Sunday, September 16, 2012

WOD Masters: stiff competition: What are Obesogens and do I need ...

Most of this post has appeared on my Environmental Chemicals Blog, which is now being used as an example blog for a Biology course with a Science Blogging component. However, I thought it might be an interesting read for people who, despite eating well and working out like fiends, are still struggling to lean out. It is also a good read for people who want to protect their children, future children or grandkids from metabolic disorders later in life.? Here goes.
Living things are delicate, resilient and tenacious.? Their chemistry is fascinating.? We are molecular machines, in a sense, and fine tuned to interact with the external world.? The chemical systems that make us who and what we are took many millions of years to develop.? It is incredible that we are now able to synthesize molecules by ingenuity.? Chemical engineering, pharmaceutical companies and even the much
maligned agrochemical industry have, and are, incredibly important to
where we stand now.? The drugs, and even pesticides, that have been
produced have saved countless lives. It is just now that we have calmed down a little from the excitement of synthesizing new molecules, and started looking at the unintended effects these new molecules have on biochemistry.? Things that alter our biochemistry can alter our health.?? Sometimes they can alter the developmental paths we follow in utero. It would be wonderful if inadvertent exposures to new molecules had beneficial effects.? Its possible.? As with most things, the good things that happen by accident usually go unnoticed. However, it is far easier to be destructive than constructive.

So, back to the post title: what are obesogens?

Obesogens are chemicals that change the way fats (lipids) are handled.? Exposure, especially early in life, may influence patterns of fat distribution, the way the body uses fat, and/or the way fat is synthesized.? It is possible that some chemicals might make us develop as lean, fat burning machines.? This would be a huge problem if we ever have a famine, but that is not our current issue.? Obesity, and its associated health problems, is on the rise.? Some of the chemicals that may be acting as obesogens in people are:
Organotins (used in marine paints, production of plastics, pesticides. Exposure may come through seafood, produce, drinking water and plastics.

Bisphenol A (BPA): from plastics.

Phthalates: from plastics

?Perfluoroalkyll compounds (PFCs): water repellant fabrics, stain preventing treatments.

How to avoid obesogens.

Avoid plastics when possible.? Avoid fabrics treated with water repellants or stain blockers.? Avoid carpet treatments. ?


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