Tuesday, April 30, 2013

F. Scott Fitzgerald's handwritten ledger online

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) ? An intriguing peek into the daily scribbles and life of author F. Scott Fitzgerald is now available online, just weeks before the opening of the movie "The Great Gatsby."

Researchers from the University of South Carolina's Thomas Cooper Library put a digital version of the famed author's handwritten financial ledger on their website last week, making it available for the first time for all readers, students and scholars.

"This is a record of everything Fitzgerald wrote, and what he did with it, in his own hand," said Elizabeth Sudduth, director of the Ernest F. Hollings Library and Rare Books Collection.

During a recent visit to the library's below-ground rare-book vault, Sudduth took the original 200-page book out of its clamshell protective cover. The ledger's yellowed pages ? with Fitzgerald's elegant, measured cursive strokes ? are a throwback to life before computer spreadsheets. The ledger shows Fitzgerald's tally of earnings from his works, the most famous of which is the novel "The Great Gatsby." The ledger lists his many short stories, books, and adaptations for stage and screen.

With the May 10 release of a new "Gatsby" movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Sudduth says library officials expect an upswing in interest in its Fitzgerald collection. The ledger will be on display at the library for about a month starting May 6, Sudduth said.

The library's Fitzgerald collection is considered the world's most comprehensive, with more than 3,000 publications, manuscripts, letters, book editions, screenplays and memorabilia. It also includes Fitzgerald's walking stick, briefcase and an engraved silver flask his wife gave him in 1918.

Some parts of the collection already are online. With the ledger's move to the website and the timing of the movie, Sudduth said, officials hope to call more attention to the collection.

In the ledger, Fitzgerald lists in carefully laid out columns his various pieces of writing, the location they were printed, and the income they produced. Fitzgerald's comments are sprinkled throughout. One describes the year 1919 ? when his first novel was accepted for publication and Zelda Sayre agreed to marry him, as ? "The most important year of life. Every emotion and my life work decided. Miserable and ecstatic but a great success."

By the time Fitzgerald started the ledger, Sudduth said, "he probably knew what he was doing. He left a space for his remarks, and then the final disposition."

With a laugh, she noted: "We know he didn't spell very well. And his arithmetic wasn't much better,"

But the overall document, she said, "shows that he was far more on top of his affairs than people thought," given a reputation in later life as a heavy drinker.

"He was keeping a record of his work for the future," Suddeth said. "He kept it, he updated it."

For the past 30 years, researchers have had to rely on a limited print facsimile of the ledger, which didn't catch the varied inks and scripts in Fitzgerald's hand.

Park Bucker, a USC associate English professor, said he's excited to discuss the new ledger with his students.

"It may be a unique artifact among American authors," Bucker said. "This is going to be an amazing thing for students to pore over and dip into. He created his own database. We do it on computers now, but he did it for himself,"

Bucker also said students are fascinated by seeing something a well-known author penned in his own hand.

"Students always remark how much they love his handwriting," he said. "They think his handwriting is just beautiful, and handwriting isn't valued today."

Bucker pointed out that the ledger shows Fitzgerald made most of his income from short stories and that he was able to earn a living from his literary work. "It was the rarest of things, an author who made a living," Bucker said.

In 1925, the ledger shows Fitzgerald earned less than $2,000 for the "Gatsby" book ? the same amount he received for a single short story published in The Saturday Evening Post.

In later years, Fitzgerald added more earnings from "The Great Gatsby." He sold the foreign motion picture rights for $16,666, as noted in the ledger. In another section, he lists about $5,000 in earnings from "Gatsby" when it ran as a play in New York, Chicago and elsewhere.

USC Professor Matthew Bruccoli began to acquire items for the Fitzgerald collection in the 1950s. He received some, including the ledger, from the author's only child, daughter Frances Scott Fitzgerald, also known as Scottie. Bruccoli wanted the collection to be used as a teaching and research tool, and he gave it to the university in 1994.

Bruccoli has since died, but the collection has continued to grow. It is now is valued at more than $4 million, Sudduth said.


The ledger online:



Susanne M. Schafer can be reached on Twitter at http://twitter.com/susannemarieap

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/f-scott-fitzgeralds-handwritten-ledger-online-145907697.html

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Authorities seek "persons of interest" in U.S. tied to Boston bombing

BOSTON (Reuters) - Congressional intelligence leaders said on Sunday that authorities are pursuing "persons of interest" in the United States in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings, and asked for more help from Russian spy agencies.

Congressman Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House Of Representatives intelligence committee said better cooperation from Russia was needed in Washington's probe of the two suspected bombers' recent contacts and activities.

Speaking on ABC's "This Week," Rogers said he believed that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, the elder of two ethnic Chechen brothers suspected of carrying out the April 15 blasts in Boston, clearly changed during his visit to Russia in 2012, becoming "radicalized."

"I think they (Russia) have information that would be incredibly helpful and that they haven't provided yet," he said.

New details of the unfolding investigation emerged following reports on Saturday that Tamerlan Tsarnaev spoke to his mother about "jihad" in a 2011 phone call secretly recorded by Russian officials.

U.S. authorities learned of the wiretapped discussion between Tsarnaev and his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, within the last few days, CBS News reported. Tsarnaev died in an April 18 shootout with police, three days after the bombings that killed three people and injure more than 260 others.

Asked about the information Russia might have, Rogers said of Russia's spy service, "The FSB is a hostile service to the FBI and the CIA and there is cultural problem there between where the Russians are and our folks. So they sent a letter, didn't have a lot of information." Rogers added that subsequent U.S. requests for assistance have not been met.

"We still have persons of interest that we're working to find and identify and have conversations with," said Rogers. The Michigan lawmaker declined to say how many "persons of interest" there were.

"We are looking at phone calls before and after the bombing," the intelligence committee's senior Democrat, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, also said on ABC.

The revelations that others are being sought for questioning came as the suspected bombers' father told Reuters on Sunday that he has abandoned plans to travel to the United States. Speaking from a village in southern Russia, Anzor Tsarnaev said he believed he would not be able to see his surviving son, Dzhokhar, 19, who is being held in a federal prison in Massachusetts on charges he also carried out the bombing.

"In every investigation we have seen" when suspects carried out attacks, Rogers told ABC, they had at least "affirmed" their plans to others.

In each case, Rogers said, "there was outside affirmation of their intent to commit an act of jihad." In the Boston bombing, "I believe that happened in the United States," he said.

Attention has turned to whether U.S. officials missed signs that Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have posed a security threat, including a warning from Russia that he might be an Islamic militant. Jihad can refer to a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty, or to a Muslim's personal struggle in devotion to the faith.

The FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011 but did not find enough cause to continue an investigation. His name was on the U.S. government's highly classified central database of people it views as potential threats, sources close to the bombing investigation have said.

Law enforcement authorities do not closely monitor the list, which includes about 500,000 people.

(Reporting by Maria Golovnina, Chris Francescani, Mohammad Zargham and Rachelle R. Younglai; editing by Barbara Goldberg and Jackie Frank)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/authorities-seek-persons-interest-u-tied-boston-bombing-192423073.html

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Dem. Senator ?Absolutely? Bringing Back Failed Gun Control Bill

* Huntelaar on target after injury break * Schalke in race for Champions League spot (Updates with quotes, details) BERLIN, April 28 (Reuters) - Klaas-Jan Hunterlaar scored a hat-trick in a fairytale comeback from an injury break to steer Schalke 04 to a 4-1 win over Hamburg SV on Sunday and boost their chances of Champions League action next season. The Dutchman, who had been out with a knee injury since early March, could not have hoped for a better return with Schalke firmly in control of fourth place which leads to the Champions League qualifying rounds. ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/dem-senator-absolutely-bringing-back-failed-gun-control-190052725.html

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Court rejects Pussy Riot member's early release

ZUBOVA POLYANA, Russia (AP) ? A Russian court on Friday rejected a plea for early release from prison by a member of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot, whose provocative songs and prosecution have made them a symbol of the country's opposition movement.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who has been in custody since her arrest last March, is serving a two-year sentence handed down after the band staged an irreverent protest against President Vladimir Putin in Moscow's main cathedral.

She and two other band members were sentenced to prison terms on charges of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred. She sought early release after serving half her sentence, a provision allowed by law.

Another of the convicted band members, Yekaterina Samutsevich, had her sentence suspended on appeal last year.

Tolokonnikova, dressed in a Soviet-style dark prison uniform with a white scarf around her neck, told the court that the prison colony where she is serving her sentence did not support her plea of early release because she "didn't repent." Russian law does not make repentance a condition for an early release.

In its deposition, the prison colony described Tolokonnikova as "insensitive to ethics and conscience and thinking only about herself."

The prison colony also listed a penalty that Tolokonnikova received for failing to say hello to a prison official while she was in the hospital and noted that she was once reprimanded for her refusal to go out for a walk while she was held in a Moscow jail.

Defense lawyers urged the court to release Tolokonnikova so that she can take care of her 5-year-old daughter. Attorney Dmitry Dinze also complained that prison officials seem unable to provide proper conditions to treat her persistent headaches.


Nataliya Vasilyeva and Jim Heintz contributed to this report from Moscow.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/court-rejects-pussy-riot-members-early-release-163601890.html

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Samsung to block access to app store in Iran

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? Iranian users of Samsung mobile applications said Thursday that the company had notified them that they will no longer have access to the company's online store as of May 22.

The move is seen as part of international sanctions on the country over its disputed nuclear program. The West has imposed banking and insurance sanctions on Iran since it suspects Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

At a Tehran shopping mall, owners of mobile phones and tablets said Thursday that they had received the message via email from the company late the night before. Retailers said they had no power over the decision.

"We have heard about it, but we are only responsible for hardware here, not software and apps," shopkeeper Bijan Ashtiani said.

In the message, Samsung said that it cannot provide access to the store, known as Samsung Apps, in Iran because of "legal barriers." It apologized to customers in emailed statement seen by the Associated Press on Thursday.

Samsung's offices in Tehran could not be immediately reached for comment due to the weekend there, and its headquarters in South Korea did not immediately respond to a request.

The decision quickly provoked ire on social media.

"Samsung is to stop its apps in Iran, oh how we appreciate our officials," wrote Bahareh, a Twitter user blaming Tehran's policy. Another, named Armin, pointed at the technology giant itself, saying: "Now, Samsung's sanctions honor us as well!"

Samsung spokesman Chris Jung in Seoul said the company is still looking into the matter and could not confirm any details.

Unlike Apple, Microsoft and Adobe, Samsung has provided localized services to Iranians in their native Persian language. In 2012, Finish communications giant Nokia stopped its services in the country.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/samsung-block-access-app-store-iran-120700300--finance.html

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Psychology: School violence

Psychology: School violence [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Apr-2013
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Contact: George Steffgen
University of Luxembourg

Study confirms link between school climate and violence

School violence is a very important social issue world-wide. It poses a significant threat to the health, achievement, and well-being of students. Although the most highly published incidents involve serious physical violence, less serious forms of physical aggression and psychological violence (including harassment, bullying, and relational aggression) present far more prevalent and persistent problems.

During the last twenty years there has been extensive research on identifying risk factors of school violence. Especially the concept of school climate has received increased attention. Most importantly, the social climate in class and in school is assumed to have a significant effect on the prevalence of violence in schools. But, the lack of clear definitions and empirically validated measures of school climate has resulted in a multitude of findings that are often difficult to interpret.

Professor Georges Steffgen and his team of researchers from the University of Luxembourg's Integrative Research Unit on Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) analysed the statistical results of a collection of empirical research studies, to find out if a relevant effect size could be detected between the relationship of school climate and school violence.

The meta-analysis of 36 independent studies reporting a relationship between school climate and school violence, showed a moderate negative relationship between students' perception of school climate and violence. Students' characteristics such as age, and gender, as well as school size and school grade do not influence this relationship.

The results, published in the April edition of the prestigious international review journal "Agression and Violent Behaviour" show that there is a relationship between school climate and violence. The analysis concludes that changes in the school environment could probably reduce the appearance of violent behaviour.

Professor Steffgen who is head of the University of Luxembourg's research group "Health promotion and aggression prevention" said:

"The research shows that implementing school educational and social functions do play a role, overturning the idea that violent perpetrators are themselves all alone responsible for school violence. Thus, it is recommended that future prevention programmes should consider both individual and environmental factors of school violence. "


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Psychology: School violence [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Apr-2013
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Contact: George Steffgen
University of Luxembourg

Study confirms link between school climate and violence

School violence is a very important social issue world-wide. It poses a significant threat to the health, achievement, and well-being of students. Although the most highly published incidents involve serious physical violence, less serious forms of physical aggression and psychological violence (including harassment, bullying, and relational aggression) present far more prevalent and persistent problems.

During the last twenty years there has been extensive research on identifying risk factors of school violence. Especially the concept of school climate has received increased attention. Most importantly, the social climate in class and in school is assumed to have a significant effect on the prevalence of violence in schools. But, the lack of clear definitions and empirically validated measures of school climate has resulted in a multitude of findings that are often difficult to interpret.

Professor Georges Steffgen and his team of researchers from the University of Luxembourg's Integrative Research Unit on Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) analysed the statistical results of a collection of empirical research studies, to find out if a relevant effect size could be detected between the relationship of school climate and school violence.

The meta-analysis of 36 independent studies reporting a relationship between school climate and school violence, showed a moderate negative relationship between students' perception of school climate and violence. Students' characteristics such as age, and gender, as well as school size and school grade do not influence this relationship.

The results, published in the April edition of the prestigious international review journal "Agression and Violent Behaviour" show that there is a relationship between school climate and violence. The analysis concludes that changes in the school environment could probably reduce the appearance of violent behaviour.

Professor Steffgen who is head of the University of Luxembourg's research group "Health promotion and aggression prevention" said:

"The research shows that implementing school educational and social functions do play a role, overturning the idea that violent perpetrators are themselves all alone responsible for school violence. Thus, it is recommended that future prevention programmes should consider both individual and environmental factors of school violence. "


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-04/uol-psv042513.php

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Lumia 521 for T-Mobile arrives early at HSN on April 27th for $149.95, general availability on May 22nd

Lumia 521 for TMobile arrives at HSN on April 27th, Microsoft Store on May 11th

Wanting to get first dibs on the Lumia 521 for T-Mobile? If so, it looks that you may need to tune into HSN on April 27th, because -- strange as it sounds -- the television network is offering the earliest access that we know of. Here, you'll be able to score T-Mobile's variant of the Lumia 520 for $149.95 off-contract, which includes a bonus car charger and screen protector. Following its arrival at HSN, the Lumia 521 will then hit Microsoft retail stores and Walmart on May 11th, with the same off-contract pricing. As you may recall, a previous leak from TmoNews suggested the smartphone would hit T-Mobile stores yesterday, but this date has come and gone without official availability (or even an announcement) from the carrier. Fret not, though, because we've done a bit of digging, and our sources tell us that the Lumia 521 is currently set to hit general availability on May 22nd, which by all measures should include all T-Mobile stores. Naturally, you now have some options to weigh, even if one of them might cost an ounce of your pride.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/25/lumia-521-for-t-mobile-availability-dates/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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Should I Use My 401(k) for Real Estate Investing? - RealEstate.com

The stock market?s gone nowhere for years. Interest rates on bonds and mortgages alike are hovering near their record lows. With the more traditional asset classes going nowhere, it?s very tempting to look elsewhere for investment returns. And compared to a few years ago, real estate is on sale.

Let?s take a look at some of your options when it comes to using 401(k) assets for real estate investing.

Cashing out Your 401(k)

Financing real estate investments with retirement money can be risky, but in some cases it might make sense to tap into your 401(k)If you have an old 401(k) balance from a former employer, one option is to take a distribution from your 401(k), pulling assets from your plan altogether. Before you do this, think through the ramifications:

Income taxes: The second you pull money out of your 401(k) ? without rolling over to an IRA or other 401(k) plan ? you incur an immediate income tax liability on the entire amount of the withdrawal. You also lose the benefit of future tax deferral, although this isn?t the end of the world. Investment real estate has tax advantages of its own, including the deferral of capital gains tax through 1031 exchanges and just plain holding on to properties, rather than selling. However, rental income is generally taxable outside of retirement plans.

Warning: If you do take a withdrawal, you won?t get the entire withdrawal amount. The 401(k) plan sponsor will withhold 20 percent of the distribution and send it to the IRS to offset expected income taxes. To avoid this consequence, you may consider rolling into an IRA first, and then taking the distribution, if you want to remove money from the retirement account.

Penalties: You may get tagged with a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty if you are under age 59?. The penalty is waived if you are over age 55 and have left your job, however. The 10 percent penalty is on the full amount you withdraw, not just on the 80 percent you actually receive from your employer. So if you do have to pay a penalty, your real penalty isn?t 10 percent, but 12.5 percent on the cash you actually receive. This is over and above any income taxes due. Between federal and state income taxes and penalties, you could lose as much as half of your purchasing power just in the transfer.

Exception: The IRS allows plan sponsors to provide for?hardship withdrawals for ?immediate and heavy? cash needs, including the purchase of a first home. In this case, you may be able to avoid the 10 percent penalty on your 401(k) withdrawal. However, the exception does not normally apply directly to investment property. You could purchase a home, live in it for a couple of years, and then turn it into a rental property. You still need to deal with the income taxes, however, regardless of the 10 percent penalty.

Wealth Protection: Keep in mind that in most cases, assets in an employers? 401(k) plan receive essentially unlimited protection against the claims of creditors. Even the IRS has a hard time collecting on debts from an employer 401(k) plan ? they typically have to wait until you start getting distributions to get any money. If you are at risk of being sued ? and nearly everyone is ? be careful about moving assets into a non-protected asset class.

PMI: If your loan-to-value ratio on a property is less than 80 percent, expect to pay?primary mortgage insurance premiums. This will likely run you about .75 percent of the loan value per year until you have the loan paid down below 20 percent. In some situations, it might make sense to tap your retirement funds to bring your down payment above the 20 percent threshold to avoid this cost. You can use the savings to repay your loan.

Taking a Loan From Your 401(k)

You may be able to borrow money from your 401(k) to jump-start your investment in real estate. Not every plan allows loans, but if your employer?s plan allows it, you can take a loan from your 401(k) plan, invest it in real estate, and take up to five years to pay the loan back with interest.

This will allow you to take the cash while still deferring income tax and avoiding early withdrawal penalties. Moreover, there?s no $10,000 limit ? meaning you can take your entire down payment from your 401(k).

You do need to repay the loan. For most loans, a 5-year period is common, though many plans authorize longer repayment periods of 10 to 15 years for home purchases. In theory, the interest isn?t a big deal because you?re just transferring money from one pocket to the other. In practice, though, you are repaying pre-tax dollars with after-tax dollars. So you may have to earn as much as $1.25 or more to pay yourself back a dollar.

What?s more, in the event you lose your job, you will only have 60 days to repay the loan. Otherwise, you?ll get tagged with income taxes and penalties on the whole balance outstanding. This can be a problem if you have invested the whole thing in a relatively illiquid asset such as real estate.

Opting for Self Direction

Another option ? less well understood ? is to open?a self-directed retirement account and buy real estate directly within it. If your 401(k) plan allows an in-service distribution, you can execute a rollover into an IRA, and then have the IRA buy real estate, says James Hitt, principal of American IRA LLC, a third-party administrator based in Asheville, N.C. that specializes in servicing self-directed retirement accounts. Currently, about 4 to 5 percent of IRAs are self-directed, says Hitt. This option isn?t for everyone ? but it may make sense for those with specific expertise in real estate investment.

Some things to consider:

  • Down payments for investment properties within IRAs tend to be high: 35 percent and more, plus reserves, says Hitt.

  • You can?t take money out of the IRA. Any rental income you receive must be reinvested in the IRA until you reach age 59?, or you may face penalties.

  • You can?t take depreciation deductions on property within an IRA.

  • You can?t write off passive income losses in investment property in an IRA, nor can you claim a capital loss on property you sell at a loss in an IRA or other retirement account.

  • You can only contribute up to $5,000 to an IRA in any given year ? plus an additional $1,000 in catch-up contributions if you are over age 50. This means that any repairs, renovations or other expenditures over that amount must be paid for with funds already inside the account.

  • You cannot use the property for your own benefit ? even for an overnight stay. Nor can your children, grandchildren, parents and grandparents. Siblings, however, are no problem. ?A lot of people get confused by this rule, thinking that because it?s a rental property, they can stay in it for up to two weeks. That?s not the case,? Hitt warns. Failure to abide by these rules risks having the entire IRA disallowed by the IRS, resulting in a 100 percent distribution of the entire account value, complete with taxes and penalties.

  • You can convert to a Roth IRA ? rendering future streams of income after you turn 59? to be tax-free ? in exchange for paying the income tax now.

  • You aren?t restricted to IRAs. If you have your own business, you can elect to set up a self-directed retirement account using a SEP, SIMPLE or Solo 401(k).

  • Retirement accounts aren?t completely 100 percent tax-deferred or tax-free. If you invest in leveraged real estate in your IRA ? or have a share in a partnership that uses leverage ? your IRA could have an?unrelated business income tax?liability.

The rules governing self-directed retirement accounts can be tricky ? and are not well understood by advisors who don?t specialize in this area of financial planning.

Source: http://www.realestate.com/advice/should-i-use-my-401k-for-real-estate-investing-35469/

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fonda to add prints by dad's at Chinese Theatre

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Jane Fonda is planning to shed a few tears on Saturday.

That's when the 75-year-old Oscar winner will place her hand and footprints next to her father's in the concrete shrine to celebrity outside Hollywood's Chinese Theatre. Then she'll present a special screening of the film she made with her dad, 1981's "On Golden Pond." The cement and cinematic tribute is part of the 2013 TCM Classic Film Festival, which is honoring Jane Fonda.

"I am very, very excited," Fonda said in an interview this week. "I thought probably I would die and this would never happen. I'm just really thrilled that it actually is happening and not only that, but I get to put my hand and footprints right next to my father. ... I'm just so happy I'll probably cry."

The honor inspired Fonda to reflect on her career, which hasn't slowed since she returned to acting in 2005 after a 15-year hiatus.

"I've made some really good films. There's also a lot of films I wish I could do over again," she said. "But I've been lucky: I've worked with some great directors, and I feel like I'm still a work in progress as an actor. I feel like I'm still learning."

After her guest-starring stint on "The Newsroom," she's more interested than ever in television.

"I'd love to have a television series of my own," Fonda said. "I'm hoping that might happen."

A fitness pioneer, Fonda continues to focus on health and wellness with a series of videos aimed at older exercisers. She also inspired countless Oscar watchers earlier this year with her fitted, bright yellow gown, and she serves as L'Oreal's oldest spokeswoman.

"When you're younger, you don't have to put so much time into it, but also I didn't care that much. I was an activist and I didn't think so much about how I appeared," she said. "As I've gotten older, I've paid more attention to how I dress, how I look, what makeup I use, what skincare products I use... I guess one reason that I put more effort into looking good now is because I think it gives hope to other women. It takes the edge off the fear that young people have of getting older."

The wisdom and openness that come with aging are easy to wear well, and Fonda said she's happier now than ever.

"This event that's coming up where I get to put my hand and shoeprints next to my dad in front of the Chinese Theatre, it's coming at a very happy time in my life," Fonda said, "and making it even happier."


Follow AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen on Twitter: www.twitter.com/APSandy.




Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fonda-add-prints-dads-chinese-theatre-140051305.html

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Making of Europe unlocked by DNA

DNA sequenced from nearly 40 ancient skeletons has shed light on the complex prehistoric events that shaped modern European populations.

A study of remains from Central Europe suggests the foundations of the modern gene pool were laid down between 4,000 and 2,000 BC - in Neolithic times.

These changes were likely brought about by the rapid growth and movement of some populations.

The work by an international team is published in Nature Communications.

Decades of study of the DNA patterns of modern Europeans suggests two major events in prehistory significantly affected the continent's genetic landscape: its initial peopling by hunter-gatherers in Palaeolithic times (35,000 years ago) and a wave of migration by Near Eastern farmers some 6,000 years ago. (in the early Neolithic)

But the extent to which present-day people are descended from the indigenous hunters versus the newcomers that arrived in the Neolithic has been a matter of some debate.

Family tree Continue reading the main story

?Start Quote

The genetic markers of this first pan-European culture, which was clearly very successful, were then suddenly replaced around 4,500 years ago, and we don't know why?

End Quote Prof Alan Cooper University of Adelaide

Analysis of DNA from ancient remains in Central and Northern Europe appears to show that the genetic legacy of the hunter-gatherers was all but erased by later migrations, including pioneer Neolithic farmers but possibly by later waves of people too. Still others caution that more samples are needed, and suggest that this picture might not be true for all regions of the continent.

The latest paper reveals that events some time after the initial migration of farmers into Europe did indeed have a major impact on the modern gene pool.

In the study, an international team of researchers focused on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the information in the cell's "batteries". This type of DNA is passed down, almost unchanged from a mother to her children.

By studying the mutations, or changes, in mtDNA sequences, researchers are able to probe the maternal histories of different human populations. It has enabled them to build a "family tree" of maternal ancestry, and group different mtDNA lineages together based on shared mutations.

For the latest paper, the authors chose to focus on one of these groupings known as haplogroup H.

Haplogroup H dominates mtDNA variation in Europe. Today, more than 40% of Europeans belong to this genetic "clan", with frequencies much higher in the west of the continent than in the east.

The team selected 39 human remains from the Mitelelbe Saale region of Germany, all of whom belonged to the "H" clan. This area has a very well preserved collection of human skeletons forming a continuous record of habitation across different archaeological cultures since Palaeolithic times.

The remains investigated here span 3,500 years of European prehistory, from the Early Neolithic to the Bronze Age.

Sequencing the mitochondrial genomes of these 39 remains revealed dynamic changes in DNA patterns over time. The team found that the genetic signatures of people from the Early Neolithic period were either rare or absent from modern populations.

And only about 19% of the Early Neolithic remains from Central Europe belonged to this genetic clan.

But, from the Middle Neolithic onwards, DNA patterns more closely resembled those of people living in the area today, pointing to a major - and previously unrecognised - population upheaval around 4,000 BC.

Co-author Prof Alan Cooper, from the University of Adelaide in Australia, said: "What is intriguing is that the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture, which was clearly very successful, were then suddenly replaced around 4,500 years ago, and we don't know why.

"Something major happened, and the hunt is now on to find out what that was."

Population growth and migration from western Europe may have driven up the frequency of people carrying haplogroup H.

Migrant wave

A significant contribution appears to have been made in the Late Neolithic, by populations linked to the so-called Bell Beaker archaeological culture. Sub-types of haplogroup H that are common today first appear with the Beaker people and the overall percentage of individuals belonging to the H clan jumps sharply at this time.

The origins of the "Beaker folk" are the subject of much debate. Despite having been excavated from the Mittelelbe Saale region of Germany, the Beaker individuals in this study showed close genetic similarities with people from modern Spain and Portugal.

Other remains belonging to the Late Neolithic Unetice culture attest to links with populations further east.

"We have established that the genetic foundations for modern Europe were only established in the Mid-Neolithic, after this major genetic transition around 4000 years ago," said co-author Dr Wolfgang Haak.

"This genetic diversity was then modified further by a series of incoming and expanding cultures from Iberia and Eastern Europe through the Late Neolithic."

Dr Spencer Wells, director of the Genographic Project, which was behind the study, commented: "Studies such as this on ancient remains serve as a valuable adjunct to the work we are doing with modern populations in the Genographic Project.

"While the DNA of people alive today can reveal the end result of their ancestors' ancient movements, to really understand the dynamics of how modern genetic patterns were created we need to study ancient material as well."

Paul.Rincon-INTERNET@bbc.co.uk and follow me on Twitter

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22252099#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

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Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, Wife of Dead Boston Bombing Suspect, Wanted For Questioning

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/04/katherine-russell-tsarnaev-wife-of-dead-boston-bmbing-suspect-wa/

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The Moneysaver: Great Gaming Headphones For The Price Of A ...

We've got your new gaming headset right here, your wallet won't even break a sweat.

The Corsair Vengeance 1500 USB Dolby 7.1 Gaming Headset was the "biggest surprise" in Kotaku's gaming headset roundup, but the discount on it was today's biggest surprise. Grab it from Amazon today for $60 with free shipping- the lowest this headset has been, and the same price some people paid for a new copy of Aliens: Colonial Marines. It even looks good. [Newegg]

Update: It's back! Newegg Link. Thanks to SuperSquishy for pointing this out.

Two other fantastic deals today are the Samsung 840 250GB Solid State Drive and the EVGA GeForce GTX 650 Video Card, both at their lowest prices ever. Check them out in the "Rigged" section.

If you're more interested in selling than buying, Amazon is giving $20 bonus credit on $20 or more worth of games, consoles, or accessories traded in. This is the first bonus credit on games Amazon has ever done. Ends April 27. Read our full coverage here. [Amazon]


? Vaas Portable Laptop Soundbar ($12) | eBay (DailySteals) via Dealzon | Lowest ever.

Looking for sub-$40 earbuds that aren't terrible? Gizmodo recommends these.
? Sol Republic Jax In-Ear Headphones ($40) | Amazon via Gizmodo

? Scosche Sport Wrap-Around Sweat Resistant Earbuds ($10) | eBay (DailySteals) via 9to5Toys | $30+ elsewhere

? Sennheiser IE80 Headphones ($292) | Amazon via SlickDeals | $413+ elsewhere

? Western Digital My Book 3TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive ($109) | BuyDig via Deals | $140+ elsewhere, lowest price since Black Friday | Use code VMEMOMDAY20

? Dell 29" UltraSharp Panoramic 2560x1080 IPS LED Monitor ($495) | Dell via TechBargains | $575+ elsewhere | Use code 0Q0C74SWNZC42$

This thing decodes, records, and beams signals sent to cable cards, and saves you money on rental fees. Not compatible with providers that don't use cable cards.
? Silicondust HDHomeRun PRIME 3-Tuner Network HD Cable Card Decoder ($139) | Newegg via TechBargains | $175+ elsewhere, tied for lowest ever. | Use code EMCYTZT3332

? Wacom Bamboo Capture Pen and Touch Tablet ($73) | Amazon via Deals | $86+ elsewhere, lowest ever

Not a Nest, but way cheaper.
? Lux programmable Smart Thermostat ($30) | Amazon via SlickDeals | $50+ elsewhere

? Today Only FREE MacX Video Converter Pro [Mac] | BitsDuJour via SlickDeals


? Alienware Laptops up to 44% off, 8 choices (starting at $969) | Groupon via SlickDeals

? EVGA GeForce GTX 650 1GB GDDR5 Video Card ($72) | Newegg via Deals | $114+ elsewhere, possibly the lowest price ever on a GTX 650 | Price includes $10 mail-in rebate and code EMCXSVT48. | Purchase of this card includes $75 in-game split across Hawken, Planetside 2, and World of Tanks. I'll be adding this promotion to our video card roundup.

? Corsair Vengeance 1500 USB Dolby 7.1 Gaming Headset ($60) | Amazon via Deals | $96+ elsewhere, lowest price ever.

? Logitech G9X Gaming Mouse [Modern Warfare 3 branding] ($38) | Amazon via Tech Deal Digger | $69+ elsewhere EMCXSVT69
? New Logitech G400s Optical Gaming Mouse ($40) | Best Buy via SlickDeals | $60 elsewhere
? Razer Orochi Wireless Elite 6400 dpi Mobile Gaming Mouse ($60) | Newegg via TechBargains | $65+ elsewhere | Use code

The Wirecutter's best SSD.
? Samsung 840 2.5" 250GB Solid State Drive ($148) | Newegg via TechBargains | Lowest ever.

? Seagate 1TB Solid State/7200rpm Hybrid Drive ($100) | Amazon via Deals | Lowest price ever by $20 | Here's the Gizmodo review.


? Pre-order GRID 2 [Steam] ($36) | Green Man Gaming via TechBargains | Normally $50 | Use code GMG20-GGN5D-FC3NA

? Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection [Origin] ($10) | Origin via Reddit | Lowest ever yesterday was $15 from Amazon | You must add the game to your cart from the "Featured" section in the application.

? Today Only Fable III [Steam] ($12.50) | Steam | Normally $50
? Today Only Fable: The Lost Chapters [Steam] ($2.50) | Normally $10

? Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition [Steam] ($7.50) | Steam | $30 elsewhere

? Uplay Mania Sale is live. Prices are not the mind-blowing, but there are bargains to be had. If you've never played Beyond Good and Evil, go get it now for $5. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is also a safe impulse at $2.50, plus "Juarez" is a fun word to say.

? Today Only Hacker Evolution Untold [Capsule] ($0.40) | Green Man Gaming via Dealzon | $10 elsewhere | Use code GMG20-GGN5D-FC3NA

? Stacking [DRM-free] ($6) | GOG | $15 elsewhere

? Bundle Crazy Machines [Steam] (Pay what you want, min. $1 for two games) | IndieGala | Pay $5 for all 4 games

Playstation 3

? Star Trek: The Game + FREE Star Trek (2009) [Blu-ray] ($60) | Best Buy via FatWallet

? Tomb Raider ($40) | Amazon via SlickDeals | Lowest so far.

? Spec Ops: The Line ($20) | Amazon via SlickDeals | $24+ elsewhere, lowest it's been on Amazon.

? Max Payne 3 ($16) | Amazon via Reddit | $30+ elsewhere

Playstation Plus Update
? Thomas Was Alone [Cross-Buy] ($7.99) | Sony | Normally $10
? Resident Evil franchise sale

Xbox 360

? Star Trek: The Game + FREE Star Trek (2009) [Blu-ray] ($60) | Best Buy via FatWallet

? Tomb Raider ($40) | Amazon via SlickDeals | Lowest so far.

? Max Payne 3 ($16) | Amazon via Reddit | $30+ elsewhere

? LIVE Gold Deals of the week are on. Nothing insane to see. I actually really enjoyed Rock of Ages, so grab that for $4 if you've been on the fence.

? Sennheiser X320 Xbox Headset + 3 Months of Gold ($80) | Rakuten via SlickDeals | Same price elsewhere without the Gold months.

Wii U

Man I wish that Link to the Past sequel was keeping the original art style.

Playstation Vita

Playstation Plus Update
? Thomas Was Alone [Cross-Buy] ($7.99) | Sony | Normally $10
? FREE Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny [PSP]


? Radiant Historia [DS] ($25) | Play-Asia via Daily Game Deals | $33+ elsewhere | Annoying, but the game actually costs $24.90, and you need $25 for free shipping. Find some cheap filler.


? New Otterbox iPhone Defender Case with ION Intelligence [4/4S] ($111) | Otterbox via 9to5Toys | Normally $130 | Use code AM2012 | Bonus: that code takes 15% off any Otterbox item.

? iPhone/iPod Wall Dock Charger ($13) | LivingSocial via FatWallet

? FREE WordFu Plus+ | iTunes via FatWallet


Got Project Shield envy?
? MOGA Mobile Gaming System for Android ($30) | Amazon via Tech Deal Digger | $40+ elsewhere

? Popular typing app Swype is finally out of beta. ($0.99) | Google Play


? Today Only Fast & Furious 1-5 [Blu-ray/Digital/UltraViolet] ($38) | Amazon via Daily DVD Deals
? Today Only Fast & Furious 1-5 [DVD] ($27) | Amazon via Daily DVD Deals
? Trainspotting [Blu-ray] ($5) | Amazon via Daily DVD Deals | $10+ elsewhere
? Fight Club [Blu-ray] ($10) | Amazon via SlickDeals
? Lost in Translation [Blu-ray] ($8) | Amazon via SlickDeals | $11+ elsewhere

? Man of Steel advance tickets will be sold exclusively at Walmart locations starting at 8am on May 18th. Tickets will include a digital copy of a Man of Steel comic and Walmart will offer pre-orders on Blu-ray and digital copies of the film, which include exclusive Walmart content.

? FREE 50 DC #1 Comics | Dark Horse via FatWallet

? Oakley Bags and Backpacks are on deep clearance. (starting at $20) | Oakley via Deals

? FREE "Recovery" song by Frank Turner | iTunes via FatWallet
? FREE "(Get Your Kicks On) Route 66" song by Nat King Cole | Google Play via FatWallet

? 180's Ear Warmers ($3) | BensOutlet via SlickDeals | Use code MARCHMADNESS

? Today Only J.Crew 25% off | J.Crew via SlickDeals | Use code SPRINGBEST

? Outback Steakhouse 4-Course Meal ($15) | Outback via TechBargains

? Papa John's 50% off large pizza. | Papa John's via TechBargains | Use code DRAFT50

Welcome to the new Moneysaver, now brought to you by the Commerce Team every weekday at 2:15pm EST. We're here to bring Kotaku readers the best gaming deals available, and to be clear, we also make money if you buy. We want your feedback.

Forget graphics?for my money, audio is the most vital aspect of a video game. It's the thing? Read?On December 11, 2006, Sega announced that they had snagged the rights to the much-beloved sci-fi? Read?If you've got games, consoles, and peripherals gathering dust and cluttering up your? Read?Apple EarPods?or whatever crap headphones came with your phone?aren't the best way to listen? Read?Dear Lifehacker, I've been hearing a lot about "smart" thermostats like the Nest.? Read?The graphics card(s) you choose for your new rig tend to be the most expensive component, and they? Read?My computer takes too long to boot up. Around a minute and 18 seconds, to be precise(r). Which is? Read?Looks like the newest 3DS Zelda game?announced today as a sequel to Link to the Past?really is set? Read?

Source: http://kotaku.com/the-moneysaver-great-gaming-headphones-for-the-price-o-479097416

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Low Libido ? Information Catalog Directory - Wazu Publishing

Bioidentical HRT is a great medical discovery used to successfully address andropause and menopause symptoms. This treatment is being used equally for men and women using different methods. Other than synthetic hormone treatment, bioidentical hrt is the means of providing its candidates with maximum health benefits, while reducing the risks of side effects concerned with this treatment. Using this treatment, one can successfully retain hormonal balances in his or her body. It has brought equal health advantages for both men and women, by giving them relief from all those symptoms that are making them anxious all the time.

Bioidentical HRT is considered a safer and healthier treatment to successfully overcome the deficiency levels of testosterone in men, and estrogen and progesterone in women. Undergoing this treatment helps a woman to get back regularities in her menstrual period, as well as enabling her to control night flashes and insomnia. Going with this treatment is a very successful deal for the sufferer of menopause, as it makes the menopause stage less uncomfortable and hazardous to the woman's health. Moreover, bioidentical hrt is ready to address other troubles such as libido loss, and it decreases the risks of heart diseases and attacks.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, is considered a more secure as well as healthier treatment to efficiently conquer the deficiency levels of testosterone in men, as well as estrogen as well as progesterone in females.

Going with this treatment is a very successful option for the sufferer of menopause, as it makes menopause phase less awkward and also hazardous to the female's health and wellness.

This treatment is the most frequently recommended treatment for andropause, as well as menopause sufferers, as it helps them a whole lot to increase up production degrees of their sexual hormones around the levels they are normally made in the physique. Adequate development of this bodily hormone is the surest boost in the quality of life.

Undergoing this health treatment will confirm that you are getting better in a quick way by observing a positive change in your overall well-being of health. You will improve your sexual life as well by improving your libido, that will help you taking interest in sexual activities to make your life enjoyable.

Low-Testosterone is a best place to experience the Hormone Replacement therapy. just come to Hormone-Replacement to treat your hormone imbalance.

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Source: http://wazupublishing.com/low-libido/

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New app aims to aid autism diagnosis | MNN - Mother Nature Network

New app aims to aid autism diagnosis

Researchers have developed a new app that would streamline an autism diagnosis and could help a child get treatment sooner.

Mon, Apr 15 2013 at 2:04 PM

For parents who suspect their child has autism, the road to diagnosis and treatment can be a long and painful one. Many children must undergo months ? if not years ? of tests before doctors will confirm a diagnosis and treatment can begin. But a new app hopes to streamline this process and make it easier for health care providers to diagnosis autism and get children started with a treatment plan.


The Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center, a Phoenix-based autism research nonprofit, is in the process of developing a smartphone application that doctors could use to diagnose autism based on videos of a child's behavior that have been uploaded onto a website. The aim of the app, called the Naturalistic Observation Diagnostic Assessment, would be to reduce the amount of time is takes to diagnose children suspected of having autism so that they can begin treatment sooner. This would be particularly helpful in rural communities where autism specialists are few and far between. ?


The center received a $2.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop the autism diagnosis app in collaboration with Behavior Imaging Solutions, a Boise, Idaho, medical-technology company, and the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. A spokesperson from the company told USA Today that the center will begin testing the app this summer with a goal to have the app available nationwide as early as 2014.



The opinions expressed by MNN Bloggers and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of MNN.com. While we have reviewed their content to make sure it complies with our Terms and Conditions, MNN is not responsible for the accuracy of any of their information.

Source: http://www.mnn.com/health/fitness-well-being/blogs/new-app-aims-to-aid-autism-diagnosis

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Gov't sources: Boston bomb suspect went to Russia

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev traveled to Russia last year and returned to the U.S. six months later, government officials told The Associated Press.

Investigators believe that Tsarneaev and his brother Dzhokhar are responsible for the deadly Boston Marathon attack that killed three people and wounded more than 180 others. The 26-year-old Tsarnaev died in a police shootout overnight. Dzhokhar is still being sought.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they couldn't talk publicly about an investigation in progress. Tsarnaev traveled from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, according to one of the officials.

The ethnic Chechen brothers lived in Dagestan, which neighbors the Chechnya region in southern Russia. They lived near Boston and had been in the U.S. for about a decade, one of their uncles said. There are no known ties at this point to Chechen extremist groups, one of the officials said.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-04-19-Boston%20Marathon-Suspect's%20Travels/id-47393542d9484905ae4d12f304da4fa6

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Peggy Carter Movie May Happen Down the Road


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True Ventures Confirms Investment In Second Life Founder Philip Rosedale's New Startup High Fidelity

hifi-logoEarlier this month, we wrote that High Fidelity, the virtual world startup led by Second Life founder Philip Rosedale, had raised $2.4 million of a $3.4 million round, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. However, we didn't know who had actually made the investment ? until today. Tony Conrad of True Ventures just announced that his firm led High Fidelity's Series A, and that Google Ventures and various angel investors also participated. The High Fidelity website now mentions Mitch Kapor and Linden Lab (the company behind Second Life) as investors too.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/fgtJ1BdGAYU/

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Time's Harry McCracken on the battery life mystery and Polaroid Super Shooters

Time's Harry McCracken on the battery life mystery and Polaroid Super Shooters

Every week, a new and interesting human being tackles our decidedly geeky take on the Proustian Q&A. This is the Engadget Questionnaire.

Time's technology editor-at-large Harry McCracken offers his take on OS agnosticism and the golf disconnect in our latest weekly inquiry session. A collection of responses to the rest of our tech questions resides on the other side of the break.

Filed under:


Source: Engadget Distro

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/19/engadget-questionnaire-time-harry-mccracken/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Yahoo adds 2 more applications to mobile arsenal

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? Yahoo is taking the next step in its effort to make some of its most popular services more appealing and accessible to the growing audience connecting to the Internet on smartphones and tablet computers.

The mobile push being orchestrated by CEO Marissa Mayer has hatched Yahoo's first email application for Apple Inc.'s iPad and other tablet computers running on Google Inc.'s Android software.

Yahoo also has created a new weather app for Apple's iPhone that will provide forecasts on top of slideshows feature pictures of landmarks in the cities chosen by a user.

The free apps are being released Thursday morning.

Like many other Internet companies, Yahoo Inc. is pouring more engineering talent and money into developing mobile applications as people spend more time on consuming content on smartphones and tablets.

Mayer has made mobile services one of her top priorities since defecting from a top job at Google to become Yahoo's CEO nine months ago. She has already overseen a redesign of Yahoo's email app for smartphones, as well as the app for its Flickr photo service on the iPhone and iPad.

Yahoo's increased emphasis appears to be resonating. After Yahoo announced its first-quarter earnings earlier this week, Mayer told analyst Yahoo's mobile services now attract about 300 million monthly visitors worldwide, up from 200 million in December.

Despite the increased traffic, Yahoo is still struggling to sell more of the advertising that brings in most of its money. The company's revenue from display advertising ? a key marketing channel ? fell 11 percent from the same time last year. Part of the problem stemmed from advertisers' reluctance to pay as much money for pitches delivered on the smaller screens of mobile devices. That factor contributed to a decline in Yahoo's average ad prices. Yahoo is also being hurt as advertisers funnel more of their online budgets toward Google and online social networking leader Facebook Inc.

Yahoo's new weather app for the iPhone features photos imported from Flickr. It will operate separately from the iPhone's built-in weather app, which is already powered by Yahoo, which is based in Sunnyvale, Calif. But that built-in app doesn't display photos nor does it promote Yahoo's brand in the app panel.

The new email app for the iPad and Android could help Yahoo regain some of the market share that it has lost in that segment to Google's Gmail ? one of the services that Mayer helped expand during her 13-year stint at Google.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/495d344a0d10421e9baa8ee77029cfbd/Article_2013-04-18-US-Yahoo-Mobile-Apps/id-307140c2e725444091d2e382485e9658

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

World stocks mixed amid concerns over Germany

BANGKOK (AP) ? World stock markets were mixed Wednesday, with Asian stocks boosted by positive U.S. data while European shares fell over worries about Germany in the wake of a downbeat investor survey.

Britain's FTSE 100 fell 0.5 percent to 6,271.08. Germany's DAX dropped 1.1 percent to 7,600.54. France's CAC-40 lost 0.6 percent to 3,664.60.

Matt Basi of CMC Markets said talk of Germany possibly facing a credit rating downgrade, on top of worse-than-expected British employment figures, contributed to the atmosphere of caution. European markets declined Tuesday after a survey gauging investor confidence in Germany fell, a sign of growing fears over the strength of the recovery in Europe's largest economy.

"The market reacting so drastically to idle chatter of this nature is probably less indicative of any belief in the gossip than of the general nervousness amongst traders," Basi said in a market commentary.

Wall Street appeared headed for losses. Dow Jones industrial futures fell 0.4 percent to 14,633 and S&P 500 futures shed 0.4 percent to 1,562.

Asian stock markets posted gains in reaction to a positive U.S. housing report and better-than-expecting corporate earnings.

U.S. builders started construction on 1 million homes last month, the highest level since June 2008, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday. The government also said consumer prices declined last month as the cost of gas fell sharply while food prices were unchanged, the latest evidence that inflation is in check.

On the corporate side, robust quarterly earnings provided additional reason to wade back into stocks. Coca-Cola, the world's biggest beverage maker, reported first quarter earnings that beat Wall Street forecasts. As of Monday, 34 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 had reported earnings and 20 had exceeded analysts' expectations.

Japan's Nikkei 225 rose 1.2 percent to 13,382.89. Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell 0.5 percent to 21,569.67. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 advanced 1.1 percent to 5,004.60. Benchmarks in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines also rose. South Korea's Kospi rose less than 0.1 percent to 1,923.84.

Analysts at DBS Bank Ltd. in Singapore suggested the U.S. housing data was not all that spectacular, since it reflects a big jump not in single family homes but in apartment construction, which is typically volatile.

"Still, you'd have to say it was a good day for data, especially in light of what's been seen over the past three weeks," DBS said, referring to weak hiring, manufacturing and retail sales reports that had suggested the U.S. economy was cooling.

Investors chose to put aside the International Monetary Fund's dour assessment of global growth. The IMF on Tuesday said it was lowering its outlook for the world economy this year, predicting that government spending cuts will slow U.S. growth and keep the euro currency countries in recession. The international lending organization cut its forecast for global growth to 3.3 percent this year, down from its January forecast of 3.5 percent.

Lorraine Tan, director at Standard & Poor's equity research in Singapore, said investors mostly regarded the IMF's initial numbers as too optimistic. Thus the lowering of its global growth outlook didn't sting all that much.

"Global growth is continuing to move along. That should be a positive," Tan said.

Among individual stocks, Japan's Komatsu rose 1.7 percent after the heavy machinery maker said it will start selling automatic bulldozers in North America in June, Kyodo News reported. Mazda Motor Corp. jumped 5.9 percent.

Benchmark oil for May delivery was down 38 cents $88.36 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose 1 cent to close at $88.72 on the Nymex on Tuesday.

In currencies, the euro fell to $1.3181 from $1.3188 late Tuesday in New York. The dollar rose to 98.13 yen from 97.44 yen.


Follow Pamela Sampson on twitter at http://twitter.com/pamelasampson

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/world-stocks-mixed-amid-concerns-over-germany-094241479--finance.html

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90% Caesar Must Die

All Critics (42) | Top Critics (16) | Fresh (38) | Rotten (4)

There's barely a wasted moment in the film, which runs a brisk 76 minutes and contains no female roles.

There's an intensity and emotional accuracy to the performances that's just stunning, particularly Striano's Brutus, as he longs for death and release.

It's an arresting, playful and moving film ...

Prison theatricals are nothing new in the movies, but Caesar Must Die, a quasi-documentary featuring hardened convicts acting out Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, is in a class by itself.

Ranks among the most involving adaptations of Shakespeare ever put on screen ...

What works best is what's readily accessible, the startling power of performers who understand the drama all too well.

Destined to lose years in prison, the actors seem to take pride -- and solace -- in their association with something as seemingly immortal as Shakespeare's words.

As they find issues and themes they can relate to, the action is never remotely static despite the frequent nature of the close-ups and the plastic sword.

The problem with the film, which somewhat inexplicably won the Golden Bear at Berlin last year, is that it scarcely transcends the basic novelty of its premise.

The juxtaposition of Shakespearean text and prison cell life is a particularly poignant one.

It is difficult to understand exactly where documentary ends and fiction begins, but the finale, again in colour, of the triumphant first night of the production can't fail to move.

It's never anything less than interesting, though I felt it didn't quite fulfil its potential, and the repetition of material at the beginning and end is disconcerting.

It is uncanny how Italy's film-makers keep failing to nail, or effectively to satirise, their country's strident political shortcomings.

Deeply felt melancholy lingers long after the credits roll.

Delivers a compelling and considered take on immemorial themes.

[It] has plenty of wit and punch, although compared to the best of the medium - Man On Wire, for instance - it sometimes comes off as guileless and clunky.

[An] inventive, urgent and humane prison drama, in which real-life Mafia and Camorra prisoners act in a version of Julius Caesar.

If you're looking for an adventurous thought-provoking film, "Caesar Must Die" more than fits the bill.

In just 76 minutes, the Taviani brothers treat us to a deeply affecting adaptation of this ancient play, embedded with even deeper meaning on account of its unconventional stars.

No quotes approved yet for Caesar Must Die. Logged in users can submit quotes.

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/caesar_must_die_2012/

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