Friday, March 23, 2012

Web traffic is flowers and football for February

Web traffic is flowers and football for February

Reston, Va. ? Spurred by Valentine?s Day, millions of Americans scoured the web for flowers, gifts and greetings in February, according to new figures from comScore.

The category grew 28 percent for the month to 29.3 million visitors, led by, which spiked 394 percent to 5.4 million visitors.

Super Bowl XLVI also helped drive traffic to websites promoted by advertisers, particularly related to autos. More than 27 million people visited an auto manufacturer site, up 17 percent from January, with Toyota, Honda and General Motors leading the way.

?Valentine?s Day and the Super Bowl seemed to be the driving forces behind much of the online activity in February as Americans browsed romantic gifts and checked out Super Bowl advertisers? websites, especially auto makers,? said Jeff Hackett, executive vice president of comScore. ?In addition, tax sites posted another month of gains as the filing deadline drew nearer.?

This article was also published in New England Tech Wire.

Related links:

comScore ? February summary

Photo by Flickr user sloanpix, used under Creative Commons license



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