Sunday, June 30, 2013

This Ax Is Really Scary And Then You Realize It Has A Slingshot Inside

This week Joerg invited some students from the Technical University of Munich to create general mayhem with him via a steel axe. But an axe by itself isn't menacing/relevant enough. It obviously has to double as a slingshot. And it does! The handle of the axe is hollow . . .

The device houses four aluminum tubes, a magnesium firestarter and three steel tipped bolts. Because the axe is meant to be a survival tool (by the way the axe is meant to be a survival tool) one of the bolts has an active carbon water filter and can be used as a straw for drinking unpurified water. The bolts fire through the center barrel of the slingshot, and are pretty accurate, partly because they're forward weighted. Not that you were going to, but never trust an axe-wielding engineering student again. [Slingshot Channel]


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Obama pledges to help double electricity in sub-Saharan Africa

President Obama is casting the $7 billion initiative as part of a new US strategy to move the region forward with development not charity dollars.?

By Mike Pflanz,?Correspondent / June 30, 2013

President Barack Obama gestures during a news conference with South African President Jacob Zuma, not pictured, at the Union Building on Saturday, in Pretoria, South Africa. The president is in South Africa, embarking on the second leg of his three-country African journey.

Evan Vucci/AP


President Barack Obama is to launch a $7 billion US-funded program to double access to electricity for people in sub-Saharan Africa, the first new big bucks initiative of his tour of the continent.?

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The Power Africa plan is expected to be announced during Mr. Obama?s visit to Cape Town later?Sunday. It follows announcements of new US funds for food security and leadership mentoring schemes for young Africans.?

Taken together, these all signal a shift in US policy that would leave the world?s poorest continent less ?a dependent? or ?a charity case? and more ?a partner,? to use buzzwords that the president has repeated during his visit.?In these times of austerity and sequestration, this new approach to foreign aid ? ?the least popular part of the federal budget,? Obama concedes ? is also cheaper and makes use of innovative joint public-private cash vehicles. ?

This refreshed focus drew on ?the lessons of Nelson Mandela?s life,? the president told reporters on Air Force One?Friday, evoking the man Obama called ?a personal inspiration for me, and an inspiration for the world.??

Mr. Mandela began his fourth week in the hospital?Sunday, struggling to recover from a recurrent lung infection and still in a ?critical but stable? condition.?
His family, and South African President Jacob Zuma, say he has improved from the worst days of last week.

Mandela?s ailing health has overshadowed Obama?s visit to South Africa, but the US president has regularly spoken of links between his new thinking on how to assist Africa and the example set by the anti-apartheid icon.?

?If we focus on what Africa as a continent can do together and what these countries can do when they?re unified, as opposed to when they?re divided by tribe or race or religion, then Africa?s rise will continue,? he said. ?That?s one of the central lessons of what Nelson Mandela accomplished not just as president, but in the struggle to overcome apartheid and his years in prison.?

Help Africans help themselves

These are grand words. In reality, the message is simple: With a more hands-off approach, the US wants to help African countries help themselves, under umbrella themes of better food, better businesses, and better governments.?

On the first leg of his trip, in Senegal last week, Obama focused on food security, dwelling on ways that small-scale farmers ? ?essentially small businesspeople,? he said ? can grow more crops to earn more money.?

There, and again in South Africa, he applauded his hosts? democratically elected governments and their institutional reform agendas, and praised Nelson Mandela for stepping down after just one term.?

In Tanzania?Monday, at a round-table for local CEOs, he will talk trade, and add details of the new electricity access initiative at a visit to a power station outside Dar es Salaam.?

Trade not aid

Together, the aim of the ?trade not aid? mantra is a goal familiar to many back home in the US: making individuals wealthier and businesses more profitable, in societies that respect laws and thus create confidence for new investors.?

It?s capitalism 101. It opens new markets for American goods, too.?

And ? unlike George W. Bush?s immensely popular but immensely expensive HIV/Aids PEPFAR programme ? Obama?s aid plans come with a relatively cheap price tag for US taxpayers.?

The president is very aware of the dilemmas he faces in winning approval back home to spend dollars overseas.?

?Our foreign aid budget is around 1 percent of our total federal budget. It?s chronically the least popular part of our federal budget,? Obama told reporters.??We?ve got budget constraints back home, which means that we?ve got to come up with new and creative ways to promote development and deliver aid. Every dollar that we?re putting in, we?re getting a huge amount of private-sector dollars.

?If we?re working smarter, the amount of good that we can bring about over the next decade is tremendous.?

Too focused on trade?

There have been some criticisms that Obama?s approach during his week-long African trip, which ends?Wednesday, has been too overtly mercantile.?

Speaking to students in Soweto?Saturday, he drew frowns from some in the audience when he said the US would ?far rather be selling you iPods and planes? then intervening militarily to stop atrocities in Africa.?

In fact, perhaps the area least touched on has been security.?

This is despite US defense engagement in Africa soaring under Obama, with the new United States Africa Command, drones flying over Somalia, Ethiopia, and Mali, and American military trainers on the ground in Uganda.?

Obama has made clear that the ?soft? policies he has been trailing in Senegal and South Africa are, ultimately, designed to lift people out of the kind of poverty and oppression that breeds disenchantment and radicalizes.??

?US-led military engagements in Africa [to combat terrorism] are unsustainable, Obama?s right,? says Andrews Atta-Asamoah, senior researcher at South Africa?s Institute for Security Studies in Pretoria.

?In everything ? military, aid spending, lectures on corruption ? the US has to realize its best chance of achieving what it wants is just to support and complement Africa?s own efforts. On this trip, Obama seems to have got that.?


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

CHART OF THE DAY: Vine Sharing Plummets ... - Business Insider

Instagram's decision to add video may have snuffed out Vine. At least, temporarily.?

According to data from Topsy, which tracks Twitter sharing, Vine video sharing has collapsed on Twitter.?

As Matt McGee at Marketing Land notes, since Instagram added video there's been a 70% drop in Vine video shares on Twitter.

chart of the day vine



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Hyperbaric Oxygen: A Spectrum of Emerging Treatments

By Nathalie Sami and Janice Wong

The hyperbaric chamber on Catalina Island at the USC Wrigley Marine Institute.

The hyperbaric chamber on Catalina Island at the USC Wrigley Marine Institute.

Certified scuba divers are familiar with the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for decompression sickness treatment. However, in the past 50 years, researchers have revealed HBOT?s broad applications to human physiology and medicine. The outlook for HBOT applications for treating wounds, neurological diseases, and even certain cancers appears promising. What once seemed relevant only for scuba divers has now been discovered to benefit members of the general population.


HBOT involves the administration of pure, 100% oxygen in a compression chamber at pressures above atmospheric levels. The resultant increase of oxygen content in blood yields a broad variety of physiological effects, because increased pressure allows oxygen to saturate more effectively in the body. For scuba divers, this increased oxygen pressure reduces the volume of inert-gas bubbles in blood vessels, reversing air embolism or decompression sickness (Danesh-Sani et al. 2012). Moreover, researchers have described several beneficial influences of HBOT on healing damaged tissues: increased white blood cell activity, reduced swelling, healing time reduction, tissue regeneration, and even synergistic activity with antibiotics (Stru?yna et al. 2008). The Undersea Hyperbaric Medicine Society recommends many applications for HBOT that have proven successful (Table 1). Beyond these now standard uses, several novel research areas demonstrate further beneficial HBOT applications. HBOT applications to wounds, cancers, and neurological and vascular diseases will be discussed below.

Table 1

Table 1


Low oxygen content caused by swelling or burns reduces PH and prohibits wound healing. On the other hand, higher oxygen tension improves healing of wounds by stimulating tissue-forming cells (Danesh-Sani et al. 2012). Hyperbaric oxygenation of wounds thus initiates wound-healing events such as tissue and cell generation and resistance to infection (Shah 2010). Furthermore, oxygen helps fight against infections by killing bacteria that cannot tolerate oxygen (Youn 2001). For example, in treating injuries as common as burns, HBOT reduces healing time and number of infections (Stru?yna et al. 2008).

Cholesterol Crystal Embolism (CCE)

(A) Physical lesion at presentation; (B) worsening of lesions after 1 month of treatment; and (C) complete resolution of necrotic lesions after 1 month of HBOT (Gurgo et al., 2011).

(A) Physical lesion at presentation; (B) worsening of lesions after 1 month of treatment; and (C) complete resolution of necrotic lesions after 1 month of HBOT (Gurgo et al., 2011).

Such benefits also apply to patients of cholesterol crystal embolism (CCE), a disease with a high mortality rate. In a case study of a 56-year-old man who developed CCE and who had already undergone an unsuccessful standard treatment, HBOT caused rapid improvement. As seen in Fig. 1, after two months, complete recovery was obtained, leading the authors to conclude that HBOT may serve as an effective treatment in CCE (Gurgo et al., 2011).

Bone Healing

Another known application for HBOT is with bone healing, during which HBOT increases white blood cell activity and tissue formation (Danesh-Sani et al. 2012). Also, HBOT may induce the formation of new blood vessels by stimulating an increase of stem cells within the tissues (Shah 2010). An application of bone-healing effects regards the influence of HBOT on bone tissue after the cessation of smoking. Smoking has proven to delay bone healing and impair blood circulation; however, HBOT mitigates the effects of smoking on bone healing, now proving that bone damage caused by smoking may be reversible (Yen et al. 2008).


Surgical injuries present yet another opportunity for HBOT intervention. Danesh-Sani and colleagues (2012) asserted that use of HBOT before surgical treatment significantly reduces risk of postoperative infection and accelerates healing, and other studies demonstrate benefits of post-operative HBOT application. In the case of urethral reconstructive operations, which commonly cause decreased erectile function, findings suggest that HBOT stimulates the regeneration of injured nerves and promotes tissue formation to allow erectile function recovery (Yuan et al. 2011).


Solid tumors, which are often hypoxic, can increase genetic instability and activate invasive growth to exacerbate certain types of cancer (Moen & Stuhr 2012). By providing oxygenation, HBOT induces excessive oxygenation, which causes rapid degeneration and tumor cell destruction. As a result, HBOT is thought to yield beneficial effects in several types of tumors with minimal invasiveness (Danesh-Sani et al. 2012). As well, HBOT could improve and help overcome chemotherapeutic resistance by increasing cellular sensitivity to radiotherapy (Moen & Stuhr 2012).

Breast and Prostate Cancer

The adjunctive use of HBOT with chemotherapy has shown positive effects on reducing breast cancer. As the most frequently occurring cancer in women, breast cancer provides a worldwide threat, and HBOT has shown a strong effect against different mammary cancer cells. HBOT has also led to less aggressive and restricted growth of large tumor cell colonies (Moen & Stuhr 2012). Successful experiments regarding prostate cancer cells with HBOT have also generated affirming results. Cancer of the prostate is the second leading type of cancer for men, and in vitro experiments have demonstrated the efficacy of HBOT in decreasing the cancer cells??growth rate and increasing their sensitivity to chemotherapy (Moen & Stuhr 2012).

Neurological Diseases

The success of recent studies regarding the use of HBOT in improving neuromuscular pathologies has merited further investigation to confirm its beneficial uses and mechanisms.

The most evidence-supported neurological application for HBOT lies with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which is currently diagnosed in 1 in 88 children in the US (CDC 2012). ASD includes neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by restrictive and repetitive behaviors as well as impairments in communication and social interaction. Several experiments involving the effects of HBOT on children with autism have reported clinical improvements, citing decreased inflammation and improved blood circulation to the brain. One study resulted in improvements in overall functioning for 80% of autistic children treated with HBOT, leading to the conclusion that HBOT is a safe treatment for as prevalent a neurological disease as ASD (Rossignol et al. 2009).

Vascular Diseases

HBOT may reduce the symptoms of vascular diseases by improving circulation and oxygenation.

Vascular Dementia

For instance, vascular dementia, caused by decrease blood flow to the brain, is characterized by loss of memory, confusion, problems with speech and understanding, and an increased dependence on others. While no effective treatment has been established, models have demonstrated HBOT?s ability to improve blood supply and promote nerve tissue formation in the brain and enhance learning and memory. One study found that patients receiving HBOT exhibited better cognitive function than patients of the control group after 12 weeks of treatment (Xiao et al. 2012).

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

HBOT is also used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning. Usually, hemoglobin proteins in red blood cells transport oxygen. However, carbon monoxide binds more readily to hemoglobin than oxygen.? As a result, the body is unable to distribute oxygen throughout the body when exposed to carbon monoxide resulting in hypoxia (Mills and Saulsberry, 2011). HBOT is effectively used to reverse this harmful effect.

Arterial gas embolisms and stroke

One of the common uses of HBOT is to treat arterial gas embolisms. An arterial gas embolism is when that gas in the circulatory system goes through arteries or pulmonary veins and blocks blood flow (Muth and Shank, 2000). In non-diving accidents the cause of arterial gas embolisms are caused by medical mistakes such as accidentally injecting air in patients. These escaped bubbles are very dangerous because they block blood flow to certain areas, resulting in hypoxic tissue. In the brain, reduced blood and oxygen flow can cause a stroke and brain damage. Acute stroke results from impairment of blood flow to the brain, which causes neuron cell death. HBOT may increase available oxygen and reduce brain swelling to prevent further neuron damage (Bennett et al. 2010). Stroke is a leading cause of death in the US, so these discoveries may yield huge implications. Hyperbaric medicine is effective in treating these problems because raising the pressure of the chamber causes the size of gas bubbles to decrease (Bell and Gill, 2004). In addition to the reduction in bubble size, oxygen can more easily dissolve to benefit the previously hypoxic environment (Muth and Shank, 2000).

Insulin Sensitivity

Another study proved that HBOT creates a substantial increase in insulin sensitivity. The improvement occurs rapidly (e.g., within three treatments) and is sustained at least until the thirtieth treatment. HBOT may induce insulin sensitivity by oxygenating fat tissue and reducing inflammation (Wilkinson et al. 2012). This discovery could have important implications, because insulin insensitivity is associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and certain types of cancer, which cause the majority of deaths in America (Colberg 2008).


While HBOT provides many beneficial treatments, there are some associated risks, such as oxygen toxicity. Metabolizing oxygen releases highly reactive byproducts that build up over time and saturate in tissue with increasing pressure. Resulting oxygen toxicity can lead to respiratory issues and seizures, because the toxicity often affects the lungs and central nervous system (Almeling et al. 2000).? Another risk commonly associated with HBOT is barotraumatic lesions, the result of unequal pressure between the outside and inside of an air containing space. For humans, the middle ear most commonly experiences barotrauma, but other areas include lungs, nasal cavities and sinuses, inner ears, and teeth (Almeling et al, 2000). Equalizing during treatment is important, because people who are unable to equalize their ears during HBOT can experience middle ear barotrauma (Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, 2011). Middle ear barotrauma, the most common side effect of HBOT, occurs when the pressure outside the ear is greater than the pressure of the middle ear.


While there are some risks associated with hyperbaric treatment, careful administration and thorough monitoring can limit the risk of side effects of HBOT. Although HBOT has not yet been adopted as the primary treatment for many of the mentioned conditions, it provides a minimally-invasive opportunity for treatment. The discovery of HBOT?s physiological benefits has demonstrated implications for treating the most prevalent ailments in the US. Thus, the newly-proposed, broadly-reaching benefits of HBOT applications beyond diving injury treatment merit deeper investigations. Indeed, with so many potential treatment functions, HBOT has earned its reputation as ?a therapy in search of diseases??(Danesh-Sani et al. 2012).


Almeling M, Busch R, Peters P, Plafki C (2000) Complications and side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 71(2): 119-24

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) (2012). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

Bennett, M. H., Wasiak, J., Schnabel, A., Kranke, P., & French, C. (2010). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for acute ischemic stroke. Stroke, 41(4), e185-e186. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.109.571380

Colberg, S. (2008). Increasing insulin sensitivity. Retrieved from

Bell CAN, Gill AL (2004) Hyperbaric oxygen: its uses, mechanisms of action and outcome. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 97(7): 385-395

Danesh-Sani, S. A., Shariati-Sarabi, Z., & Feiz, M. R. (2012). Comprehensive review of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 23(5), e483-e491. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0b013e3182668777

Gurgo, A., Volpe, M., Valenti, V., Paneni, F., Passerini, J., Di Vavo, M., . . . Sabani, A. (2011). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a case of cholesterol crystal embolization. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. ( No. 29). doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2010.05.023

Mills R, Saulsberry AJ (2011) Diseases and Conditions. Hyperbaric Link. Retrieved from

Moen, I., & Stuhr, L. E. B. (2012). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer?a review. Targeted Oncology, 7(4), 233-242. doi: 10.1007/s11523-012-0233-x

Muth CM, Shank ES (2000) Gas Embolism. New England Journal of Medicine 342: 476-482

Rossignol, D. A., Grushkin, B., Mumper, E. A., Rossignol, L. W., Smith, S., Schneider, C., . . . Hintz, G. (2009). Hyperbaric treatment for children with autism: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 9(1), 21-21. doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-9-21

Shah, J. (2010). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The Journal of the American College of Certified Wound Specialists, 2(1), 9-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jcws.2010.04.001

Wilkinson, D., Chapman, I. M., & Heilbronn, L. K. (2012). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves peripheral insulin sensitivity in humans. Diabetic Medicine : A Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 29(8), 986-989. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-5491.2012.03587.x

Xiao, Y., Wang, J., Jiang, S., & Luo, H. (2012). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for vascular dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Online). doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009425.pub2

Yen, C., Tu, Y., Ma, C., Yeh, J., Kao, F., Yu, S., Ueng, S. W. (2008). Measurement of tibial endothelial cell function after cigarette smoking, cessation of smoking and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Injury, 39, 40-46. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2008.08.030

Yuan, J., Yang, L., Wang, Y., Ding, T., Chen, T., & Lu, Q. (2011). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for recovery of erectile function after posterior urethral reconstruction. International Urology and Nephrology, 43(3), 755-761. doi: 10.1007/s11255-010-9870-0

Youn BA (2001) Oxygen and its Role in Wound Healing. Natural Health Information Archive. Retrieved from

The authors, Nathalie Sami (left) and Janice Wong (right), in front of the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber on USC Wrigley Marine Institute Campus.

The authors, Nathalie Sami (left) and Janice Wong (right), in front of the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber on USC Wrigley Marine Institute Campus.

About the authors:

Nathalie Sami is a rising sophomore majoring in Environmental Science and Health in the USC Dana and Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences. Her interests include playing, coaching and watching basketball, learning about sustainable lifestyles, and volunteering at health sites.

Janice Wong is an incoming sophomore majoring in environmental science and health at the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

Editor?s note: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife is offered as part of an experiential summer program offered to undergraduate students of the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences through the Environmental Studies Program.? This course takes place on location at the USC Wrigley Marine Science Center on Catalina Island and throughout Micronesia. Students investigate important environmental issues such as ecologically sustainable development, fisheries management, protected-area planning and assessment, and human health issues. During the course of the program, the student team will dive and collect data to support conservation and management strategies to protect the fragile coral reefs of Guam and Palau in Micronesia.

Instructors for the course include Jim Haw, Director of the Environmental Studies Program in USC Dornsife, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies David Ginsburg, Lecturer Kristen Weiss, SCUBA instructor and volunteer in the USC Scientific Diving Program Tom Carr and USC Dive Safety Officer Gerry Smith of the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies

Previously in this series:

The 2013 Guam and Palau Expedition Begins
A New Faculty Member on the Team
An Analysis of Sargassum Horneri Ecosystem Impact
Marine Protected Areas and Catalina Island: Conserve, Maintain and Enrich
Northern Elephant Seals: Increasing Population, Decreasing Biodiversity
The Relationship Between the Economy and Tourism on Catalina Island
Guam and Palau 2013: New Recruits and New Experiences
Bringing War to the ?Island of Peace? ? The Fight for the Preservation of Jeju-do
Dreading the Dredging: Military Buildup on Guam and Implications for Marine Biodiversity in Apra Harbor
Is the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Doing Enough?
The Status of Fisheries in China: How deep will we have to dive to find the truth?
The Philippines and Spratly Islands: A Losing Battle
The Effects of Climate Change on Coral Reef Health
The Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Dispute in the East China Sea
The UNESCO World Heritage Site Selection Process
Before and After the Storm: The Impacts of Typhoon Bopha on Palauan Reefs
An interconnected environment and economy- Shark tourism in Palau
A Persistent Case of Diabetes Mellitus in Guam
Homo Denisova and Homo Floresiensis in Asia and the South Pacific
Investigating the Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in Mexico Using Actam Chuleb as a Primary Example
Okinawa and the U.S. military, post 1945
Offshore Energy Acquisition in the Western Pacific: The Decline of the World?s Most Abundant Fisheries
Military Buildup?s Environmental Takedown
Challenges Facing Japan?s Marine Fisheries


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Nokia told to adopt Android before it?s too late

Nokia Android Analysis

If Nokia had a dollar for every time some pundit, analyst or tech blogger said it should switch from Windows Phone to Android, the company?s recovery would be much further along than it is right now. That didn?t stop?Bernstein Research analyst Pierre Ferragu from recommending yet again in a recent note to clients that Nokia bail on Microsoft?s mobile platform and embrace the dominant Android operating system.

[More from BGR: Galaxy S4 takes the crown for fastest phone with best battery life]

Nokia should ?take the pill before one cannot afford to do so anymore? and switch to Android before it?s too late, Ferregu wrote in a research note picked up by Barron?s. Continuing to rely on Windows Phone and Nokia?s ?Asha? feature phone platform while cash dwindles is an?exercise?in futility, according to the analyst.

[More from BGR: BlackBerry?s Black Friday: Company sheds billions in market value as comeback hopes fade]

?Nokia should consider it?s [sic] near term future,? Ferregu wrote.??The company is facing two structural challenges: its exposure to the disappearing feature phone market and the lack of traction of Windows phones. Both could cost Nokia a lot of cash in the near term, in restructuring, marketing / distribution support, and operational losses, which means it could be too late to address the problem in a ?couple of years. From that perspective, a decision concerning a new platform strategy appears urgent. Better to take the pill before one cannot afford to do so anymore. We wouldn?t be surprised to see Nokia adopting Android as its new low-end platform by year end.?

This article was originally published on


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Russia's Aeroflot considers leaving SkyTeam alliance: source

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian state-controlled airline Aeroflot sees no benefits from its membership in the SkyTeam alliance, but a decision to leave the group is not for management to take, a source close to its board told Reuters.

Aeroflot is considering leaving the SkyTeam alliance because of unfavorable agreements with other members, in particular U.S. Delta Air Lines Inc , the Kommersant daily reported on Friday.

"There is no point in cooperating with them," a source close to the board told Reuters. He doubted, however, that Aeroflot would drop out of the alliance unless there is a political decision to do so.

The agreement to join SkyTeam in 2004 was signed in the Kremlin, a political stamp of approval largely due to close ties with France. Air France-KLM is a leading member of the group.

The newspaper cited sources close to Aeroflot's board of directors as saying the company was not happy with the development of its routes in the United States, where Delta Air Lines charges relatively high fares.

Dropping out of the alliance could cost Aeroflot $20 million and the airline may consider joining Star Alliance, the biggest airline marketing group, with 27 members.

As a member of SkyTeam, which brings together 19 global airlines, Aeroflot cannot undercut prices offered by other members and could become more competitive by joining the Star Alliance, Kommersant said.

Aeroflot declined to comment on the report.

(Reporting by Maya Dyakina and Gleb Stolyarov; Editing by Elizabeth Piper and Douglas Busvine)


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Crisis-hit Athens deeply divided over century-old plan to build mosque

Yorgos Karahalis / Reuters

A view of an old naval base, an area where a mosque is going to be built at Votanikos suburb in Athens on May 28, 2013.

By Karolina Tagaris, Reuters

ATHENS -- Pakistani taxi driver Muhammad Zafeer says he has to look over his shoulder when he goes to pray in Athens, where racist attackers have targeted several of the many makeshift mosques set up in cramped garages or dingy warehouses.

So Greece's plan to build a state-funded mosque in the capital, more than a century in the making, comes as a relief, even if it will be housed in a disused naval base littered with weeds and rubble in a rundown neighborhood.

"This place used to be packed but these days people are scared to even go out to pray," said Zafeer, as Muslim men in long traditional robes and colorful caps prepared for Friday prayers behind the steel-grilled windows of a former factory.

"Greece has to decide if it will be democratic or if it will go back to the Middle Ages," he said with a shrug.

Reviving the long-stalled project during Greece's worst peacetime economic crisis has divided a country that spent four centuries under Turkish Ottoman rule, where the Orthodox Church is powerful and hostility toward immigrants is rising.

Soon after the government launched a tender in May to build the mosque, the far-right Golden Dawn party, which denies accusations of links to attacks on immigrants but says it wants to "rid Greece of their stench", pledged to "fight until the bitter end" to block the plan.

One local bishop, Seraphim, was so furious he took the matter to Greece's highest administrative court, the Council of State. A ruling is not expected for months.

The mosque's critics say Athens, kept afloat by an international bailout, cannot spare the almost one million euros it will cost given that Greece is in a sixth year of recession, with record high unemployment and sinking living standards.

"There's money to build a mosque but there's no money for Greeks to live with dignity," Golden Dawn, which polls show is the third most popular party in Greece, said in a statement.

Yorgos Karahalis / Reuters

Egyptian imam Mohamed Noaman, 32, poses at the entrance of Alsalam makeshift mosque at Neos Kosmos suburb in Athens May 17, 2013.

Plan to 'Islamize' Greece?
Protests have been gathering steam outside the planned site at the naval base in Votanikos, a rundown industrial neighborhood lined with car dealerships and factories.

Led by the far-right National Front movement, flag-waving demonstrators including nuns and men in military-style shirts, chanted "If you want a mosque, build it in parliament!" at the first of the protests at the end of May.

Flyers depicting a mosque in a circle with a line through it were strewn across the floor.

"It's not exactly the best time to go ahead with it right now," said Theodore Couloumbis of the ELIAMEP foreign policy think tank. "The country has plenty of instability of its own due to the economic crisis".

In the port of Piraeus, where hundreds of Greek Orthodox faithful packed the 174-year-old Holy Trinity church to hear Bishop Seraphim deliver Sunday mass, 62-year-old retired naval captain Ioannis Kaniaros called the decision "provocative".

Seraphim, who is challenging the decision in court, says building a mosque is unconstitutional and part of a plan to "Islamize" Greece, a major gateway for Asian immigrants trying to enter the European Union each year.

"I want to emphasize that Athens is the only European capital that went through four centuries of slavery under Islam, and managed to free itself just 200 years ago by spilling rivers of blood," he said in an interview.

Racially motivated attacks
Greece is home to about 1 million immigrants, and groups like Golden Dawn say undocumented workers have pushed up crime and put a burden on state resources at a time of crisis.

Muslim groups estimate more than 200,000 Muslims from countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh live in Athens alone.

Racially motivated attacks have risen to alarming levels during the crisis, according to the United Nations' refugee agency UNHCR, which said the authorities were doing little to tackle the problem.

Yorgos Karahalis / Reuters

A man enters a makeshift mosque where others Muslim faithful pray at Kallithea suburb in Athens on May 22, 2013.

At least one informal mosque has been set on fire. On another, someone has scrawled profanities in black paint.

The city, which has not had a formal mosque since Greece won independence from occupying Ottomans in 1832, has come under fire by human rights groups such as Amnesty International for being one of the few European capitals without one.

Repeated plans for a post-Ottoman mosque in Athens began in earnest in 1880, with an act of parliament, but all fell through, including one timed for the 2004 Olympic Games.

Reports in local media that Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan offered to fund a mosque in Athens to his Greek counterpart Antonis Samaras during talks earlier this year have also angered some Greeks, who feel a mosque would represent a continuing Turkish presence in the country.

Local media say the new mosque, which will hold about 400 worshippers, will not have a minaret so as to blend in with the environment and not resemble a mosque, but the government has provided few details.

The office of architect Alexandros Tombazis, which will design the building next to an existing chapel with a bell-tower, declined to comment, saying it has been advised by officials not to because the issue is "too sensitive".

Related stories:

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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The World's Fastest Ship Is Basically an Aquatic Concorde Jet

This is no lumbering Staten Island Ferry. This is the Francisco, a wave-piercing catamaran loaded with modified jet engines set to blast commuters across the River Plate at 58 knots, faster than any other ship in the world.




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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ask a Stager: When Doing a Walk-Through, What Are The Biggest ...

For staging, some rooms and issues can present more challenges than others. An overpopulated living room, an untidy bedroom, an outdated kitchen, and a bathroom with more rings around it than Saturn can make for a staging nightmare.

Karen Eubank of Eubank Staging has seen all these issues and more. So we asked her??What are some of the biggest problem areas when staging a home for today?s market??

Here?s her thoughtful answer:

The ?problem room? varies from house to house.

The single biggest ?issues? for any room are clutter, cleanliness and light. Oh and it is absolutely inexcusable to have anything on your property that needs to be repaired. Do all of the repairs prior to listing.

People in general have a lot of items, I have a lot of items. I?d need the entire Real Estate Staging Association board to help me stage my home if I ever moved! The good news is you are moving, so go ahead and start packing and store the items your stager suggests.? You can bet that will include any sort of collection you have.

Seldom do we keep our homes ?white glove? clean. I?m notorious for simply putting 25 watt bulbs in all the light fixtures prior to a party so I don?t have to clean. Try it, it works! Instant mood lighting and no need to clean!
However when it?s the big, bad, broad light of day you have to have a super clean house. It needs to not only BE clean but smell clean.

Light is a huge factor. It really helps sell a home. So open blinds, curtains, shutters and make sure the light bulbs are working in all of your fixtures. One big tip to make sure ceiling can light bulbs are the same depth within each fixture. If you have one low and one high the light distribution will be uneven.

Buyers will make a decision within 15 seconds about purchasing a home. That means your bang for the buck needs to happen in the areas you see from the front door. Walk and count. Everything you see in those first 15 seconds needs to say
?This is the house!?.

Kitchens are generally an issue if they are dated. Wallpaper, odd color cabinets, linoleum flooring and of course bad lighting need to be addressed. Buyers want a great kitchen and great bathrooms. Just look at remodeling statistics and you will see that both of those items bring more ROI than other things you can do to a home. I?m not saying remodel before you sell, just be aware of the facts. People generally spend a lot of time in their kitchens, they are the heart of the home and buyers don?t want to have to move in and do heart surgery!

For instance, no one wants to see a washer and dryer in a kitchen. Remember that great Lake Highlands house Kerry Slaughter listed last year? I suggested they build doors over their washer/ dryer area. The seller did and the house flew off the market.That was before the market was hot. Kerry and I would both say that issue would have been a big barrier to selling the home.

A super quick fix in a typical ranch is to paint the cabinets (Tricorn Black by Sherwin Williams is a great choice ? yes BLACK), update? cabinet hardware and light fixtures and the entire kitchen will have a new personality! Oh and that lovely decorative edging around ranch house kitchen windows comes right off! Pick a nice wall color like Agreeable Gray or Kilim Beige and make it a kitchen every buyer will love.

A big deal killer is a home without a proper master bathroom. That will absolutely lower your price. If you have a great master buyers will be more forgiving of a second bath that is not updated. White is always right when it comes to fixtures.? Re-glazing is cost effective for tubs and sinks.? Now if you live in an? vintage home known for purple or pink toilets with multicolor wall tile? leave it alone. That is exactly what buyers in that area are looking for!

One of the biggest issues it the ?mult-task?room. So often the guest room is also the workout room and the craft room. This is disastrous when you sell. Each room has to have clearly defined purpose. If you have a three bedroom home, one bedroom can certainly be a home office but it cannot also be a gym and an art? studio.? It has to be ONE thing. Do not confuse your potential buyers. They are looking at several homes a day and if you want yours to be THE home, they need to remember it without any possibility? of confusion. If a buyer is trying to recall a home and says ?Oh yeah, the cute house with the umm office, no was it a gym or no I think it was a craft room?? That?s a house that will not be first on the list.?


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Great Advice For Every Kind Of Home Improvement Project ...

With the proper tools and a few good pieces of advice from a professional, you may be able to knock out all the jobs that trouble your new residence. The following article is filled with everything you need to know to begin working on your home. Carefully read all these tips so that your home?s potential can be maximized.

Think about putting in matching metal fixtures if you want to change the look of your bathroom. It is possible to find a wide range of shower curtain rods, cabinetry pulls and towel racks to suit almost any taste. In many cases, a coordinated set of hardware comes in a single, handy package. Installing one of these sets is a simple one-day (or even one-afternoon) project.

When you are considering home projects, be creative and think about what you aim to accomplish. After you have started the project, you?ll be free to focus on what it takes to accomplish it rather than elements of design. Use homes you love as inspiration, or take inspiration from your favorite home-improvement shows.

Purchase some plastic bins, and start sorting things in your garage. These boxes should be stackable, and you should label them once you?re done. This allows you to keep your garage organized while keeping bugs and rodents at bay.

Doing a home project requires the right tool for the job. This will help make sure the job is done right. The key to using the right tools is having the right knowledge to use them properly.

Because you are now armed with some excellent home renovation tips in the above article, you should now start gathering all the tools that you?ll need in order to begin. If you get stuck at any time while you are working on your project, read this article again to see if there is a solution here.

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Western missions, civil society groups press for ... - Stabroek News

Westerns missions and a host of institutions here issued a joint statement today saying that the path is now clear for the approval of four key bills that would pave the way for local government elections and urging all parties and civil society to take the process to conclusion.

It was the first time that the missions and the local organisations have collaborated on a joint statement on the long-awaited local government elections.

Those who subscribed to the statement were the British High Commission, the Delegation of the European Union to Guyana, the Embassy of the United States of America, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers, the Guyana Bar Association, the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association, the Guyana Trades Union Congress, the High Commission of Canada, the Private Sector Commission and Transparency Institute Guyana Inc.

The statement will add to the pressure on the PPP/C government to quickly pilot the four bills which were recently worked on by a Select Committee of Parliament. This committee was chaired by a representative of the opposition and some of the amendments to the bills were approved despite objections by representatives of the government on the committee. The government has frequently signalled that bills presented to the House without its approval will not be passed with their approval or assented to by President Donald Ramotar if passed with the one-seat opposition majority.

The statement issued by the US Embassy today said in part:

?At the start of 2013, political party leaders, civil society, private sector representatives, and members of the diplomatic community all expressed confidence that this would be the year in which Guyana would move forward to ensure that its citizens benefit from strong and effective local governance.? We are now midway through the year and, with a concerted effort, local government elections ? and the safer, more prosperous, and more democratic communities they can help build ? are within reach.

?After months of debate, hard work, and compromise, the parliamentary Select Committee on Local Government has forged agreement on the four bills necessary to establish a more modern and effective system of local governance.? This is a significant and positive step forward.? We welcome this action on the part of Guyana?s elected representatives to come together in the national interest.

?The path is now clear for approval of these four bills in the National Assembly before the upcoming annual recess.? We encourage all parties, with the support of civil society, to build on the constructive progress and goodwill thus far achieved to complete these vital pieces of legislation in the coming days so that technical preparations for local government elections can begin as soon as possible.

?Building on our established record of constructive engagement and support for effective and responsive democratic institutions, we look forward to supporting the Guyana Elections Commission, the Government of Guyana and civil society organizations as they move forward to prepare for local government elections this year.? There is much work ahead to boost public knowledge of the local government election process, the role of local government, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens and elected officials.?

?Guyana?s constitution states that `Local Government is a vital aspect of democracy and shall be organised so as to involve as many people as possible in the task of managing and developing the communities in which they live.? All of Guyana?s political parties have consistently affirmed their commitment to holding local elections and reinvigorating local government entities.? The Private Sector Commission, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Guyana Trades Union Congress and many other stakeholders have likewise raised their voice to reinforce this national consensus.? This consensus is so broad because stakeholders recognize that elected local government puts power into the hands of the citizens, giving them a vital framework to participate directly in building their communities.? It also makes possible the active civic participation that leads to better services, increased investment, and greater accountability and transparency, all of which contribute to better governance and stronger communities.

?The path is now clear for the restoration of effective democratic local governance in 2013.? That is good news for the citizens in every community in Guyana.?


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Obama to unveil climate change plan with sweeping emissions cuts

Recognizing that Congress is unlikely to pass significant climate change legislation during his second term, President Obama will take some of the most sweeping measures available to him to unilaterally combat global warming.

The new plan, which Mr. Obama will unveil Tuesday at Georgetown University, is expected to include a ramping up of energy efficiency and renewable energy in addition to national preparations to deal with the meteorological and financial impacts of climate change. But by far the strongest element of the plan is a set of new regulations intended to slash greenhouse-gas emissions from existing coal-fired power plants ? not just power plants built in the future.

Obama intends to issue a presidential memorandum directing the Environmental Protection Agency to implement new regulations of greenhouse-gas emissions under the authority of the Clean Air Act. The president's plan is an attempt to deliver on his promise to cut carbon emissions 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, White House officials told reporters in a conference call Monday.

RECOMMENDED: Think you know the odd effects of global climate change? Take our quiz.

The move has the potential to cut annually hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) ? a potent greenhouse gas ? and far overshadow any carbon-emissions cuts the Obama administration has achieved so far through improved fuel-efficiency standards. But it could also accelerate the closure of many existing older coal-fired power plants across the country, which are already struggling to meet current standards.

"Nothing on this scale in the Clean Air Act has ever been attempted before," says Kevin Book, an energy analyst with ClearView Partners, an energy economics consulting firm in Washington. "This step will be the catalyst for the next wave of coal-fired power plant retirements. It's almost certainly going to get hung up in the courts for years."

Obama seeks to combat global warming in a variety of ways in the new plan. Among the highlights:

  • Create new energy-efficiency standards for federal buildings and appliances.
  • Ramp up enough clean-energy production on public lands to power 6 million homes by 2020.
  • Extend $8 billion in loan-guarantee authority to accelerate investment in advanced fossil-energy and efficiency projects.
  • End public financing of coal-fired plants overseas and push for free trade in clean-energy technologies.

But a concrete plan to reach a 17 percent cut in carbon emissions is seen as the cornerstone of Obama's move. That figure is widely considered a requirement for the US to be taken seriously in ongoing international climate talks. Obama wants to reinvigorate US efforts to lead in those talks, White House officials said.

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They said the plan to address existing-power-plant emissions has a firm timeline ? adding credibility to the effort. The goal is to finalize power plant emissions regulations by June 2015, long enough before Mr. Obama leaves office to be solidly in force before the next administration takes over.

"We know that we have to get to work quickly in order to not only propose, but finalize the rule," said a senior White House official. "The president will be directing the EPA to start that work."

Neither the briefing for reporters nor the fact sheet and background materials provided by the White House presented an estimate for the tonnage of carbon emissions expected to be cut overall. Electricity-generating power plants emit about 2.4 billion tons of CO2 each year, roughly 40 percent of the nation?s total emissions. But the plan was still received enthusiastically by environmentalists.

"If this means a launch to begin [emissions] cuts to existing power plants, we?ll be very pleased. It?s everything we?ve been asking for,? says David Doniger, climate policy director for the Natural Resources Defense Council in Washington.

Lack of details on exactly how much tonnage of carbon emissions is expected to be cut is not a problem at this point, he and others say.

?It seems they?re not ready to say exactly what they?re going to propose,? Mr. Doniger says. ?But if they are willing to commit to [regulating] existing power plants, then that?s the core of it. That?s what we?ve been asking for. If there?s a deadline now, then that?s them carrying out the Clean Air Act the way it?s supposed to work....?

Coal-industry groups said the plan was misguided and would come at an enormous cost.

?We do not believe EPA regulations are an effective way to address concerns about global climate change,? said Robert Duncan, president and CEO of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. ?If EPA proceeds with regulations, they should be based on adequately demonstrated technology and provide an achievable timeframe to allow the coal industry to continue advancing clean coal technologies.

The past several years have not been kind to the coal industry, given the low cost of natural gas and the development of clean energy.

In the first half of last year, for example, 165 new power generators were added in 33 states, but among the 10 states with the bulk of new generating capacity, "most of the new capacity uses natural gas or renewable energy," the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported.

The trend is expected to continue, with natural gas-fired plants accounting for 60 percent of capacity additions between 2011 and 2035, EIA found. Coal is expected to account for 7 percent.

Utilities have shuttered about 12 percent of the nation?s coal-fired generating fleet since 2010, according to M.J. Bradley & Associates, an environmental consulting firm in Concord, Mass. Most, the study said, are "small, old, and lack advanced pollution control equipment."

These trends led to a 13.1 percent falloff in CO2 pollution from coal-fired electric power plants between 2005 and 2012, according to a recent analysis of EIA data by the Environmental Integrity Project, a Washington-based environmental group.

But the first quarter of 2013 has seen a 7.1 percent increase in CO2 emissions from coal compared with the same period last year as natural gas prices rose, encouraging more use of coal, according to the analysis. Global warming emissions from coal-based electricity are projected to rise 8.7 percent this year, though they are not expected to return to the peak levels of five to 10 years ago, the EIA has projected.

New regulations directed at existing plants could turn that trend, with many more coal-fired plants shuttered ? including even newer plants that cannot meet the new standards, energy experts say.

Still, the Obama administration says cutting carbon pollution will help modernize power plants, spark innovation to create new clean-energy technologies, and put Americans to work. Greater energy efficiency will save American families money, officials add.

Moreover, they point to the rising costs from extreme weather events, which many scientists say can be amplified by the effects of global warming. Last year alone, 11 different weather and climate disaster events incurred estimated losses of more than $1 billion each across the nation. Those events together resulted in over $110 billion in estimated damages, the second-costliest year on record.

?We don?t have to choose between cutting carbon pollution to protect the health of our kids and creating jobs,? a senior administration official told reporters. ?Americans know that we can do both.?

RECOMMENDED: Think you know the odd effects of global climate change? Take our quiz.

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Saudi Arabia says Syrian war on rebels is 'genocide'

By Lesley Wroughton

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Tuesday the Syrian government's attempts to suppress a rebellion amounted to "genocide" and called for rebels to get military aid to defend themselves, in a sharp escalation of rhetoric over the conflict.

Speaking at a news conference with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Jeddah, Saudi foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal criticized Iran, Russia and Hezbollah for backing and arming Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"Syria is facing a double-edged attack. It is facing genocide by the government and an invasion from outside the government ... (It) is facing a massive flow of weapons to aid and abet that invasion and that genocide. This must end," he said.

The prince did not spell out what he meant by genocide but the kingdom has accused Assad of using air and artillery strikes against heavily populated civilian areas.

The Syrian war has also become increasingly sectarian, pitting the president, from an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam, against rebels mostly from the country's Sunni Muslim majority.

The fighting has accentuated sectarian divisions across the region. Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states have already sent arms to the insurgents, while analysts and diplomats say Shi'ite power Iran, along with Russia, is among Assad's main suppliers.

Prince Saud said the world's top oil exporter "cannot be silent" at the recent decision by Lebanese Shi'ite militant group Hezbollah to send fighters into Syria to back Assad - the latest sign of how Syria's neighbors are getting entangled.

"The most dangerous development is the foreign participation, represented by Hezbollah and other militias supported by the forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard," the prince said, repeating a call for rebels to be armed.

"The kingdom calls for issuing an unequivocal international resolution to halt the provision of arms to the Syrian regime and states the illegitimacy of the regime," he added.


Kerry has returned to the Middle East after a two-day visit to India and, his aides say, will continue efforts to strengthen the Syrian opposition and revive peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

In Jeddah, Kerry held discussions with Prince Saud and Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who coordinates the kingdom's efforts to topple Assad.

The discussions included Washington's plans for providing direct military support to General Salim Idriss of the Supreme Military Council, the military wing of Syria's main civilian opposition group.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said he will arm the rebels but has not disclosed what type of assistance he will provide.

Kerry is trying to ensure that the aid to the rebels is properly coordinated among the allies, in part out of concern that weapons could end up in the hands of extremist groups.

"Our goal is very clear, we cannot let this be a wider war. We cannot let this contribute to more bloodshed and prolongation of the agony of the people of Syria," he said at the conference.

A meeting between Kerry and European and Arab counterparts in Doha last week agreed to increase support for Syria's rebels although there was no consensus over providing arms, with Germany and Italy strongly opposed.

More than 93,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict, which began as a protest movement against Assad.

(Reporting By Mahmoud Habboush and Lesley Wroughton, Editing by Angus McDowall and Andrew Heavens)


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How Well Do You Know Your Fish Fillet? Even Chefs Can Be Fooled

Jessica McConnell, 26, of Silver Spring, Md., tries to identify halibut, red snapper and salmon at a dinner hosted by Oceana and the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

Jessica McConnell, 26, of Silver Spring, Md., tries to identify halibut, red snapper and salmon at a dinner hosted by Oceana and the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

In the world of seafood, looks can be very deceiving. And unfortunately for anyone who buys fish, it's easy for people above you in the supply chain to sell you something other than what you want.

Oceana, a conservation group, has been beating the drum about seafood mislabeling for a while. Back in February, the organization released a study that found that 33 percent of the seafood it sampled at retail outlets in 21 states was mislabeled. (Note: The sampling was not randomized, so the findings should be taken with a grain of salt.)

This month, Oceana hosted a dinner with the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C., to prove once again how easy it is to become a victim of seafood fraud.

"It's nearly impossible for anyone ? even experts ? to tell the difference between many species of fish," Beth Lowell, Oceana's campaign director, tells The Salt.

(From top) Oceana paired wild salmon, red snapper and halibut, all on the left, with other fish that look remarkably similar to demonstrate how easy it would be to mislabel them.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

(From top) Oceana paired wild salmon, red snapper and halibut, all on the left, with other fish that look remarkably similar to demonstrate how easy it would be to mislabel them.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

The event began with a raw fish guessing game. Kimberly Warner, Oceana's senior scientist, stood with a clipboard and pen by a large silver bowl filled with ice and six glistening fillets of fish. The objective? To correctly identify wild salmon, red snapper and halibut paired with almost doppelgangers beside them.

Many of the guests were flummoxed by the task. Listen to how some made up their minds:

Chef Xavier Deshayes of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C., speaks to a crowd of diners during a fish taste test sponsored by the conservation group Oceana.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

Chef Xavier Deshayes of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C., speaks to a crowd of diners during a fish taste test sponsored by the conservation group Oceana.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

The undecided included chef Xavier Deshayes of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, who had prepared the meal we would soon eat. At first, Deschayes told me that he doesn't fall victim to mislabeling because he uses only purveyors that he trusts.

But as soon as he saw the two coral-colored fillets of salmon on the ice, he admitted that he didn't know which one was wild. "It's a lot easier to tell when you're looking at a whole fish instead of a fillet," he said.

Steve Vilnit, director of fisheries marketing for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, said he struggled with the snapper. "The sinew in the meat ... I'm thinking, but I don't know; that's a tough one."

After most guests had tried their hand at identifying the raw fillets, we sat down to a meal of some of the most commonly mislabeled fish species: grouper, salmon and red snapper. Each course featured two equally sized pieces of fish prepared in exactly the same way.

Diners' knowledge of frequently mislabeled fish was tested with an escabeche-style grouper, left, paired with an escabeche-style weakfish, right, and potatoes between them.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

Diners' knowledge of frequently mislabeled fish was tested with an escabeche-style grouper, left, paired with an escabeche-style weakfish, right, and potatoes between them.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

The first was grouper, cooked escabeche-style, and paired with potato salad. Its lookalike, Oceana's Lowell eventually told us, was a virtually indistinguishable piece of weakfish. In the February report, the group had found that 11 of the 44 samples of grouper, or 25 percent, were mislabeled.

Next up was the salmon course, with farm-raised salmon pitted against its wild counterpart. Listen to some of the guests' reactions:

Dehayes told me that farm-raised salmon has thicker layers of fat, and that the additional fat gives it a moister, more buttery texture. "I prefer farmed salmon to wild salmon, because wild salmon gets so dry when you cook it," he said. That turned out to be a helpful tip when it came time to taste the fish. The fish on the right felt apart in my mouth so easily, while the fish on the left, while delicious, was firmer and had a stronger, fishier taste. It was the wild salmon.

Wild Alaskan king salmon, at left, with farm-raised salmon, right, are served at a dinner at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

Wild Alaskan king salmon, at left, with farm-raised salmon, right, are served at a dinner at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

Lastly, we tasted red snapper, alongside a typical imposter: tilapia. Red snapper is the most commonly mislabeled fish, according to the Oceana report: Only seven of the 120 samples the group purchased and sampled were actually red snapper.

The prevalence of mislabeled red snapper gives consumers a distorted view of its availability, says Lowell. Another downside is that fishermen who are trying manage red snapper fisheries sustainably, like the ones in the Gulf Wild program who manage the catch in the Gulf of Mexico, have to compete against double-dealers who may have different priorities.

Fillets of chimichurri-crusted red snapper and tilapia, separated by fresh corn polenta.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

Fillets of chimichurri-crusted red snapper and tilapia, separated by fresh corn polenta.

Heather Rousseau/NPR

The snapper that Dehayes had prepared was covered in a chimichurri crust and served with fresh corn polenta. Although the snapper and tilapia had slightly different textures, strong spices made it tough to tell the two apart. It was easy to see why diners are so often tricked.

So who's to blame for all this mislabeling? According to Oceana, it's really hard to tell. It could be happening in the boat, during processing, at the wholesale level, at the retail counter or somewhere else along the way. But as Deshayes notes, if you're eating fraudulent fish at a restaurant, it may not be the fault of the chef.

Many chefs, especially those running large operations, buy fish that's already been filleted to save time. So that makes it harder for even the sharpest-eyed among them to spot imposters in the kitchen.

To stop mislabeling, Oceana would like to see an international traceability system to inform consumers where and when a fish was caught and what gear was used. But political support for such a system, which would be costly, has been tepid.

The seafood industry ? one of the least transparent in the food system ? has a long way to go before it can become more accountable to consumers. So in the meantime, ask chefs about which retail outlets they trust, and sharpen those senses.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Only Fragmentation That Matters (In Charts!)

The Only Fragmentation That Matters (In Charts!)

We can argue about Android fragmentation and conflicting standards all day long, but you know what? Those fights are nothing compared to how broken your own digital life is.

The Doghouse Diaries takes a close look at our own personal fragmentation?the dozens of services our files and chats are spread across?and it's probably depressingly familiar.

The Only Fragmentation That Matters (In Charts!)

And if you hadn't noticed, yes, it's getting worse and not better. But hey, happy Monday! [Doghouse Diaries]


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Gambling might be risky, but not if you know you're going to win. Then it's just free money. If that sounds up your alley, conman extraordinaire Richard Wiseman has yet another set of "bets" for you to try out on your friends. The ones that won't assault when they get wise to what you're up to, anyway.




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