM unlocked. Comes with phone and charger.

Next up is a 16gb black iPhone 4 for Verizon Wireless. All buttons are very clicky and responsive. Front glass is perfect. Only very, very minor light scratching on the back and very little nicking on the metal. Overall excellent condition, looks and feels great.

Holds a clean ESN so it's ready for use on Verizon. Comes with phone and charger. Looking for $240.

Last up is a black 8gb iPhone 3GS. It's on AT&T but I can have it unlocked for other GSM networks. Brand new front glass. Home button works flawless. Vibrate switch works great (common 3GS problem). The only issue is the metal cap for the lock button is missing. It still works, just the cover for the button is missing. Light pocket scratching on the back. Overall looks and feels very good.

Comes with phone and charger. Looking for $110.

If offering a trade please be clear about it. Paintball trades only if they're in my favor.

Offer up!



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Friday, February 22, 2013

PS4's final look is unknown even to a Sony exec, but it won't support the DualShock 3

PS4 Holiday 2013

There's been some debate over the state of the PlayStation 4's hardware when Sony declined to display the console itself at its PlayStation Meeting. As we're quickly learning, the company had good reason to keep the box under wraps: it's not quite done yet. Sony Computer Entertainment Japan President Hiroshi Kawano has revealed to 4Gamer that even he hasn't seen the finished system, and he only saw the DualShock 4 the day before it went on stage. We wouldn't worry about the design's progress just yet, but the news hints that Sony's timing on pulling it all together is much tighter than it was for the PS3 -- although that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Whatever the PS4 looks like in the end, we know it won't support the DualShock 3. Perpetual font of wisdom (and Worldwide Studios President) Shuhei Yoshida has warned that the PlayStation Move is the only controller making the leap to the next generation. That's not entirely surprising given the changes in button layout and the addition of some Move technology -- Sony likely wants to set some expectations, and our existing game library won't play on the PS4 as-is. The cutoff may still be disappointing for anyone who invested in a full set of gamepads for LittleBigPlanet sessions and has to once more start from scratch.

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Via: Joystiq, Kotaku

Source: 4Gamer (translated), IGN


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Particle physics research sheds new light on possible 'fifth force of nature'

Feb. 21, 2013 ? In a breakthrough for the field of particle physics, Professor of Physics Larry Hunter and colleagues at Amherst College and The University of Texas at Austin have established new limits on what scientists call "long-range spin-spin interactions" between atomic particles. These interactions have been proposed by theoretical physicists but have not yet been seen. Their observation would constitute the discovery of a "fifth force of nature" (in addition to the four known fundamental forces: gravity, weak, strong and electromagnetic) and would suggest the existence of new particles, beyond those presently described by the Standard Model of particle physics.

The new limits were established by considering the interaction between the spins of laboratory fermions (electrons, neutrons and protons) and the spins of the electrons within Earth. To make this study possible, the authors created the first comprehensive map of electron polarization within Earth induced by the planet's geomagnetic field.

Hunter -- along with emeritus Amherst physics professor Joel Gordon; postdoctoral fellow Stephen Peck; student researcher Daniel Ang '15; and Jung-Fu "Afu" Lin, associate professor of geosciences at UT Austin -- co-authored a paper about their work that appears in this week's issue of the journal Science. The highly interdisciplinary research relies on geophysics, atomic physics, particle physics, mineral physics, solid-state physics and nuclear physics to reach its conclusions.

The paper describes how the team combined a model of Earth's interior with a precise map of the planet's geomagnetic field to produce a map of the magnitude and direction of electron spins throughout Earth. Their model was based in part on insights gained from Lin's studies of spin transitions at the high temperatures and pressures of Earth's interior.

Every fundamental particle (every electron, neutron and proton, to be specific), explained Hunter, has the intrinsic atomic property of "spin." Spin can be thought of as a vector -- an arrow that points in a particular direction. Like all matter, Earth and its mantle -- a thick geological layer sandwiched between the thin outer crust and the central core -- are made of atoms. The atoms are themselves made up of electrons, neutrons and protons that have spin. Earth's magnetic field causes some of the electrons in the mantle's minerals to become slightly spin-polarized, meaning the directions in which their spins point are no longer completely random, but have some net orientation.

Earlier experiments, including one in Hunter's laboratory, explored whether their laboratory spins prefer to point in a particular direction. "We know, for example, that a magnetic dipole has a lower energy when it is oriented parallel to the geomagnetic field and it lines up with this particular direction -- that is how a compass works," he explained. "Our experiments removed this magnetic interaction and looked to see if there might be some other interaction that would orient our experimental spins. One interpretation of this 'other' interaction is that it could be a long-range interaction between the spins in our apparatus, and the electron spins within the Earth, that have been aligned by the geomagnetic field. This is the long-range spin-spin interaction we are looking for."

So far, no experiment has been able to detect any such interaction. But in Hunter's paper, the researchers describe how they were able to infer that such so-called spin-spin forces, if they exist, must be incredibly weak -- as much as a million times weaker than the gravitational attraction between the particles. At this level, the experiments can constrain "torsion gravity" -- a proposed theoretical extension of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. Given the high sensitivity of the technique Hunter and his team used, it may provide a useful path for future experiments that will refine the search for such a fifth force. If a long-range spin-spin force is found, it not only would revolutionize particle physics but might eventually provide geophysicists with a new tool that would allow them to directly study the spin-polarized electrons within Earth.

"If the long-range spin-spin interactions are discovered in future experiments, geoscientists can eventually use such information to reliably understand the geochemistry and geophysics of the planet's interior," said Lin.

Possible future discoveries aside, Hunter said that he was pleased that this particular project enabled him to work with Lin. "When I began investigating spin transitions in the mantle, all of the literature led to him," he explained. "I was thrilled that he was interested in the project and willing to sign on as a collaborator. He has been a good teacher and has had enormous patience with my ignorance about geophysics. It has been a very fruitful collaboration."

Lin had his own take: "The most rewarding and surprising thing about this project was realizing that particle physics could actually be used to study the deep Earth."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Amherst College.

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Journal Reference:

  1. L. Hunter, J. Gordon, S. Peck, D. Ang, J.-F. Lin. Using the Earth as a Polarized Electron Source to Search for Long-Range Spin-Spin Interactions. Science, 2013; 339 (6122): 928 DOI: 10.1126/science.1227460

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Mosquitoes exposed to DEET once are less repelled by it a few hours later

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mosquitoes are able to ignore the smell of the insect repellent DEET within a few hours of being exposed to it, according to research published February 20 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by James Logan, Nina Stanczyk and colleagues from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK.

Though most insects are strongly repelled by the smell of DEET, previous studies by Logan's research group have shown that some flies and mosquitoes carry a genetic change in their odor receptors that makes them insensitive to this smell. The new results reported in the PLOS ONE study uncover a response in mosquitoes based on short-term changes, not genetic ones.

"Our study shows that the effects of this exposure last up to three hours. We will be doing further research to determine how long the effect lasts", says Logan.

In this study, the authors tested changes in responses to DEET in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which are notorious for biting during the day and are capable of transmitting dengue fever. They found that a brief exposure to DEET was sufficient to make some mosquitoes less sensitive to the repellent. Three hours after the exposure, these mosquitoes were not deterred from seeking attractants like heat and human skin despite the presence of DEET. The researchers found that this insensitivity to the smell could be correlated to a decrease in the sensitivity of odor receptors on the mosquito's antennae following a previous exposure. "We think that the mosquitoes are habituating to the repellent, similar to a phenomenon seen with the human sense of smell also. However, the human olfactory system is very different from a mosquito's, so the mechanism involved in this case is likely to be very different", explains Logan.

He adds, "This doesn't mean that we should stop using repellents - on the contrary, DEET is a very good repellent, and is still recommended for use in high risk areas. However, we are keeping a close eye on how mosquitoes can overcome the repellent and ways in which we can combat this."


Public Library of Science:

Thanks to Public Library of Science for this article.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jesse Jackson Jr. guilty plea: 'For years I lived off my campaign'

Former US Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D) of Illinois and his wife, former Chicago alderman Sandi Jackson, pleaded guilty in federal court Wednesday to charges related to the use of $750,000 in campaign funds for a personal seven-year spending spree.

A 22-page document released by the US Attorney?s Office Wednesday details ways the couple collaborated to conceal the spending from federal authorities, even as they solicited fresh campaign donations to keep the spigot flowing. It also outlined how the Jacksons spent campaign money on both the sublime (a $43,350 gold-plated Rolex watch, furs, and exclusive sports and celebrity memorabilia) and the mundane (toilet paper, underwear, children?s vitamins, and food).

?Jesse Jackson lied many time over many years to hide this fraud from the government and most importantly, from his constituents,? US Attorney Ron Machin said at a press conference late Wednesday. ?It?s important to remember the true victims of Jackson?s crimes. This sort of conduct, I don?t think we?ve ever seen it to this scope if you look at the list of items and the amount spent. His [campaign fund] was his personal piggy bank.?

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Both Jacksons broke down in tears several times during their separate hearings in Washington. Mr. Jackson, who was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud, and false statements, told US District Judge Robert Wilkins he wished to waive his right to a trial because he has ?no interest in wasting the taxpayers? time or their money.?

?For years I lived off my campaign. I used money that should have been for campaign purposes, and I used them for myself personally,? he said.

Ms. Jackson, who is charged with a single tax crime, also waived her right to a trial and is set for sentencing July 1. Her husband, scheduled for sentencing June 28, faces a possible prison term of nearly five years and a fine of up to $100,000. Sandi Jackson faces a possible prison term of nearly two years.

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Under the plea agreement, Mr. Jackson will be sentenced to between 46 and 57 months. His lead attorney, Reid Weingarten, is likely to argue for the shorter sentence on grounds that bipolar depression, a diagnosis Jackson received last fall, contributed to his actions.

Mr. Machin, however, noted Wednesday that Jackson ?was an efficient congressman? during the seven years in question and capably made numerous public appearances, including a speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2008. ?It?s hard for me to imagine how they?re going to reconcile this scheme and it being a byproduct of a recent medical condition,? he said.

Marcellus McRae, a former federal prosecutor now in private practice in Los Angeles, says that because Mr. Weingarten did not use the medical condition as a factor to fight the indictment, it may not be a strong enough argument.

?You would think that if it was compelling enough, it would be used as a reason to say he shouldn?t be prosecuted at all,? Mr. McRae says. ?The path of least resistance here, if you are going to try to use this, is in the sentencing phase versus prosecuting phrase.?

Prosecutors stated in court documents that Jackson diverted campaign funds by directly withdrawing cash, using campaign credit cards for purchases, and diverting campaign money to at least four congressional staff members so they could make purchases for themselves. Machin said his office is ?still assessing? what action to take regarding others who may have been involved in the scheme.

The Jacksons bought items from outlets including Best Buy, Build-a-Bear, Ticketmaster, and Costco. The more expensive items, such as $5,150 in fur capes and parkas from Edward Lowell Furrier in Beverly Hills, Calif., and at least $50,000 in Martin Luther King Jr., Bruce Lee, Michael Jackson, and Jimi Hendrix memorabilia from Antiquities of Nevada in Las Vegas, came from boutique outlets and were shipped to their homes in Chicago or Washington. The items will be seized and auctioned off, Machin said.

Prosecutors say the Jacksons used campaign cash to make more than 3,100 personal purchases, including the following:

  • Restaurants, nightclubs, and lounges ($60,857)
  • Personal airfare ($31,701)
  • Gym memberships and expenses ($16,059)
  • Tobacco shops ($17,163)
  • Dry cleaning ($14,513)
  • Alcohol ($5,814)

Perhaps the most unusual purchase, prosecutors say, was two elk heads, bought from a Montana taxidermist for $8,000 in 2011, which Mr. Jackson mounted on his congressional office wall. The next year, the Jacksons sold the heads to an undercover FBI agent posing as an interior designer.

In November, Jackson announced he was leaving office after 17 years in Congress for mental health reasons and, in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, suggested he was preparing for a federal indictment. At the time, he was under a House ethics investigation concerning his alleged efforts to be appointed by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois to Barack Obama?s newly vacated Senate seat. Jackson denied the allegations.

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Macy's stakes claim to Martha Stewart products in Penney fight

(Reuters) - A lawyer for Macy's Inc told a judge on Wednesday that rival J.C. Penney Co Inc and Martha Stewart schemed to develop a partnership that ran afoul of Macy's contract with the home goods doyenne.

Penney looked for loopholes in Macy's contract with Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia so it could sell home goods under her name within its stores, the lawyer said at the start of the trial over whether Stewart's deal with Penney breaches her company's agreement with Macy's.

"We're here to protect our rights. Rights that we paid for. Rights that we worked on. Rights that we took tremendous risks for," attorney Theodore Grossman told Justice Jeffrey Oing of New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan.

Penney in December 2011 announced it would launch Martha Stewart boutiques in about 700 of its department stores in 2013 and sell her products. It also bought 17 percent of her company.

The shops, set to open this May, are the centerpiece of an improved home goods section that Penney Chief Executive Ron Johnson has called crucial to returning Penney to growth.

Macy's sued Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia over the Penney deal. It also sued Penney for interference and unfair competition and is seeking unspecified damages. The cases were consolidated for the non-jury trial.

Penney's lawyer, Mark Epstein, denied the company had done anything untoward.

"J.C. Penney acted honorably and appropriately in all respects," Epstein said in his opening statement.

Macy's wants the court to stop Penney from selling any products designed by Stewart or carrying her name in categories for which Macy's argues it has exclusive rights, including cookware, home decor, and bedding.

Under the terms of Macy's contract, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia can open its own stores and sell any of the product categories that are exclusive to Macy's. Macy's argued the proposed boutiques at Penney are not the same as stand-alone stores.

Martha Stewart Living and Penney claim Penney can also sell items designed by Stewart within the exclusive categories as long as they do not bear Stewart's name.

A lawyer for Martha Stewart Living, Eric Seiler, told the judge to focus on the Macy's agreement. "There's been an effort here to transform the contract into something it is not," Seiler said in his opening remarks.

In court, Grossman said that Macy's had taken a risk on Stewart, helping her resurrect her image after she left prison in 2005. Martha Stewart was found guilty in 2004 of lying about a stock sale. Grossman also told the judge how Macy's took the Martha Stewart brand upscale after its association with Kmart.

Grossman said Stewart left Macy's in the dark about her Penney partnership until the eve of the announcement when she informed Macy's Chief Executive Terry Lundgren of the deal and said it would be good for Macy's, too.

Macy's lawyer also quoted from an email from Penney's Ron Johnson when the Martha Stewart deal was announced: "We put Terry in a corner."

Penney lawyer Epstein said the emails Macy's lawyer cited wrongly paint a "sinister picture" of Penney's dealings.

Epstein said the case shouldn't be a vendetta against Stewart and Johnson. "This is no more than fair competition," he said.

Stewart, Lundgren and Johnson are all likely to take the stand during the trial that is expected to last at least two weeks.

The cases are Macy's Inc. v. Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc., 650197/2012, and Macy's Inc. v. J.C. Penney Corp., 652861/2012, New York State Supreme Court, New York County.

(Editing by Kenneth Barry and Edwina Gibbs)


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iZettle Launches Wireless Chip & Pin Device, Starts Taking Visa And Partners With Santander

piniZettle ? what you might call the 'Square of Europe' given it's also a dongle-based mobile payment service for small merchants ? will now launch a new Chip & Pin device alongside its existing solution that currently uses a customer's signature to interact with the iZettle app. It will also now accept all major cards, including VISA. Until now iZettle has been unable to allow VISA transactions (there was a workaround but it was too complex), meaning many vendors were put off from using the payment dongle. The Chip & PIN reader will be available in Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Finland, Germany and Spain. The move comes amid rumours tha PayPal may be making a move into this space in the near future.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chinese Army Hackers Are Trying to Bring Down US Infrastructure, After All

Remember that scary Wall Street Journal column Obama wrote last year, describing the nightmarish scenario of a crippling cyber attack that shut down our power grid and poisoned our water? It just got real. According to a new report from cybersecurity firm Mandiant, that's exactly the kind of thing the Chinese Army's hackers have been working on for the past few years. Calling on nearly a decade worth of data, Mandiant traced a sustained series of cyber attacks on the companies that maintain critical United States infrastructure, from our gas lines to our waterworks to a group of hackers affliciated with the Chinese Army. According to the report, the group is part of the People's Liberation Army Unit 61398, and Mandiant even knows the location of their headquarters on the outskirts of Shangai. (That's it below, nondescript but guarded by soldiers.) A couple years ago, cybersecurity experts described this unit as the "premier entity targeting the United States and Canada, most likely focusing on political, economic, and military-related intelligence," and apparently, they're living up to their name.

RELATED: China Hacked the Wall Street Journal, Too

There's little doubt that the U.S. is the target of Unit 61398's attacks. Mandiant analyzed 141 attacks the group mounted against international targets ? "Those are only the ones we could easily identify," said Mandiant's chief ??and 90 percent of the attacks could be traced back to that white building in Shanghai, the headquarters of P.L.A. Unit 61398. The numbers paint a stark picture:

RELATED: Why America Is Losing the War Against China's Hacker Spies

In its coverage of the report, The New York Times puts into perspective the level of damage the P.L.A. unit could do to U.S. infrastructure. Well, first The Times explains that this is not the group of Chinese hackers that hackers broke into its servers over the course of the past four months, although it also suspects that the attack came from a group with ties to the Chinese military. Meanwhile, Mandiant, the company The Times hired to investigate the intrusion, came across this string of activities not because of the Times attack but as as part of a separate investigation. In a way, that almost makes the whole situation worse, since now we know not only that a group of military-grade hackers are going after our infrastructure but also that a separate group military-grade hackers are going after our media outlets.

RELATED: Matt Frei on China and the U.S.

The Chinese government argues otherwise. In the Times hack as well as the recent Mandiant bombshell, Beijing denies any involvement with the hacker group. They deny any involvement in hacking whatsoever, in fact. But at this point, it seems impossible not to include China on the list of suspects. Mandiant says that there's only one other possibility: "A secret, resourced organization full of mainland Chinese speakers with direct access to Shanghai-based?telecommunications infrastructure is engaged in a multi-year, enterprise scale computer espionage campaign?right outside of Unit 61398's gates, performing tasks similar to Unit 61398's known mission." In other words, it would either have to be an extremely well planned cover up or a wild coincidence.

We know all this news sounds kind of scary, but there's a terrific bright side. If indeed Mandiant's report is correct and we've identified a node of potentially destructive Chinese hackers, we know exactly where to direct our counter attack! "And that's exactly what the powers that be are talking about. Right now there is no incentive for the Chinese to stop doing this," said House intelligence chairman?Mike Rogers ?told?told?The Times. "If we don't create a high price, it?s only going to keep accelerating."

This seems like a good time to point you towards James Fallows horrifying yet helpful piece about getting hacked.


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