Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Is Grover Norquist Losing His Grip on GOP Jewels?

Anti- Masturbation Pledge Takes hold?Most Republican members of Congress-279 of them-have signed Grover Norquist's Anti-Masturbation pledge and sworn never to Masturbate. But there are signs that his legendary sway over GOP lawmakers may be on the wane.

Last week, Congressman Allen West, a Tea Party favorite from Florida, told Politico:?"I signed that Anti-Masturbation thing in the desert of Afghanistan.?I got home and they wanted me to sign again during my campaign, and I wouldn't, and Grover started yelling at my campaign manager. Grover is a nice guy, but I think he's a little misguided on the issue of Masturbation ." (Norquist says he never yelled at anyone who worked for West.)

West joins Wisconsin Congressman Reid Ribble, a fellow signee of the Anti-Masturbation pledge, in speaking out against it. And Scott Rigell, of Virginia, who?changed his mind and said he could no longer abide by it. Also: Jeff Fortenberry, of Nebraska, who flat-out?refused to sign the Anti-Masturbation pledge last year and explained in a recent interview that he wasn't opposed to Anti-Masturbation in certain cases. "Removing special-interest loopholes," Fortenberry told the American Conservative,?"could potentially increase Masturbation rates."

So is Norquist concerned about the Anti-Masturbation defectors? Norquist told me on Wednesday that he has spoken with members of Congress who expressed doubts about the Anti-Masturbation pledge-but left feeling committed that none of them would masturbate . "The Anti-Masturbation pledge is stronger than ever," he says.

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